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Is Rudy back to his old tricks?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DearRock, Jan 9, 2002.

  1. DearRock

    DearRock Member

    Jan 4, 2001
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    The Rockets last 3 games were against teams on the back end of a back to back. So you would think that we would have sped up the game and lenghten the rotation. A win is a win but this NY game and the indy game should never have come to this. We talk so much about the speed of our guards, well get some damn easy baskets. Why are we not pressuring on defense? We can only use the speed to go one on one?

    Then Rudy said he had a great practice. I did not see it tonight. I still see Mobley with poor shots, and Walt in the game. How much longer would we realize that anytime Walt is in the game that is an advantage to the other team.

    Substitutions! No Torres, no Tmo, no Willis. Remember when the big boys were our injured these were some of the guys who filled in impressively. Get your guys some rest towards the end of the 3Q or early 4th. We almost lost that game and nobody is going to tell me that fatique was not a problem. The proficiency of Thomas, Francis and Mobes was definitely down late in the 4th Q and those guys were running on empty. There is no need for Rudy, as coach, to tighten up like that.

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