And, often, had plenty of time to scooch to the left lane at the red light. But did not. And is oblivious to the world. Let's see. Many comments I have to swallow lest I come across as racist (each race seems to have a special driving habit that'll make you crazy), but could the young men weaving in and out of lanes at 90+ miles per hour on the freeway please f*** all the way off? And God knows Covid has made it all worse. What little driving skills existed before the pandemic have nearly evaporated. You always have to drive with the second-long pause at a red light. In my neighborhood, lots of got-damned accidents. Light turns green. Turning left from Seagler onto Briar Forest, a block from Beltway 8. Hit the brake just in time. Pickup blows through the red light, driver staring at his phone, wife and kid in the cab with him. If I hadn't been paying attention? Taking my meals with Jesus or through a straw.
This, 100%, everywhere, all the time. It gives credence to the idea that we're in a video game and most of the people are just NPCs.
the number of people just following another dumbass going 5 under on the left lane when there are 2 lanes open....mind boggling. just going through the motions.
Yeah no ****. It’s yield, not stop. If you can go, you go. Also, I was ruminating on this tonight and it always seems like Cowboy fan is always the angriest guy on the road.
One day, perhaps only decades from now, AI will be powerful enough to identify how mankind can navigate through blinking red traffic lights at four-way intersections.
Drivers weaving in and out of traffic a dangerously fast speeds. Drivers turning from the incorrect lane (illegally and dangerously). People who cutover at the last second because they didn't read the signs showing them what lane they should be in. Illegal aliens driving terribly, filling a sedan with far too many people or driving a truck with a dangerous load that isn't tied down or is dropping crap all over the road.
If you see a license paper plate car swerving or speeding make sure to stay the **** away. They got nothing to lose. It's always the altimas or buicks.
Weaving in and out of traffic at a dangerously fast speed is subjective. Can you expand? You don't know that they're illegal aliens. There are over 1.7 million legal foreign-born people in Houston Metropolitan Area.
It's even worse when the person stops, allowing opposite traffic -- that had zero barring of slowing down the lane if the yielder yielded -- to "catch up". Thus, slowing down the lane unnecessarily. The same applies with right turns with a red light. Yes, you're supposed to stop, but that doesn't mean stop then wait for opposing traffic to eventually "catch up" and truly cause a stoppage.
People riding my *** at 90 MPH . . . . dude I'm not gonna hit 100!!! (I mean once I let you pass and you will take that ticket I might) People trying to force themselves over on me to get into the lane (NO SIR . . i am not going to slow down just to let you in . . . .esp when you should have been in this lane 3 miles ago like the rest of us) Rocket River
Come on man, just get out of the way if you aren't passing cars. If you are passing cars, then that's okay. I'm usually going faster than most people on the freeway, but if I'm on the left lane, even if I'm driving 85 mph, but if I'm not passing anyone, then I scoot over to the right lane if I see someone behind me coming much faster. If I'm going to pass someone, I do it, then get the hell out of the way of the left lane. It's a passing lane. If you aren't passing anyone, then just scoot over and let the ******* tailgating you keep on their way.
LOL!! Ya'll getting MAD MAD Seriously who holds down the left most lane? Of course if you in the fast lane and someone comes behind you . .. you move Rocket River