I watched it. He did say that. He also said it’s not okay to call Harris a communist just because 'socialist' isn’t enough. The context he’s talking about is dangerous rhetoric. You used the word 'communist' plenty of times, but you don’t have data to back it up. As I pointed out before, Trump literally said he supports the termination of the Constitution. I think that’s pretty clear evidence. And I’m not alone—plenty of his former cabinet members and former Republicans agree that he’s unfit because he tried to overturn an election and made statements reflecting that he doesn’t respect the Constitution and is willing to terminate it. We need to be mindful of dangerous rhetoric, but we also have a responsibility to speak the truth—our opinions should be backed by facts. In a society that values free speech, we should exercise that right thoughtfully. While people are free to say almost anything, we must recognize the impact our words have on others. It’s important not to stay silent when our views are based on facts and logic. At the same time, we should challenge opinions that lack evidence, especially when they promote dangerous rhetoric.
It seems @AroundTheWorld might be one of those people unable or unwilling to comprehend things more in-depth than a 50 word Xweet or 30 second video. He isn't alone.
"I think our country is going to cease to exist, it could be the last election we ever have"....barffff
The concept that we can't call a fascist a fascist or a someone who is a threat to the democratic process because that can escalate to violence is absurd. No one sincerely buys that argument. You call out fascists when they are fascist. Trump is a fascist. Chris Cuomo isn't a serious person.
Can't blame them. These are the same people who call Kamala a Communist. You know, the leader of the Democrats--perhaps the most pro-capitalism major party in the Western world outside of Republicans.
Trump is a FACIST, a RAPIST, A CONMAN, A Fraudster, and A Pedophile....he is a threat to democracy, and frankly is one of the dumbest people I have ever seen run for office. It is ok to say that, because everything I said is factually true.......some people don't like it being said because it puts an uneven feeling about a party they support, but so what? Maybe they should expect more for their support. This country needs to beat Trump or it will fall apart - every time a DEMOCRAT has been in the Whitehouse in the last 50 years the country has thrived, and it has gotten worse when a Republican is in office, those are just factual truthful statements. But the bigger issue, IMHO, is Lobbyists paying off politicians to write laws that favor big business over REGULAR people - it is outrageous that businesses pay little to no taxes...... The GOP needs to get beaten and soundly beaten so they can reset and move back towards normalcy and away from this caricature of the Republican party it has become. And don't listen to German CEOs who can't vote, aren't a citizen here, and are only concerned about taxes on their capital gains, it is clearly a FINANCIAL only decision - and they don't matter......to us Americans. DD PS. If Trump would stop inciting violence, he would probably not be targeted so much, violence begets violence.....you reap what you sew.....you know all those sayings.....an eye for an eye....he is literally inciting violence.
60% for abortion at any point during the pregnancy? Do any of these %'s solely include the <10% of cases involving health risk to the mother, incest, and/or grape? ___ Conception means conception. Plan B can easily be acceptable since it's only a 24-hour period over conception. Mothers should be able to decide about their bodies -- and men should be able to decide about their wallets. The baby should also be considered "joint custody" as the default. Welfare should also be eliminated and/or more limited.
I see the disconnect. I had cuomo’s video running and read the captioned words on screen, which say Trump isn’t “desperate”. Listening to the audio now, I do hear him say “despot”. Thus I was incorrect about both Cuomo’s video and your take on Cuomo’s video. Cuomo said Trump isn’t a despot in waiting, which is fairly characterized as Cuomo saying he doesn’t think Trump is a threat to democracy, even if cuomo didn’t use those words. I am many things, but don’t lie about politics, or certainly don’t intentionally state things that are false. I am happy to agree that I was mistaken about Cuomo’s video. I continue to agree with much of what Cuomo said as he railed against political violence. I remain of the view that Trump is a threat to democracy and our institutions. If Cuomo thinks otherwise, I completely disagree with him.
Thanks - fair post - you have every right to disagree with him. I just got annoyed that two people seemed to keep acting like he didn't say what he said. You are normally a decent poster, so apologies for my harsh words.
See that's why companies are pushing the gat dang PRONOUNS to prevent HR shitpiles Trumpy just stepped on.
The world we live in is crazy. We have a sitting President that is getting very little coverage because he is a lame duck. We have women rising right in front of us- breaking through a glass ceiling - which will be discussed for ever. We have an 80 year old nominee barnstorming while mentally ill people try to kill him. We have Israel and Iran doing everything possible to start a World War. We have Russia wrongly just continuing their march into another sovereign nation. Quietly - and without fanfare, we have young Iraqi’s refusing to be bound by draconian religious beliefs. We have politicians literally making up stories about black foreigners eating pets. This is all wild and it’s like Alice in Wonderland. The former President - and quite possibly future President was involved in another assassination attempt and no one even cares… it was news for 12 hours. We also have (SO FAR) someone running one of the most impressive Presidential campaigns in recent history - and she could still lose.
That's correct—over 60% support abortion in all or nearly all cases. They clearly do not endorse violence against children. Just because you view conception as equivalent to a child doesn’t make it so.