Rockets matchup well with the Lakers, Nobody on that team can guard Sengun and we have plenty of defenders to throw at Lebron and Luka. but the league won't let us win that series. (if the rockets make the playoffs of course)
CA said it was bad, it was Ryan that said it wasn't a flagrant 2. me i don't really care. CA and Ryan are more fun to listen to than literally 90% of the league.
Agreed. They are better than just about any other duo currently. Hopefully this will go away in time.
Good for our players, BAD for our mental health But keep the close games coming, our young fellas are learning and improving game by game!
That took a more than odd ending.....a Win is a Win. Good that both Lopez and Lillard could not hit the side of a barn.
We are all dumber for watching that fourth quarter. May all the players involved on both teams feel deep shame for putting that product out there. The Bucks didn't lose; the human race lost tonight.
Giannis has no hard feelings. He loves guys that play hard.
When i wake up early and check the score i thought match still ongoing. With 15-12 scoring at the fourh.
Observations: - we have too many players stuck in a certain way of dribbling, getting into their shot, going to the spot on the floor they like and are PRE-DETERMINED to do those things, regardless of the situation, spacing, defenders guarding them etc. It works a lot for Sengun in particular, but tonight you saw a few where he does the one step into the chest, turning his back, only to meet the defender and getting stuck. Jabari does the exact same type of shot in the post with the fade away, Green does the same street dribble motion and got caught twice last night. I feel some of this is still leftovers from the Silas era where anything went. - the one handed passes that Green usually throws and more often than not lead to turnovers since he just cannot do it and or telegraphs it, seems to be a team issue. Tari did it twice last night and I remember seeing Jabari do it on a regular basis as well before he got injured. Add to this that our team also suffers from guys who have a combination of butter fingers and bad handles, particularly these 3. The fact that this is the case is not necessarily the worst, if they just made sure to tighten up their dribbles, are more aware of where they are on the court and teammates recognized it so they wouldn’t throw difficult passes to them and make sure they space enough so those guys can recover if they lose the ball due to their lack of skills. - we somehow have a defensive strategy where even if we don’t double, we leave at least one 3pt shooter wide open. I cannot make it out why, guess sometimes we’re more in between a zone and man to man, but some shooters are too good to play around with. Watch whenever a team penetrates, we double or just scramble to get to the right guy or go too hard at the player who has the ball or is going to receive it that there’s no time to recover and a player gets a wide open three. Glad we won, but we definitely have some kinks to work out, this game should not have been this close. Glad next game is on ESPN, tired of the lame, Bullard Worrell like jokes that Hollins is forcing. He had this whole thing with “tickle the twine" where he literally said it 3 times in a row to get a response / laugh out of Craig, especially when he just said “tickle”. That plus the whole aeromax thing….
Not hating, just stating facts. Sengun threw that behind the head pass to Jabari because he knew the foul was coming and he’s a 69% FT shooter. Hollins IMMEDIATELY called it out as soon as it happened. Is he a Sengun hater?
I see your post and likes history as well and you a hater. Sengun has a great game and the only thing you can point out is a dumb mistake? All while ignoring his points, rebounds, assists, and blocks yet not even a peep about the other dumb mistakes by our players such as Amen's flagrant, Brooks 5 second violation and others? Come on haters, you can't hate a player repeatedly then back out when you get caught being a hater.
All those words yet you didn’t answer my question. Hollings IMMEDIATELY called out Sengun for running from free throws because he’s a poor shooter. Is Ryan Hollins a Sengun hater? Yes or no?
Does Ryan praise Sengun when he does well? Absolutely, listen the whole game. He already calls him the best player on the team. Therefore not a hater. Your post history on the other hand? Full of hate for Sengun, rarely giving praise but quick to call out mistakes. You a hater.
A win is a win, but boy we do bone headed stuff at the end of games. Gonna take a season or 2 to mature enough to win tight playoff games consistently. We hardly ever win with clutch offensive plays, we just are up enough for our stupid plays to not cost us.