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The truth of September 11

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by rompa, Nov 5, 2001.

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  1. rompa

    rompa Member

    May 10, 2001
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    Ok first of all im sorry i didnt know that duke was a racist nutter.

    But why cant you see what is happening?, your government is corrupt, you straight out belive anything they tell you and when they are proven to be lying you just dont care.

    Why are people getting mad at me, im just saying open your eyes and dont beleive everything the media tells you.

    It like Galileo saying the earth isnt the centre of the universe
    and he gets hammered and arrested, cause people just cant except it.

    while im at it here another little link you might enjoy,
    happy reading :cool:

  2. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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    I agree with Brian Kagy. Please do something about these morons.
  3. Timing

    Timing Member

    Jul 30, 2000
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    LOL Galileo and the Taliban, good analogy man.

    Is that the kind of media that you have your eyes and ears open for? Among the stories on there... the Taliban claims to have killed 95 Americans yet can't produce a single body. A mysterious US intelligence memo says the Mossad planned the 9/11 attack to pit the US against Palestinians and the Saudis. Another article says Florida's Jewish community is responsible for 9/11 and are just getting revenge against GW Bush because of the election. Then there's the classic Dan Rather sound byte, no doubt an interview from a different disaster pawned off as referring to 9/11.

    Pretty pathetic stuff man.
  4. Q8 Rocket

    Q8 Rocket Member

    Feb 9, 2001
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    WOW ! look at this guys . Timing found a great treasure !! what ?? what ?? two kids and 40 ? terrorism acts of hamas ? school buses ?? sucide bobmbers ?

    how about the israelies who killed about between 120- 150 kids since septmeber 2000 ? how many iraqi childrens were died ? ask ms allbright !! it's worthy to kill half million childern but it's to get saddam not for our freedom fighters to blow several buses there and there to take thier revenge and free their lands from those invaders ? it's worthy to drop your bombs on afgans kids heads just to take your vengence from those who hate your FREEDOM & DEMOCRACY ??

    if those half million iraqi childs deserve to die to wipeout saddam , then how many israeli child should die to reject them from arabs land ? to protect our holy shrines in palestine ?

    listen Timing , imagine yourself as a palestinian . you would have nothing but a stolen land , a killed child , .. etc . what would be your reaction on that ? are you gonna let those killers and thier families in save ? you have nothing to stay a life but pains and suffer . please tell me what ?

    i'm not with killing kids or women or old perosons . i'm just using the same logic that your EX jew secretary of state used . and the same logic your goverment is using now . revenge !!

    Timing let me ask you a question :

    what do you know about jews intends to destroy al-aqsa mosque ? i wanna see your information .
  5. Q8 Rocket

    Q8 Rocket Member

    Feb 9, 2001
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    Will :

    before i respond on your post , you have to define this term ((
    antisemitic ))
    ?? with some details l if you can .

    i asked Brain about it but there was no respond as usual .
  6. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    It's not that difficult.





    Any of these will do.
  7. Q8 Rocket

    Q8 Rocket Member

    Feb 9, 2001
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    mr.street , you shouldn't use these words just because you are not with my opinions . there is a big diffrence between criticizing my opinions and using ( Dump A$$ ) or whatever , it's not difficult to answer by the same way you do , but i'm not going to put myself in this level exchanging awful words .

    regarding your post . the jews interseted in Q8's oil so the congress didn't reject this concept , if the the jews didn't interst in the oil or money .. etc , the result would be completly diffrent .
  8. Timing

    Timing Member

    Jul 30, 2000
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    I have this mental picture of you slobbering uncontrollably as you ramble on about this nonsense. :eek:

    Anyways, let's deal with the facts why don't we. Islamic Jihad has taken responsibility to murdering two Israeli teens and injuring 40 other people on a bus. Last week, terrorists murdered 4 women at a bus stop and injured another 20 people. That would seem to indicate that it's the policy of Islamic Jihad to murder innocent civilians. This wasn't an attack on an IDF building and some people outside were inadvertantly killed, this was a deliberate and calculated attack on a bunch of civilians on a bus. You keep trying to squirm away from answering the issue of murders on behalf of your "freedom fighters" by rambling on about Jews, the media, Iraq, etc.

    Simply admit that your freedom fighters, unlike Israel and the US, have a policy of specifically targetting and murdering completely uninvolved and innocent civilians. That's one of the big differences between Israel and your terrorists. Israel targets Hamas leaders and suspected criminals, not Palestinian school kids riding on buses or women standing at bus stops. This is not to say that Israel and the US haven't killed innocent civilians, but they do not have a policy of targetting them like your favorite terrorist groups.

