Lol in a game that we lost is your example? We haven't won a single game he missed this year and it doesn't work. Got it. You must be smarter than all the coaches who voted him an all star, oh he didn't play yesterday so it must have been his fault that SGA got 51 points right? Man he played such terrible perimeter d.
It's quite obvious some need to do it so they can deflect away from Jalen 'at this point it's on you if you think i'm a star' Green.
Think about the games he missed! Lol Last night against OKC, games BEFORE the ASB, when him, Jabari and FVV were out! Come on dude
watching Jalen shoot up bricks and throwing the ball to the other team is more fun? like yall don't watch the games. Sengun went to bench today in 4th at 6:36 second left in game, he came back around 2 minutes and during that stretch the rockets scored a grand total of 0 points.
This seems like a fun game, I'll play along. Their star perimeter player : 28 points, 15 assists, 2 TO, 77%TS, +20 Our star perimeter player : 12 points, 2 assists, 5 TO, 40% TS, -22
Rockets was down 96-103 when he came back in for Easin, don’t act like they were down 2 and Pacers ran away with it Yall get on here like play by play don’t exist - it’s easy to go back and see who was on court and who was missing shots during the runs
Very very disappointing loss. We are just not as good as we thought. Shooting still a significant problem and it’s a roster issue. Fred max can’t stay on the court. Jalen disappeared tonight. Sengun had the easiest 25 pts I’ve ever seen; should have been at least 30. No one could make foul shots. It feels like unless our defense plays out of its mind we are gonna lose. Tari was the lone positive tonight. I’m gonna make a rare Ime criticism: I did not appreciate just giving up on the game last night. It was potentially winnable and basically we doubled down on tonight’s game, which didn’t really translate into anything meaningful. Was glad to see Cam and Reed rewarded with some minutes tonight and the double big lineup was certainly interesting. The truth is we are a 1st round exit team if I’ve ever seen one. And that’s not gonna change until the offseason.
Wasn’t Ben Sullivan supposed to be some shooting coach guru or am I mistaken? this team would need Jesus, Yahweh, Allah, Amun-Ra, and Ogun to fix these shooting woes…a miracle is required
lol yall love + - when it’s not tagged to Alpi then it doesn’t matter … but for any other player it’s the first thing yall run too … if I’m on the court playing PG with the bench and bench gets out scored … ima be negative (-) rotations play more in + - than anything
Are you saying Jalen lost the game? Lol This game was lost defensively, if we had Turner I think we win. Remember, Rockets went to a double big lineup to try and stop the Pacers because they were driving in the lane at will. We don't have a center who can play DEFENSE. BTW, I'll debate you but I don't play games....I'm a grown ass man.