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Yao's stock?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Dreamshake, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    LOL yeah I remember that, He's the guy who played Archie on "Riverdale, 30 years Later". Don't ask me why I know this stuff.

    I'll do that from now on with these Yao posts. Everytime someone makes a r****ded observation of Yao, I'm just gonna say, you're right trade him
  2. bfunw

    bfunw Member

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Does the name "Sun" ring a bell?:rolleyes:
  3. ikfit

    ikfit Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    for our team, Yao is role player, but a little bit bigger role player.

    I noticed from those recently games, when yao on the court, his teammates have to try to pass to yao and that make the play not that nature and smoth that's why when deke in, the team sometimes play better. I feel the team still not used to play with yao and yao's slow and soft fingure also make his teammates fear to pass to him. I still no answer for this, But when I looked at JB's play and pass I seem to see the bright future.
  4. bfunw

    bfunw Member

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Even in last night game, Cavs saying

    "This is a league of spurts," Eric Snow said. "The difference between this game and Tuesday's is that we were able to stop Detroit's spurts and the difference here is that Houston's spurts put us in the hole. Tracy made plays, and Yao made plays. Their points in transition hurt us."

  5. forebay

    forebay Member

    Dec 18, 2002
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    the yao hater continue his quest for the precious in the intestine of yao ming.
  6. hangxy

    hangxy Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Just skip those morons.
  7. hangxy

    hangxy Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Then kick Yao's fat ass out of Houston. And win a champion.
  8. Texas Stoke

    Texas Stoke Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    why even post this? i really want to know what is going through your mind at the time you say 'ok I'm going to post this on clutch bbs'. I mean was it the caron butler and mihm for Yao trade that legitimized it for you? was it the jason williams and swift for Yao swap that had you say 'ok, there could be something to this." or was it the mobley and skinner for yao that hooked you?

    do you want Yao to be in a better situation so bad that you are willing to be duped so easily? is that what the deal is?

    just to let you know there's not more than one or two members on this board who would put any value into that crap you posted. you could smoke weed all day and crack and you should still be able to, right away, label that as false garbage.

    so, lesson for today is - keep yof to yof buddy emails between yof's. what goes on in yof email land stays in yof land.
  9. patlabor1

    patlabor1 Member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    Hmm, internet slacker loser is my designation? coming a guy that has close to 4 times the number of posts than I,

    quite the logic coming from an extremist Yoffer but what else kind of logic would I expect from an -extremist- yoffer.
    YOFs are not bad it is the extremist elements from this base that are trouble.

    Like Islamics extremist right wing Yoffers are no good
    just like Al-Qaeda they should be neatralized and contained.

    The YOF police should raid these people's homes and take away the highly addictive Yao jock strap these guys are sniffing, because the fumes emiting from such articles are distorting these guys sense of reality and impartial reasoning faculties.

    I would put you on the God fearing Ignore list but the list cannot be stretched long enough since too many Yoffers are moving into the extremist angle particulalry due to the recent bad or should I say lack of performances (since he is sitting on the bench so much) that Yao has accumulated.:rolleyes:
  10. zhao1109

    zhao1109 Member

    Jan 6, 2005
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    In a recent MSNBC article by Mike Kahn, Yao rank #16, six behind TMAC. it would be............... if people think Yao is a little bit bigger role player
  11. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    hotballa's not an extreme yoffer (yoffa?)

    This man, however:


    is definitely one.

    edit: pre-lockage, I want to send a shout out to my man yaphet k, just to drive home the reference.
    #51 SamFisher, Mar 25, 2005
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2005
  12. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    EDIT: removed, sorry to any CF posters who had to read my angry exchange
    #52 hotballa, Mar 25, 2005
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2005
  13. patlabor1

    patlabor1 Member

    Feb 15, 2004
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    Boy aren't you an emotional one,

    who mentioned 911 or was making lite of it?

    I'm perturbed, I use Al-Queda becuase it is an extremist islamic group
    that is more familiar with everyone but it could be substituted for the Neoconservatives in your Pentagon if you prefer.
  14. lalala902102001

    Jul 4, 2002
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    Yao has a role player's mentality. That's just who he is. People need to accept that. Ming may never become a superstar, but he's not leaving Houston anytime soon.
  15. HAYJON02

    HAYJON02 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Post of the thread. You get a gold star!
  16. hotballa

    hotballa Contributing Member

    Dec 27, 2002
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    a guy who likes Yao is not the same as a guy who blows up a building. You have obviously no sense of reality at all.
  17. sun12

    sun12 Member

    Jul 2, 2002
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    So what do you do if he demands Max? He does not play inspired ball even during his contract year, so what do you do?
  18. Jonhty

    Jonhty Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    it won't come to him demanding max. Rox will offer him max first.
  19. Panda

    Panda Member

    Jun 5, 2002
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    Yao has been a leader on the CNT squad, but his behavior pattern says he isn't an aggressive guy that pursues leadership. Yao is a team player who thinks that playing a team game is yielding to the team. He is also too nice a guy to exert his will. Yao needs to be put on the spot by circumstances to assume a leadership role - like he was on the CNT because it was daylight clear that his talent is the greatest and his play would make or break the team. Since T-Mac is No.1 option now. Yao is not being put on the spot by talent like he was on the CNT. So it demands that the system to put him on the spot, increasing his involvement in the offense to the point that his decisions will make or break the relevent plays, or even the outcome of game. Using him as a screen and some post ups aren't enough. Plus, Yao doesn't get the ball in the post sometimes even when he demands the ball by raising his arms. I'd like to see more ways to integrate Yao into the plays, like a Yao in the high post passing to multiple cutters... it might helps Yao develop some leadership mentality, but most important of all, to utilize his potential and make the Rockets bucks more well spent when they sign him to a max.
  20. denali_wjl

    denali_wjl Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    Yao will continue to improve, mark my word, he maybe won't
    become Shaq-in-his-prime-days but will be a 20/10 guy nontheless.

    He's needing some summer training to sharpen his skills and improve his stamina.

    He's not showing that superstar swagger because he knows
    he is not the best player on the team(yet), he knows he need
    to improve a lot to be able to carry the team togather with TMac.
    Coming from a culture that deems humbleness as great virtue, that
    considers arrogance as classless, he won't be screaming and
    demanding ball from his teammates any time soon. When Yao
    was playing for the China national team, he knew he was the best
    player on the team, and he screamed and demanded ball from his
    teammate, and he did carry the team numerous times. So once
    Yao's skill and stamina reach the next level, we will see a much
    more confident Yao.

    As Yao once said the first year he came to NBA, it took him 5 years
    to become the best player in CBA (from 17 years old to 22), he
    figured it might take him another 5 years to become a truly good
    NBA player. You don't see him worrying about his stats because
    he's got his own agenda, he is taking his time. So we just have
    to be patient with him as well. Yao is not a flamboyant person,
    but he is reliable and trustworthy.

    When Yao turns 27, he will be not only the best center in the
    league, but also one of the top players (ala Duncan, Garnett),
    a 20/10 player night in and night out. When you get impatient,
    just remind yourself the developing curves of Garnett, J. O'Neal
    and Dirk.

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