    As for your comments on Iraqi and Afghan children, that's simply propaganda on your part. Iraq and the Taliban are responsible for their children. Iraq has not complied with the agreements they signed to end the war they started. Iraq clearly would rather build more weapons of mass destruction than feed it's starving children. Why don't you blame Iraq for it's starving children? Why don't you blame Saddam for spending the milk money of Iraq's children on more weapons? Why don't you blame the Taliban for sending Afghanistan back to the Stone Age? The US feeds more Afghan children than the Taliban. Heck the Taliban steals food from Afghan's children. If the US pulled out all foreign aid for Afghanistan, who would feed their children? Radical bigots like yourself are always out to blame the world for your problems.

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you pretend that you're out for peace when all you really want to do is kill Jews and destroy Israel? It's so damn obvious that the smell of hate must be oozing out of your pores.
  9. HayesStreet

    HayesStreet Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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  10. HayesStreet

    HayesStreet Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    These are two great points that these guys will NEVER answer.
  11. rompa

    rompa Member

    May 10, 2001
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    You are obviously a jew,

    The jews have killed far more Palisteins than they have kille jews
    somthing in the order of 100-1, the Jews kill at will with there american funded arms and far supirior fire power such as american tanks and 2 billion dollar us taxes payers money given to them. so the Palisteins have to resort to petty crimes cause its all they can do, they are no match for the jews.

    On the subject of Iraq buying weapons and chemical weapons
    they were given to them by US!!

    Iraq has one of the best health systems in the world and has not much crime, but america and the jews (same thing?) had to ruin them didnt they.

    The problem in the middle east could be easily solved if the jews were kicked out of israel and the palisteins got there land back.
    that simple, but the US wont do that its not in there best interest is it.
  12. Q8 Rocket

    Q8 Rocket Member

    Feb 9, 2001
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    this is a good example about how these jews media washed your brain , how israel was established ?? how ?? read the long list of thier massacres in 1948 to know how did they kill innocent palestinians , and how they kicked them out of thier lands . what about Sabra and shatela camps victims ? 2,000 were innocent people were killed ? they were terorrist right ? 107 civilians were slaughtered by ‘Israeli” artillery shells at the Fijian UNIFIL headquarters in Qana in 1996 , they were terorrist also !! about 800 killed and 21000 wounded they were ter*** ??

    wow big diffrence !! israel destroyed 500 houses since the begining of the intifada , these houses was owned by te*** .
    putting 700,000 in refugee camps is because they are te**** ??

    ok Timing . here's a link for some masscres of your innocent jews



    a palestinian terorrist throws some stones on an innocent israeli soldier which results in death of this bigot !!!!!!

    Anyways, let's deal with the facts why don't we. Islamic Jihad has taken responsibility to murdering two Israeli teens and injuring 40 other people on a bus. Last week, terrorists murdered 4 women at a bus stop and injured another 20 people. That would seem to indicate that it's the policy of Islamic Jihad to murder innocent civilians. This wasn't an attack on an IDF building and some people outside were inadvertantly killed, this was a deliberate and calculated attack on a bunch of civilians on a bus. You keep trying to squirm away from answering the issue of murders on behalf of your "freedom fighters" by rambling on about Jews, the media, Iraq, etc.

    where can you get this facts ?? where can you hear it ?? i don't mean this facts that you mentioned but the facts in general .

    believe me timing , if you want to deal with the fact you will discover later that you are wrong . just use this word (( antisemitic )) and this one (( bigot )) like the others did . it's the magical solution to avoid any good disscusion about this case . use some jokes too !!

    the history will not go anywhere , the facts . the ugly zionism record of masscres is there . every thing is available . just shut up those who are bashing me and you will understand more .

    As for your comments on Iraqi and Afghan children, that's simply propaganda on your part. Iraq and the Taliban are responsible for their children. Iraq has not complied with the agreements they signed to end the war they started. Iraq clearly would rather build more weapons of mass destruction than feed it's starving children. Why don't you blame Iraq for it's starving children? Why don't you blame Saddam for spending the milk money of Iraq's children on more weapons? Why don't you blame the Taliban for sending Afghanistan back to the Stone Age? The US feeds more Afghan children than the Taliban. Heck the Taliban steals food from Afghan's children. If the US pulled out all foreign aid for Afghanistan, who would feed their children? Radical bigots like yourself are always out to blame the world for your problems.

    Nice . iraq and taliban are resopnisble i agree . who said that i don't blame taliban and Saddam . i blame your goverment either . without your goverment's help for those bastards they wouldn't stay on thier legs and create all this trouble in iraq and afganistan . i pointed out many times that saddam was a simple target for U.S goverment during Gulf war but they just let him is his place , taliban and bin laden got aids from this goverment .. why ??

