yao marion shane tmac cat think about it. a vote for another popular guard could be a vote against tmac.
It's finally here: the annual All-Star argument of whether we should vote for the best players or the guys we want to most see in the All-Star game. Be fair to the rest of the world? You understand that your vote counts for something like 1/10,000,000th of the decision of who will be the starters, right? Btw, I voted Yao, TMac, Battier and wrote in Hayes. I don't like the way the NBA sets up the voting so you can only write in one person not on their ballot sheet. If I could vote how I wanted, I'd get a vote in for Luther too. Maybe I'll alternate between Head and Hayes each day. As it is, I have to strategically give my votes to second tier players so I don't pad the vote counts of Yao's and McGrady's main rivals, and so I can embarass said rivals by shrinking their lead over second tier players. Of course, my impact is negligible, but if CF.net all works together, we might be able to have a teensy-tiny impact.
We do not need to vote for Batier, he and his PEAK shoes are so popular in China now, he will get enough votes.
Wouldn't it be crazy if Battier got voted into the starting lineup because of the Chinese vote? There would be some very angry fans out there.
It's a popularity contest. You and I both know that fact. Whoever is known wins the starting spot. No matter what, only around 20% fans at most actually analyze, well this dude deserves this spot because he is shooting a great percentage from the free throw, doing everything for his team,etc. Most people are like, hmm I heard of him before, he is the one with the cool Adidas. I'll vote for him. It's really the bench that is picked on how they have performe.d
Yao. I'd like to say Tmac and Battier too, but I don't see them making it. However I'll vote for them. Tmac in top form especially should be All Star.
Yao+Tmac+Battier, write in Hayes. Lets count: CF member >20,000 x 60days => 1,200,000 votes Thought is enough vote for allstar, right? and JVG allstar coach! so rox team will keeping solid through allstar weekend. oh my bad, forget Rafer! Yes, make it happen Rockets team is starting 5 @ Vegas!
West: Nash, McGrady, Battier, Duncan, Yao East: Arenas, Johnson, Pierce, James, Howard. Write In: The Chuckster. (Yeah, there are no good big men in the East so I have James playing power forward. Heh.)
voted as follows: West East Anthony pierce Artest R.Wallace Davis V.Carter T-mac J.Johnson Yao E.CURRY and voted in SKIP TO MY LOU ( man if he was at the allstar game you would see some Highlights! ) anyway i always vote T-mac and the other differ all the time. By the way you dont even need to vote for Yao and t-mac cause China got them covered
Yeah, here's a hint if you guys haven't figured out. When voting for T-Mac, don't vote for another popular player as the other guard. It may end up causing your T-Mac vote to cancel out. So vote for T-Mac, and some other average player thats on the ballot or do a write in. Vote daily, we have to see T-Mac at the ASG, would be painful not to!
My Votes: West: F: Tim Duncan F: Kevin Garnett G: Kobe Bryant G: Tracy McGrady C: Yao Ming East: F: Chris Bosh F: Lebron James G: Dwayne Wade G: Allen Iverson C: Shaquille O'Neal