I have been seperated from my wife since May. We have been married for nine years, this month. She hates basketball and that is definately one of the reseans we are seperated now. In my opion your not gonna change and she is not going to change, so you better get it out for discussion. The more traits you do not have in common the more of a chance that you will end up apart.
I started teaching my wife about the game so she understands what's actually going on. So now she'll sit and watch with me a bit and go to games every once in a while. But between her and a 2-yeard old son, I have to put everything on my Tivo in case in I need to pause in the middle. Plus, like someone else says... sit through The Notebook and Just Like Heaven with them and they can't complain when you have sports on the tube.
My son demands DEMANDS that his friends and GIRLfriends, learn the Rox players -- and quizzes them. He's cool!
Great topic. My wife said before Game 7 in Dallas that she hoped the Rockets would lose so I'd stop staying up and watching the games. On my deathbed, or hers, I will consider forgiving that remark. But here's my advice, which worked pretty well for at least a few years: get some bargaining leverage by broadening the array of sports up for discussion. My wife really didn't want football games playing in our house. We cut a deal in which football and baseball were out, and soccer and basketball were OK. (She later caught me violating the deal to watch the Astros choke away that Randy Johnson series to the Braves.) A few hours of bone-crunching runs up the middle will do wonders to make her appreciate the fluidity and (relative) nonviolence of basketball. Either that, or find yourself a nice lesbian.
Guess I am really lucky ....while on leave when working in Iraq ... I met and married a very sweet Romanian woman and moved her here ..and she wants to learn all the good things here in America one of the 1st things i showed her was basketball in America ..she thought we all loved futball [witch she hates]...now she enjoys b-ball ...so we will be watching all the game together ...after the baby comes in mid Oct
I guess I'm lucky because my girl shuts up when I watch a rox game & listens my rants after a rox game. and if she even thinks about complaining, that's it, get out, end of story....but in between games, i treat her like a queen and work my *ss off.
same here. me and my gf of 3yrs im not sure would of lasting as long w/o her loving the sport and the rox as much as me. while i sit there and fall for everything mcgrady does, she on the other hand loves mutumbos finger...no point intended. i guess im 1 of the lucky few...and i didnt have to watch any chick flicks.
Yes this has turned into a great thread. Dandoritik-That is absolutely Hilarious, While she was here she made me watch "The Notebook" so add that one in there. R-81- Sorry to hear that, I have already explained my obsession to her and she seems to understand. She asked if it was worse than my Cowboys obsession and I told her it was 10 fold.
Same here, I think thats the key. My girl tolerates basketball, she could care either way, but she knows I love it and when there is a game on or if i'm watching highlights or whatever, she just does her own thing, she doesn't bother me at all. And if she did try to tell me not to watch a game or that she hated basketball or b****ed in any way, I would get so pissed off and i'd tell her to hit the road. I'm good to her and spend time with her doing other things, and she knows that if there is something important to me that she isn't interested in, then she won't bother me, she has plenty of things to do to occupy her time while I watch a game or two. On another note, I really don't want her watching the game and talking basketball with me, that is a turn off to me, I want to do that type of thing with the guys. I think this is why her and I get along so well, we aren't up in each others business all the time, she does her things, I do my things, and then we do our things together as well.
I consider myself somewhat obsessive. I buy season tickets(live in Austin) go to about 15 games a year (try to sell the rest email me if interested) get the NBA package and watch ALL of the games I don't go to. I've propab;y misssed about 20-30 games over the last ten years, mostly Spurs games not broadcast locally and blacked out on the NBA package, what a b______, but don't get me started. On the other hand, if there is something important, I'm happy to tape the game then watch it later that night. So there is some give and take in my obsession. On the other hand my wife encourages me to play golf each weekend, I assume because she like to have some time to herself. Generally speaking, she thinks sports are stupid. Occasionally she will try to watch a game with me, but it gets on my nerves. Doesn't understand enough to take it seriously, and irritates me when she asks questions. It works for us.
I watch the food network with my gf and she watches aqua teen hunger force with me. Oddly enough, I love the food network and she loves to watch ATHF, so when the Rox play we're like, meh. and besides, she still lives with her parents so i don't see her all day. which kind of sucks sometimes.
My GF isn't the biggest Rocket fan in the world, she gets really annoyed when I schedule our dates around Rocket games, but she understands my obsession. Thankfully DVR is one of the best inventions ever, the extra $6 a month is the best spent money I use here at UT. My suggestion, tape it or wait for it to come out on bit torrent.
I got my wife hooked in '94...and then reinforced the addiction in '95. She's a diehard Rockets fan. She still raves about the '95 playoffs.
I finally taught my girlfriend all the rockets names and then they go and trade 3/4 of the roster. It was cute how she always called Cuttino Mobley..Cuttino Mogley. She liked Moochie when he had the fro. But now all she knows is YAO and TMAC. I even got her to go to memphis with me to see the game ( I live in Nashville). In return I have to pretend I give a damn about the Buffalo Bills. Fair trade.