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Fischer: Rockets interested in reaching long term deal with Fred VanVleet

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by OremLK, Jan 31, 2025.


Should the Rockets sign FVV to a long-term deal?

  1. Yes (at any semi-reasonable price)

    61 vote(s)
  2. Maybe (only on a team-friendly deal)

    126 vote(s)
  3. No

    50 vote(s)
  1. bilaal14

    bilaal14 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Decline the option and pay him back up money. I would somewhere in the $15 mil range. 3/$45m

    He is def worth that. Fits us and what we are trying to do.
    YaoMac09, pippendagimp and roslolian like this.
  2. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    FVV is solid but the most I would do is 3/60 with a team option on the last year.
    YaoMac09, Easy, pippendagimp and 5 others like this.
  3. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    "ridiculously good for 6 ft pg" is the issue. He does play good defense, but he gets hunted when he is forced to guard taller combo guards. He also is getting older and his 3 pt shot is inconsistent. We need to save Ime from himself. FVV will not be content to be a backup Pg next year, which is the only value he will have. I also don't believe he will settle for a contract < 30m/yr. Amen and Jalen needs to be our starting backcourt next year, but I can't see Ime sticking with that if he has an option with FVV.
  4. Risingred

    Risingred Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    That's a great news. I don't mind giving him 100/4 with a team option. FVV is still our best ballhandler in the team.
    ramotadab, NewAge and roslolian like this.
  5. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    If we can get FVV on a 25/PER or lower than to be honest I am good to roll with him over Fox or any other max FA. FVV is a steady hand and if he isn't trying to be the hero to be honest he is pretty good for us.

    Yes the Rockets want to play fast but in the playoffs you can't always play fast, teams will zone us like what OKC and Cavs have done. FVV is a pg who doesn't make a lot of turnovers and is also a pretty accurate catch and shoot 3 pointer. If we aren't paying him 40M then we can prob put that money to upgrade other positions.
    ramotadab likes this.
  6. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Another few years of FVV would be great, the problem is what we'd have to pay him and the fact that we are starting to PAY sengun and green , Amen and Jabari coming up.

    I think we will move on from Tari if he asks anything more than a Jeasean Tate special.

    I hope Tater is back too .

    Im not up on the rockets cap situation going forward, frankly the NBA has new rules that are seeming to impact a lot of teams.

    Stone has a big pile of talent and some good contracts to play with . How he manages it will determine if we can be a dynasty or a nice team for a couple of years.

    We are a deep team right now with young guys , but we cant keep them all and the fact that a bunch of them were high 1sts means that we are already paying guys like Amen , Jabari , and Reed MLE type money.

    General school of thought is that you want contracts . If you have guys on your team on deals , you can move them if you need to ( especially when you have assets and good contracts to add to the mix ) .

    So it makes sense we want fred back. I think we want to bring him pay at around a dillon brooks pay level. Thats a steep cut.

    Id be surprised if we manage to keep him. Some team with value him at 30+ million and for our team and situation I think 30+ is too rich for him considering we will have green and sengun on deals . DB still getting paid 20 , Jabari / reed/ amen making 10+ . Cant do FVV without moving 2 of DB and 1 of those guys. I think DB and even Reed may be a better play for us. Can you get a great 30 mil player for Reed and DB , the guy also prolly needs to be expiring or just 1 more year.

    Tilman gonna go into luxury tax after this year ? no way.
    Astrodome likes this.
  7. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    I don't know. I love Fred and I would take him back at 20mish but I'm certain he won't accept that. We can go without him next season, just have Holiday/Whitmore/Sheppard backing up Amen/Green with Sengun/Amen/Green splitting the high usage 3 ways so a full time PG not exactly necessary.

    I want to see how he fares in the playoffs and whether the kids are close to weathering a playoff defense.
    jcmoon likes this.
  8. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!

    May 3, 1999
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    "Saving Ime from himself"....

    Checks record. 32-15
    Checks poster's view of the Rockets roster 18 games ago...30% chance of making the playoffs
    ramotadab, BMoney and cbass like this.
  9. Os Trigonum

    Os Trigonum Member
    Supporting Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Ned's gonna teach Reed how to have heart. a bargain at any price
  10. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    My prediction was based on the old starting five and Ime not changing the offense. My whole premise is that we were going to lose a lot of games against that tough schedule with an FVV/Sengun centric offense. Jabari's injury is what spurred Ime into changing the offense, so in effect Jabari's injury saved Ime from himself. He had shown no inclination prior to Jabari getting hurt to start Amen or get FVV off the ball. I've been preaching getting Amen into the starting line-up since before the season started and said it would free up Jalen and speed up our offense, which is exactly what has happened. Amen needs to be the starting Pg next season and that is why we need to get rid of FVV, because I don't believe for a second that he will settle for 20m and a backup pg role.
    ramotadab and cheke64 like this.
  11. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Fred would be a nice long term backup PG if he's willing to accept that kind of role and money.
  12. rockets1995

    rockets1995 Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    3 years $30 million
  13. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I think I'm fine with Fred starting for now, I'd just like to see his minutes come down. Amen is getting to handle the ball quite a bit lately in a "point forward" capacity, and FVV's presence isn't costing him any time on the court--he's been our most-played player since entering the starting lineup.
  14. rockets1995

    rockets1995 Member

    Jun 28, 2011
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    Winning Record and Ticket Sales, TV deal money will pay off Fred VanVleet salary.
    ramotadab likes this.
  15. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Stone will have known at the time of signing him that this would be the case, we were always going to be running into rookie extensions unless the picks flopped. I'm sure it was implied during his last contract negotiations that $40m would likely be unaffordable on the team option but it's good flexibility for both sides.

    I hope it's a serious discount. $35m is too much for my liking unless it's only 2 years (as in he's expiring after one season again). I think he would prefer long term security to finish out his career rather than be worth less than the MLE in 2 years time. Hopefully something long term but at a significant discount.
  16. CarlosGM

    CarlosGM Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    So, you want him to play 2 years for free? His player option is worth 45 million for 1 year. He would not decline the option to make the same money for 2 extra years
  17. CarlosGM

    CarlosGM Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    So, he declines 45 million one year to accept that contract. It’s like paying 15 million to the Rockets to play 2 extra years :)
  18. ApolloRLB

    ApolloRLB Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    it’s a team option
  19. CarlosGM

    CarlosGM Member

    Apr 21, 2019
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    True, my bad
  20. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    You're right your prediction was in the old offense but to be honest bro I told you not to worry that Ime will change things mid season as he does every season of his career but you didn't believe me.

    Again don't worry so much about FVV. Amen and Green's dominance on the floor with Sengun will take care of that. If Brooks doesn't maintain excellent shooting, Jabari will be back in to give them some more spacing too. FVV will take a backseat, the team is clearly communicating it from front office to coaching staff to body language. Hierarchy is forming.

    Maybe you already think things are going great and I misunderstood you. Just re-assuring in that case.
    #100 Mathloom, Feb 1, 2025
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2025

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