We had our years of suffering (20-21, 21-22, 22-23) while those assholes got to enjoy great years with Luka. Now to see them get ****ed, those Mavs tears taste soooooooooooo good.
I forgot which team it was, but wasn't there some batshit crazy Mavs fan who would always post videos of himself after games, going completely nuts? Or was that a Jazz fan? It was quite entertaining. If it was a Mavs fan, I'd love to see his reaction.
I think that guy was a Jazz fan. I remember seeing those vids after we pounded them in the Harden era
FTM but it kinda hurts seeing them reamed by their own FO like this. Maybe it’s also because the Lakers got the good end of stick again. Maybe just me though
I don't feel good about it. I followed the Rockets since Steve Francis got drafted and I hate the Mavs so much over the years, but I never feel good about these type of rigged trade happened to any teams, especially it is the Lakers.
Haha yes that was the guy I meant. Sadly looks like this guy stopped making videos years ago. But I think there was another one...one that seemed to not be "all there". Just searched...yeah, looks like the other guy was a Jazz fan called "ZDog".
LOL found the Jazz fan. But we need a reaction video to the Luka trade from Captain Jackass. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTo1-5jPItzGLM_fQHihJTg
I wouldnt wish this on my worst enemy especially how it happened. It has to be the most evil hearted trade in history.
I don't. This move is so hostile towards their own fanbase and so disrespectful for the fandom of that franchise as a whole, that I can't feel good about it. This seems to be a pure business move with no regard for basketball. I do enjoy teams like the Mavs choking (really more of a Jazz hater myself), I do enjoy seeing them overpaying a player or mismanaging guys like Brunson - but I don't enjoy this.
Nah, for once I’m with the Mavs fans. This is a stick up. They're getting robbed. I would lose my **** if they traded harden right after we almost beat the warriors for a 36 year old ex sometimes-supertstar. Sorry can't enjoy their pain this time.
You could at least count on Harden to play majority of games. Including this season and the last two, Luka has actually missed more time than AD. And Harden has never been at a playing weight of 270 lol On paper, Mavs might be the better team than the Lakers right now.