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Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by NewRoxFan, Nov 25, 2018.

  1. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    I agree


    Didn't know that Don Jr. was part of the team talking to Putin about knifing Ukraine though... Unless you confused being an alcoholic abuser of women with cokehead with our Secretary of Defense.
    AleksandarN and dmoneybangbang like this.
  2. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    This may be what Trump, Elon, and Putin are thinking, but I'm betting Ukrainians have different ideas, as do many other countries. And many Americans. We are about to see a new world order set up--it will be about the same as during the Cold War but with the US switching sides. We'll see if it plays out as cleanly as just stated or whether there will be unintended consequences and unpredicted bad outcomes.

    The world is complex place and reality is a biiitch. One reason these guys will not last is because reality will catch up to them at some point, no matter how hard they try to deny it. As Lincoln said, you can't fool all of the people all of the time.
    Newlin likes this.
  3. Coach AI

    Coach AI Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Trump (and by extension, his cult followers) doing Putin's bidding for him?

    So shocking.
    dmoneybangbang likes this.
  4. sealclubber1016

    Supporting Member

    Mar 31, 2010
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    You Trumpers are truly sick individuals.

    You see a bully, and you side with him 100%. The little guy should just give up his lunch money, why is he resisting?

    We straight up would have sided with the Nazi's if scum like you had their way. I'm just gonna put you on ignore for both our benefits because you literally disgust me, and it ruins my experience here.
  5. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Obviously Trump is trying to create a new Axis powers with the Trump, Putin, Kim Jung, Orban, and Xi (big wildcard here) alliance. It's a move to shift the world back to a dictatorial system of subjects vs citizens. It isn't really an argument at this point you can make with a straight face. He has bluntly said it himself quoting the Napoleon movie.

    The question is whether or not the US citizens choose to be subjects or if we have that self determination, and fight that we always say we have. Do we want to be subjects like in China, or do we want independence, and freedom???

    Because we know where this is going, and either Trump is going to get pushback from at home, or he's going to get a population that rubber stamps the Axis powers shift, and global barrage of dictatorships flooding the world with corruption, and loss of freedoms. of course Europe could defy everyone, and that could be the lynch pin, but I think there's alot of watching the US first before they do anything type of attitude, and Trump is going to have a narrow window here to press us, and see if we press back.

    We know what the new world will be... look at Putin's Russia or Xi's China for reference of what Trump wants our world in America to look like. He wants to be a god king Pharoah. He wants laws to be whatever he says they are at the moment. He wants you to be his subjects who if they worship him, get taken care of, and he wants the smaller countries in the world to do the same. Some would think of this as very much an antichrist type of moment.

    The question is on us.... I think we failed the test already, but it's an open (but pretty hopeless) question to ask if there will be pushback, or if we are just going to sit back, and watch the reformation of the Axis powers with Trump, Putin, Kim Jung, and Xi remaking the world order to resemble something more like the pagan god kings of Ancient Egypt, or if we want to still have a say so in our lives for better or worse.
    arno_ed, ROCKSS and Newlin like this.
  6. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Makes me think the WORLD WAR won't be between countries
    but a bunch of coordinated civil wars within countries
    including the USA

    Rocket River
    arno_ed and Newlin like this.
  7. Tomstro

    Tomstro Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    my 1984 thesis as applied to modern times…

    Trump, Putin, and China are dividing the world up into 3 zones of influence

    Russia - euro zone
    China - Asia and pacific islands.

    And Africa gets plundered as usual
  8. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    I wouldn't advise anybody to read this, bur basically Trump is saying that he & by extension all of America and all that was sacrifices since WW2 is now in vain, because he & we are Putin's bottom b****.

    This is ironic because Putin has never been less powerful than now.
  9. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul

    Jun 1, 2022
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    Only an imbecile failed ambulance chaser like you do not understand the concept of follow the money, or maybe you do but you just sprouting bullshiit for your team.
    Salvy likes this.
  10. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
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    May 2, 2014
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  11. Salvy

    Salvy Member

    Nov 10, 2009
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    I see a post with Trump blasting, I like.... pretty simple... Thanks, was hilarious....
  12. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Why are you adopting Russian talking points? You can pose the question but you cannot keep a straight face while leaving out the glaring point that Russia controls a significant portion of Ukraine as they are at war over the eastern part of the country so an election for a country where the entire country cannot vote freely is no democratic election at all.