    Let me ask you a question. Why do you pretend that you're out for peace when all you really want to do is kill Jews and destroy Israel? It's so damn obvious that the smell of hate must be oozing out of your pores.

    where is your answer on my question ?? i asked you about al-aqsa mosque ? what do i understand from your answer my question by a question ???

    if you know the answer please post it and you gonna find why there will be no peace if isreal stayed in palestine .

    and you think the jews don't want to kill us ? thier acts againts the palestinians since 1948 is a good evidence on that .

    more as i get time to stay here .
    #52 Q8 Rocket, Nov 6, 2001
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2001
  13. MadMax

    MadMax Contributing Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    one more time...i mean i've posted this about a thousand times since 9/11....

    Islamic terrorists target civilians...they develop and seek to acquire weapons of mass destruction...they blow up school buses, discos and office towers.

    the US does not target civilians...instead we put restrictions on ourselves to carry out our objectives to avoid civilian casualties...we spend billions of dollars on acquiring new technologies that allow our weapons to hit military/economic/political installations more precisely.
  14. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    I don't need to read it. I saw it was the site of a confirmed jackass, so I blew it off.
  15. HayesStreet

    HayesStreet Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    Nice picture. Compare it to the famous footage of the Chinese student stopping in front of the tank in Tienamen Square. Why did the US public overwhelming support that movement and overwhelmingly REJECT the Palestinian resistance? For one the Chinese weren't violent. Two, they didn't attack civilians. As I posted before (which you didn't answer), when was the last time a Jew took over a plane and rammed a freakin skyscraper? When was the last time a Jew blew up a disco in Germany, or a plane over Scotland, or threw a disabled old man overboard off a cruise ship, or assassinated a major world leader? How could the US support a group that has done nothing but attack our own people? Why would we WANT to help those same people?

    Compare your posts with almost ALL OTHER POSTS on this subject. You find very few opinions that say we should kill civilians and those that do are quickly drowned out by protests. YOU, however, only speak the language of hate and paranoia, which is why posters think you're as nutty as the terrorists you support.
  16. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    Do you even know who you're supporting with the above statement? This man is a member of an organization that would love to lynch/eradicate minorities off the face of the earth. Simply because this clown happens to support one of your opinions you're ready to ignore all the hatred he's stood for? David Duke is a monkey-spawn.
  17. glynch

    glynch Contributing Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Many have stated over and over that the difference is that the Israelis never deliberately targets civilians like the terrorists do. This legalistic distinction is enough for them.

    It is hard to prove or disprove intent in a case like this. We just know that every time there is a suicide bombing the Israeli retaliation results in large numbers of Palestinian civilians being killed.

    In trying to prove intent legally you can use circumstantial evidence. For instance if a contractor has ripped off dozens of people over and over again you ultimately can judge intent to rip off and prosecute for the crime of theft rahter than a civil dispute over failure to finish a contract to do work.

    It's a little like dwi homicide. The person didn't mean to kill the kids in the auto crash, they were just getting drunk and driving.
    There is a level at which when killing of kids and innocent civilians happens over observers don't care if you can ultimately prove that the kids were targetted. You just find the country guilty of callous disregard for civilian life, a position barely better than the deliberate targetting.
  18. Will

    Will Clutch Crew
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I can't believe I'm actually going to give IQ8 and rompa room some advice, but here it is. Have you guys ever watched Fox News? Fox News leans to the right; the other network news operations lean to the left. The most effective tactic of the liberal news operations is putting right-wing nutcases like Jerry Falwell on TV to represent the conservative viewpoint. Falwell delivers a bunch of absurdities and slanders, thereby misrepresenting and embarrassing intelligent conservatives. Fox News returns the favor by putting left-wing nutcases like Louis Farrakhan on TV so they can misrepresent and embarrass liberals in the same way.

    You two stupid bigots are doing for the Palestinians what Farrakhan does for the left. You're drowning out the intelligent voices on your side and giving everyone here the impression that people who support the Palestinians are stupid bigots. If you want to finish the job of turning everyone on this site against your cause, just keep posting.
  19. HayesStreet

    HayesStreet Member

    Oct 1, 1999
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    There is a big difference between a military action and drunk driving. This is a TERRIBLE comparison.

    Try manslaughter and murder. The Israelis may be committing manslaughter or reckless endangerment, but the Palestinians are committing murder. When an Israeli soldier fires on a crowd throwing rocks at his head, and hits a child (who is also in the crowd throwing rocks), that is not the outcome any of us wants. It may not be intentional but it still sucks. When non-regular military forces corner a school bus loaded with children and spray it down with automatic weapons or grenades, that is murder. There is no other intent but to kill children. That is NOT the same thing.
  20. rompa

    rompa Member

    May 10, 2001
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    well i tried to open your minds a bit, your so quick to doubt what ever i say and flame me call me a bigot, what ever that is.
    I didnt say u have to belive it just take it into consideration and to see things are not what the always seem, but you wont have a bar of it, your government is playing you for fools you are nothing but sheep to them.

    So hopefully one day you will get nuked and all stuff a horrible death and chemical warfare will wipe off the face of the earth maybe then you will start to think oh maybe our government should not of supported israel... maybe
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