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What's your all-star teams???

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Rocketability, Nov 28, 1999.

  1. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Yep. you can't really blame them because it's all for the fans. But in reality, it is a joke that the majority of the votes are coming in from kids who probably watch a grand total of 4 games a month and don't understand the game.

    Whooaaaaa Duuuuuuude!!! Did you see that dunk by Kobe the other night?!?!?! Aww man, he should be on the All-Star team!!!
  2. CBrownFanClub

    CBrownFanClub Member

    Oct 4, 1999
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    this is easy

    Forward: write in Chucky Brown
    Forward: Chris Webber
    Center: Hakeem
    Guard: Gary Payton
    Guard: Vernon Maxwell

    Guard: Sammy Cassell
    Guard: Eddie Jones
    Center: leave it blank
    Forward: Vince Carter
    Forward: Latrell Sprewell

    I disagree with Jenna and Cab on this one. The NBA 1st/2nd teams are the legit measures of success. The All Star game is and should be a bogus popularity contest where we get to play "Daytona 500" with the high profile players, injured or not. In fact, whoever we vote should be forced to play, so if we wanna see

    Jordan / Bird / Erving / McHale / Moses Malone

    take on

    Magic Johnson / Gervin / Kemp / Alex English / Ralph Sampson

    we should have that right.


    ps. When Chucky actually makes the All Star team in the NBA's first write in campaign next year, you people know who did it. . .
  3. Jenna

    Jenna Member

    Mar 4, 1999
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    Actually, if I had my way, there wouldn't be an All-Star Game. There would just be an extended break for all players to get a little breather, go back to their farm, ranch, plush Beverly Hills mansion, ghetto, house on the hill, whatever.

    Which is making me think....I think I just found a way to vote for Shandon. He can have Karl's vote (yes, I did say that on my own, no one is holding a gun to my head) and I take an extended, no-All-Star-Weekend weekend. I don't think I can take another jackhammer outside my window....

    I'm voting for the elimination of the All-Star Game now!

    [This message has been edited by Jenna (edited November 30, 1999).]
  4. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    I'm with you. The All-Star game is a joke and a complete waste of time. That no defense playing, popularity scrimmage is pathetic. If I want dunks, I'll turn on Sportscenter. Now if some deserving players got in for a chance..
  5. Rocketability

    Rocketability Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    The existence of the all-star break means the NBA is actually nothing more than a business ......

    ...... by performance, I would vote for Hornacek ...... Shandon? [​IMG]
  6. Pass 1st shoot 2nd

    Jun 2, 1999
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    The NBA does well because it is a business. Can you imagine how it would be if the players ran the league? You'd have a bunch of morons (with several notable exceptions) making business decisions that would make teams defunct. Then we'd have no basketball.
    I too think that the all-star game is a joke because clowns like Kobe Bryant(when Eddie Jones was playing BETTER) and Anfernee Hardaway get to start when other more deserving players like Kevin Willis (two years ago) have good seasons and don't even get to go or are pined. That is still good business because it makes money. Face it: people are suckers for marketing. The NBA is smart enough to package it and sell it to us.
  7. All star weekend lost all credibility with the advent of 2-Ball. I appreciate a sweet jump shot over a dunk just about any day. But do I want to see a practice session come all star weekend?

    Purely on merit:

    C- Shaq
    PF- Webber
    SF- Garnett
    SG- Payton
    PG- Kidd
  8. Pass 1st shoot 2nd

    Jun 2, 1999
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    Thedreamshake99 (damn that's along name),
    2-ball came about to market the WNBA; I doubt that it was never intended to take the dunk contest away forever. I am not saying Stern and I discussed this or anything, but that's my conception of the situation. But even if the dunk contest is gone for good, the NBA still made money off of it-so it was a good business decision (yes, I have a problem with getting in the last word).
  9. thacabbage

    thacabbage Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    The NBA All-Star game itself is merely nothing but a sales-driven exhibition with players wanting to put on a Jam Session. If that's all they are trying to do, then what is the point of voting for players for a game? They might as well get rid of the game and bring back the Dunk Contest, seeing that that is what the All-Star game is. Save us the trouble of seeing Anfernee Hardaway start over the more deserving just because "Little Penny" said he should..

    And yes, 2-ball sucks. It's an absolute joke and I would rather watch competitive fishing than it.

    With the subtraction of the Dunk Contest, the only thing worth watching during All-star weekend is the Rookie All Star game.

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