    Russia is saying this as a way of gaslighting and preying on peoples stupidity to spread this talking point like ignorant sheep.

    Are you an ignorant sheep, or just another pro Putin propagandist?? Because excluding this while spreading this propaganda puts you in 1 of those 2 categories.

    So tell us your position instead of posting crap. What do you actually believe and why do you think the situation is how it is??
    AleksandarN, dmoneybangbang and Sajan like this.
  13. Tomstro

    Tomstro Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    Trump is right.

    My question is how the hell does Ukraine plan on paying anything back to anyone?

    You know some of our money was being used to pay their govt salaries and pensions
    ****ing ridiculous
  14. El_Conquistador

    El_Conquistador King of the D&D, The Legend, #1 Ranking

    Jun 11, 2002
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    Sorry who is the dictator?

    Trump, who won an election (actually 3 now) and is actively seeking to restore power to the people by reducing the size of government?


    Zelensky, who refuses to hold an election and is ruling under martial law

  15. Tomstro

    Tomstro Member

    Jun 30, 2016
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    They did have an election in like 2014 and the pro EU party lost and we didn’t like it so we meddled and here we are.

    Russia only controls the Western quarter which is Russian anyway.

    They would vote to return to Russia which is probably part of the peace deal. I would guess
    #17235 Tomstro, Feb 19, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2025
  16. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Of course he would be voted out. Its why he refuses to hold an election. And they want to let this guy into NATO. Idiots.
  17. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Its fascinating how many 'intelligent' people (because, you know, liberals are all about pro-education and they know everything) can't imagine a time before the 1930's. Everything is 1940's hyperbole to them. Zero imagination.

    Back to the subject at hand, If we look back in time, we see a clear pattern of nation-states consolidating into economical powerhouses. Trump is clearly trying to bring the Americas together into an economic block. China will get the east. I am not sure if Russia and Europe combine. Europe has been trending for a couple centuries of doing things that doesn't favor the continent as a whole and I do not see that changing. Fact is Europe currently offers the world very little compared to the other continents.
  18. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    by Dave Schuler
    February 19, 2025

    George Will’s latest Washington Post column, arguing for a more activist role for the U. S. vis-à-vis Ukraine can be summarized in two equations:

    Russia 2025 = Germany 1938
    Russia 2025 = Soviet Union 1945

    He doesn’t actually present an argument but here are his major claims:

    Putin is waging what Johns Hopkins scholar Hal Brands calls (in his new book, “The Eurasian Century”) “a quasi-genocidal war.” Barbarian regimes (see “‘Be Cruel’: Inside Russia’s Torture System for Ukrainian POWs,” the Wall Street Journal, Feb. 10) will be barbaric until stopped. But a revanchist and expansionist Russia worries Europeans more than it worries Donald Trump.

    “Look,” he said on Feb. 3 regarding Europe, “we have an ocean in between. They don’t. It’s more important for them than it is for us.” But the ocean was there in 1941. And someone should explain to Trump the acronym “ICBM.”

    I agree that Russia is revanchist. I don’t believe it is expansionist and I don’t believe either of the two equations above.

    What I actually think is that Russia wants a materially demilitarized buffer between itself and countries that invaded Russia in the 20th century. To his discourse on 20th century history he might include that Germany, France, Britain, the United States, Poland, and even Italy invaded Russia in the 20th century.

    I also think the following equations are false:

    Europe 2025 = Europe 1918
    Europe 2025 = Europe 1945

    What I think our objective should be is to convince the Russians that they have no reason to fear invasion or even covert destabilizing activities from NATO countries. Is it even possible to do that with a country as paranoid from long experience as Russia? And do we actually want to do that?

  19. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    That is because most Trumpers are cowards - they were tossed into lockers in high school, they were bullied, still probably are, are lower level name tag wearing middle managers, and want everyone else to feel as sad as they do, because they blame others for being such wussies.

    Stephen Miller, Bannon, Trump - all outcasts who are desperate to be liked.

    Somehow we let the sad neverweres in charge.

  20. Commodore

    Commodore Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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