LeBron was a sure thing by his junior year in high school. Can't say the same thing about anyone that came out of this year's draft.
Darko was almost unanimously the 2nd overall pick. He got a ESPN Magazine cover about himself. He said something about wanting to date Hollywood celebrities in it. Wade was the suprise pick.
I doubt Jerry West would have allowed them to take Darko over Wade/Anthony/Bosh becuase of ESPN magazine covers and pre-draft hype.
Wasn't there an article that mentioned something about an interview with Gay and Rockets management not going so well? I could have sworn there was a brief mention of this somewhere from a legit (well, somewhat) source like the Chronicle. Maybe Gay came across the wrong way and management felt he wouldn't fit in with our 2 stars. Interviews can be an important factor. I remember Rudy mentioning the main reason they chose Cassell over other players was based on his interview with him. Rudy specifically mentioned asking Sam, "Are you concerned about having to guard Penny Hardaway?" and Sam responded something like, "Well, Penny's got to be just as concerned about guarding me." Rudy was sold on Sam's confidence at an early age. Maybe Gay came across as arrogant or indifferent- who knows? I mean, look what happened to Marcus Williams because he didn't care about his body fat? From possibly 8th to 22.
If my aunt had a package, she'd be my uncle. If Gay turns into Lebron then we won't be the only ones lamenting passing/trading him. Same as it was with Dwyane Wade.
I doubt seriously that Battier has a chance to even be a #2. He will make a #3 if we can't do better, and maybe a #4 if we get lucky.
You also have to remember that's what everyone said about Charlie Villanueva last year, but he turned out to be arguably the second best rookie behind Chris Paul.
Eddie Griffin is an athletic freak but a smooth and mellow guy. Flamed out. Stromile Swift in an athletic freak but a smooth and mellow guy. Flamed out. Rudy Gay is an athletic freak but a smooth and mellow guy. Fool me once ...fool me twice. Pass.
so true. jay williams, dunleavy, gooden, tskitishvili, wagner, nene, wilcox, amare. in amare's case those 7 teams have now avoided a guy who has now had microfracture surgery.
So what kind of smooth and mellow are you predicting for Rudy Gay? The missing practice, missing defensive assignments, fumbling passes type of smooth and mellow? Or the shooting at girlfriend, masturbating while driving drunk type of smooth and mellow?
Good post. I want to add a few words to it at the end if you don't mind though. "in amare's case those 7 teams have now avoided a guy who has now had microfracture surgery and a max contract." It's kind of scary to put "player whose game depends on great athletism", "microfracture knee surgery" and "max contract" in the same sentence.
Dirk Nowitzki, Amare Stoudemire, Tracy McGrady, Shawn Marion, Paul Pierce, Reggie Miller, Karla Malone, Kobe Bryant, Richard Jefferson, Tim Hardaway, and Dan Majerle agree with you.