Why do y'all refuse to believe Amen is a pg? Even Udoka confirmed that's his natural position. He just happens to be able to play and guard multiple positions. If FVV gets traded or goes to the bench, AMEN WILL BE THE STARTING PG.
Have you seen him forget the ball and leave it behind him trying to do dribble moves against set defenses in traffic? That's why. Ask Ime if he trusts Amen to take the ball up during a full court press.
The same reason I didn't think Tracy McGrady was a PG. Just because a player can pass a little bit doesn't make them a PG.
This lineup has 48 minutes played with a +9.8 net rating which is really good. I don't think it's as bad as people think.
Amen = AmenHUB = PowerHUB Jalen = de facto guard = shooting guard surround with defensive shooting wings Brooks Cam Bari
Amen is absolutely a more naturally gifted passer than Green. Some of it has to do with more than likely his larger hands I assume due to being proportionally bigger. I remember one of the past few games Amen off a defensive rebound went coast to coast and drew multiple defenders at the rim but all his momentum was heading out of bounds and he was under the rim and zipped a line drive right to Green for a wide open three. That takes a lot of strength to zip a pass with you going full speed the opposite direction of the pass. That is stuff Amen can do that Jalen can't on offense. Amen also makes quicker decisions with his passes. That leads to fewer turnovers on passes. I feel like Amen gets a lot less turnovers on bad passes than Jalen. Green still has bad habits of throwing passes that are easily intercepted because he doesn't zip them like Amen. That is the main reason it's not a good idea to make Green a full time pg. He really needs to improve on that. But Jalen does have an advantage in things like footwork, slithering through tight places with a live dribble etc. Green has more control of his agility than Amen. Jalen being smaller probably had to develop these traits more than Amen as usually smaller players are traditionally going to be better at these things.
how much did JabJab pay you? seriously? u have been Jabari Smith Jr. since the beginning. are you him?
I am ready for the Jalen Lunch Pail kids to hit reality and stop trying to shoe horn a flawed player into more important positions because they like him. DD
Jalen basically cannot dribble the ball. He fumbles under pressure every time. His court awareness is very much tunnel vision, his peripheral vision is not great. Amen has a better handle, and great vision, but isn't yet ready. No idea what happens when Jabari gets back. But it's the Rockets - strong chance he misses the rest of the season....
Sheesh.. The fact you're even comparing the two is crazy. Who the hell thought Tracy was a point guard? Were you even a Rockets fan when Tmac was a Rocket? When has a coach or GM ever come out and said Tmac is a natural point guard playing out of his position? I know you love your boy Reed, but if the organization says Amen is a pg then there's no reason for me to go back and forth with biased player OnlyFans such as yourself.
You're talking present tense when OP is talking about a lineup in the future (with FVV either out of the picture or coming off the bench). Which would be NEXT season after Amen will have another full off-season to work on his weaknesses. It doesn't change the fact that he's a natural point guard and always has been. Nothing you said changes the fact that the organization views him as a point guard. Udoka confirmed this so how about you ask him. They can probably trust Amen bringing the ball up about as much as JG. I damn near have an anxiety attack watching FVV trying to dribble around players. Most of you were ready to give up on Amen last season when he was a rookie and injured part of the season, so I don't expect fools who know nothing about the game to agree. It's called DEVELOPMENT for a reason. He has great work ethic and will keep getting better. I like Reed. He'll get better too, but do I think he'll start at the beginning of next season (if FVV isn't on the team or comes off the bench)? No. If he's still on the team next season, I expect him to start eventually. But at the beginning of next season I believe the lineup will be much different and for the Rockets to build around Sengun and Amen. I expect FVV to be gone and for Reed to the back up pg until he's ready to take over as a full time starter (if he's still on the team by then). Regardless of all of this though - Amen is not a shooting guard and JG's most definitely not a point guard so OP's lineup prediction makes no sense. I hope you all enjoy your Sunday.
Give up dude? Wtf? Because I think Amen is t primary ball handler material I think we should give up on him? Dude I think he's going to win DPOY multiple times. He absolutely should be one of the main core pieces this team builds around.
Bro, your center aveages the second best asists in this team, moreover he asists %200 more than your SG. Are you drunk? Alpi 5 asists per game, Jalen at best 2,5 asists per game. Jalen can never be PG in this league with his tunnel vision, low basketball iq. He can not make decisions, he is not clever as a player. I dont want so many things from.him, just scoring efficiently, thats all. Let Alpi and FVV do the intelligence, basketball iq needed things.. Enough for me