The EU is ahead of the USA on accountability of social media, there is no such thing as free speech on a private platform and these platforms should be held accountable for what is posted on their sites....they should have to label stuff as fake, or untrue........ Facts matter, you can't run into a crowded theater and yell fire......that is not how free speech works. DD
That’s not what Trump was saying in 2020 “What they did in Minneapolis was incredible. They went in and dominated, and it happened immediately,” Trump told Walz and other governors and officials in a phone call on June 1, 2020.
And that person is being prosecuted both federally and by the state. Again this goes to that well of one member of a group is corrupt then all must be. This same generalization was used against the Italians and several other immigrant groups. And no we don’t have sharia law.
Also to note Keith Ellison who is a Muslim, Attorney General’s office of Minnesota led the investigation and is prosecuting the people involved in the feeding the family scandal.
It's his job. What does him being a Muslim have to do with anything? Do you think it is some kind of noteworthy achievement that he does his job although he follows the same religion as the accused?
the irony is rich. Then-POTUS Trump's AG shut down investigation of illegal payment from Egytian president to the 21016 Trump campaign How Bill Barr Killed Secret Probe on Whether Egypt President Paid Trump's 2016 Campaign Millions Russian bot, CicleTheDrain, was ok with AG's cover up
Nothing when he's doing something good in your opinion and everything when he's doing something you don't like. “Verily God commands justice, excellent conduct, and caring for one's relatives, and He forbids all forms of immorality, evil and transgression He's following teachings of Islam when doing this work.
According to what you’ve been posting Muslims are a fifth column. The very tweet you posted is claiming that Muslims are a danger. So now don’t agree that Muslims can do their jobs and uphold the laws including the Constitution of the Us
Yes of course 20 years of your posting about how Muslims are a danger to western countries and how Muslim immigration is a danger I just made up.
While I love dear leader Tim Walz and the Sharia Socialist State of Minnesota I am hoping to see great dismay after the Texans crush the Vikings today!
Charlie Kirk advocates for a form of "sharia law" tailored to his interpretation of Christianity. Ironically, many of those who express fear of "sharia law" have no problem with, or even support, a Christian version of it. This reveals a fundamental inconsistency: they reject the founding principle of the separation of church and state. Instead, they seek to intertwine the church with the state, specifically in favor of a Christian church. Therefore, when they argue against "sharia law", it’s not a principled stance but rather a reflection of their bias against Islam. In this way, they are just as dangerous as those who push for sharia law.