I did finally see season 5 two months ago and while it was entertaining it definitely was a step down from the prior seasons. on a personal note I was referencing the show for a Judo student in his 20’s this past weekend . He isnt someone who trains with me often but got roped into being a training partner for some students I’m training for national competition. As such ran him through a much harder workout session than he had had before. I told him that it wasn’t that hard compare to the stuff that I went through in the 80’s and 90’s and said then it was like Cobra Kai.
I'm still enjoying it because I'm attached to the characters, but it's definitely time to put the series to bed. They are starting to repeat stories (i.e. they already did the Daniel and Johnny friction trying to teach together two seasons ago). Really last season should've been the final season.
Question is spoilered for those that haven't finished the new season yet...... Spoiler Are you thinking he killed Tori's mom to get her to turn? He's a demon but not to the point of murder, right???
Yep that's what I'm wondering. Maybe that snake thing sent him to the deep end? "Remove all distractions"
Man, really wished he chose to reprise Dutch...RIP He played a great villain, maybe even better than Johnny https://ew.com/chad-mcqueen-dead-karate-kid-villain-son-of-steve-mcqueen-was-63-8711914
Frosted tips were very intimidating back in the 80's. He was a bigger a-hole than Johnny IMO. When you really hate a character, that usually means the actor did his job. RIP.
He killed his commanding officer in Vietnam purely out of spite, and was betrayed by his best friend whose life he saved in combat. So while he identifies with Tori and looks out for her (like letting her choose her strategy for the last points of the All Valley, and informing Amanda LaRusso of her mother's illness and life situation), he may have been embittered to the point killing her mom / letting her die to manipulate her. He was probably a pretty big law & order guy before being framed by Silver.
Pretty amazing that this show has had such legs. Started out as a low budget Hail Mary and just kept going. I wore a Johnny costume to an EDM fest a few years ago and guys half my age were coming up to me telling me how much the show meant to them. Some of them thought I was Johnny. But, you know, consider where I was. Awesome that a show can run its course and finish on its own merits. **** David Zaslav.
It has been an absolute pleasure to watch this show for 7 years. Although I wish they ended it in Season 5, the last couple of episodes for season 6 was good enough. One of the best American television series of my time. Cobra Kai never dies!.