Must be a NY thing. Felony conviction but no penalty. Give the dude a month of probation or something, sheesh.
What are they gonna do? You can't enforce probation on the soon to be most powerful man in the world. It would make them look even weaker...I don't know why they didn't fine him though.
Nah, Send him to cell mate with Diddy util inauguration day. Diddys got a computer. Trump can tweet/X
What a p***y. What does it mean to be guilty and deserve no punishment? That's some bizarro jury nullification. You can't say the punishment is zero. Say time-served or a suspended sentence or a $1 fine. Zero means he's not really guilty. Merchan rolled over like a little b****.
Trump needs to get into the studio and cuts an album with Kodak Black. It’ll be an all time best seller and even woke clowns in here will pony up the little money they have for that download. MAGA wins bigly again baby!
All that effort by the NY Courts and DOJ and NO PUNISHMENT. Just goes to show how this was purely a political prosecution. America saw how unfairly Trump was treated. The court cases, legal attacks, lawfare, etc probably won the election for Trump. Power: You abuse it, you lose it. Hopefully the Dems learned that lesson. And I hope the integrity of our legal system recovers from the horrific damage that the Democrats have done to it. GOOD DAY
Are you suggesting that Judge Merchan was influenced by public sentiment to undermine the guilty finding that a jury of 12 citizens had made? Speaking of which, it's gotta suck to be one of those jurors, who spent all that time hearing the case and deliberating among themselves (while being protected from crazies with an order of anonymity from the judge) to deliver an historic verdict on the case they were entrusted with, only to have their work nullified by a judge who first delayed sentencing to not influence the election and then essentially threw out the conviction at the end. He betrayed his jurors. If he would have fined Trump $1, it would nevertheless have forced Trump to take an action of obeisance that would acknowledge the authority of the court over him and the legitimacy of its findings. By ordering no punishment, he doesn't give Trump an opportunity to defy the court -- which is probably the point -- but he surrenders the field and concedes without a fight that the president is indeed above the law. It's a shameful day, though not the first shameful day in this journey and not the last.
I agree, but I'm assuming his rationale is that he believed Trump would not pay the fine, or complete his probation requirements, and the court would have no legal recourse for enforcing that. So it would further undermine the court to the public if it was shown that paying fines, or doing your probation was just for the schmucks. I mean... our court system already proven that IMO, but I can see from his perspective a desire to try and preserve was credibility they have after Trump steamrolled the judicial system and exposed it's weaknesses.
I'm suggesting Merchan was corrupt and conflicted (daughter's Democrat fundraising business). I'm suggesting Merchan steered the jury towards his desired outcome with the jury instructions (don't have to define the federal crime to vote guilty). I'm suggesting Merchan steered the outcome towards his desired outcome by allowing the Michael Cohen testimony and not admitting into evidence Cohen's past. I'm suggesting Merchan should have never tried the case because he's a Biden donor (total ethics violation). When you take a biased jury pool (Manhattan is like 90% liberal), and corrupt and conflicted and biased judge, and a DA who openly stated he was out to get Trump... then you have a miscarriage of justice. Merchan needs to take his banana republic political approach to law back to Colombia -- don't ruin our once respected legal system. We need a much tighter filter on who can become a judge in this country. Merchan, by any objective standard, fails the qualifications miserably. He was used for his ignorance and willingness to cast aside norms and laws in order to run a political hit. Hey, just like what happens regularly in... COLOMBIA. What a surprise.
77,303,573 jurors found Trump not guilty. This damn lawfare was brought up by a fat pig who goes after law abiding citizens and let criminals go free, conducted by a scoundrel who’s happened to be a Democrat and donated money to Joe Biden.
Actually it is. A 12 person jury is intended to be a representative sample of people. (although choosing a jury from a 90+% liberal jury pool to try a Republican politician completely invalidates the idea of a representative sample.. but the dishonest Dems knew this). There is no better sample than a national election. And voters chose Trump.
it is official, Trump has finally been held accountable for his crimes in the coverup of using Trump 2016 campaign funds to pay off Stormy Daniels' silence. As of today, the 78-yr old dotard Donald Trump is a convicted criminal in the eyes of the law.