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Royce White ain't just afraid of flying

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by VoR, Aug 23, 2022.

  1. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    He was obviously a "leader"
    MadMax likes this.
  2. Will

    Will Clutch Crew
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Royce responds to an article by my colleague Joe Perticone. What a charmer! :D

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  3. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Seems like Royce has spent too much time in the DND!
    astros123 and Andre0087 like this.
  4. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    From what I recall is that Royce White did march in BLM protests here in Mn in 2020. He definitely wasn’t considered a leader.

    Also this is his second time running for US office. He ran in the GOP primary for MN 5th district (Ilhan Omar’s district) in 2022. He he lost getting 37% of the vote.

    Since I saw this earlier in the thread I would still say that Shane Battier has a better chance of becoming a US Senator than Royce White.
  5. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    He is a good candidate for today's Republican Party: loudmouth liars who do nothing but tweet expletives.
    Rashmon, deb4rockets, ROCKSS and 2 others like this.
  6. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    Shane Battier looks and acts like a Senator. He would probably do very well in politics.
    ROCKSS and AkeemTheDreem86 like this.
  7. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    I don't care about Royce White and what his candidacy means about our declining society, but this video was pretty hilarious. Love the guy standing up on a table and dancing after he clotheslines our former Rocket.
  8. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Maybe in the 20th century. Not this one, not now. LOL.
    AkeemTheDreem86 likes this.
  9. Commodore

    Commodore Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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    at the opposite end of the Royce White spectrum is the left's blind faith in government institutions and mainstream corporate/state-sponsored media

    any thought deviation is labeled a conspiracy theory

    White may be wrong about many things, but his default posture of skepticism is healthier than the alternative.

    Amy Klobuchar wants me to inject a brand new substance repeatedly to prevent a disease with a negligible mortality rate. She wants to waste billions of tax dollars escalating conflict with a nuclear power over Ukraine. She is far more dangerous than Royce White.
  10. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Divide and conquer is the go to tactic of American elite capitalist class.

    Remember Andrew Carnegie enployeed African American scabs to suppress labor strikes by white steel mill workers in Homestead to make it seem like he is some anti-racist when he's just taking advantage of how poor African Americans were with how little opportunities they had to suppress his current employees trying to strike for better working conditions.

    American capitalist class is rich in history in dividing the proletariat.

    Today you see the investor class try to sell a narrative that "DEI" is why corporations lile Boeing are failing. The manner in how modern investing works, there is no loyalty of an investment group to a single company. As a investment group might have a company like Boeing as only a part of their portfolio of investments. This creates a situation where if a company like Boeing is failing, they can throw it under the bus with rhetoric about why it's failing that is in bad faith to convince the working class it isn't the fault of the executive class hollowing out these companies

    If you are a wealthy investor, you want to general public to assume these companies are failing because they hired black female pilots or engineers. They don't want the public to believe the reason these companies are failing is because of the Jack Welsh school of management where they hollow out these companies and just turn them into financing institutions like Wealth did with GE. That has been the common practice for most of these large publicly traded companies. Hence the cyclical lay off situation.

    If you are a wealthy investment group you rather the proletariat think it's because we are hiring too many black women rather than the fact MBAs have ruined most of these companies. The investment class wants to make sure the working class is more angry at "diversity hires" rather than the current quarterly shareholder "number goes up" strategy that is ruining there companies in the long term.
    Verbal Christ likes this.
  11. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Accurate. The very notion of 'white people vs black people' came about from the slave patrols that were "awarded" to the poor white indentured servant by the rich in order to quell uprisings and kill the notion that black people would ever consider themselves equal to their white masters. That same mentality has persisted through Jim Crow and redlining to gerrymandering and gentrification. The fear that a minority could actually do as good or better than a white counterpart in either a school or professional environment leads to ignorance on CRT, DEI and affirmative action.
    fchowd0311 likes this.
  12. Landry's Tooth

    Dec 31, 2020
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    What are you talking about? Have you lost your mind? It's moronic comments like this that make trump's people look like the sane ones in the room...
  13. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    Royce now getting some press scrutiny:

    Seems there was also a $1,200 payment to an all-nude strip club in Miami called The Gold Rush, which was part of at least $32,000 charged to out-of-state vendors after White was defeated in the election.

    deb4rockets, ROCKSS and astros123 like this.
  14. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    For those wondering the MN GOP is very MAGA. Many of the old school Republicans have left the party.
    astros123 likes this.
  15. JoeBarelyCares

    Jan 9, 2001
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  16. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    If we post every controversial thing Royce White says this thread will be a 1,000 pages long.
  17. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I'd be doing copy for Royce if his checks didn't bounce.

    FranchiseBlade likes this.
  18. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
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    Oct 8, 2013
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    That's no joke these days, and their morals are rock bottom.
    Rashmon and Xopher like this.
  19. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    Minnesota GOP Senate nominee Royce White's 2022 campaign spent funds on strip club, travel, retail

    After a failed run for Congress in Minnesota two years ago, Royce White's fading campaign spent more than $1,200 in leftover funds at a full-nude strip club in Miami and more than $4,000 on limousine services in Florida and Georgia.

    That wasn't all the Republican's campaign spent after he lost an early August primary election for Minnesota's Fifth District. White's campaign shelled out thousands more at high-end hotels in Tennessee and Georgia, and $970 at a Wisconsin Dells resort, according to his public federal campaign finance records.

    Throughout 2022, White's campaign spent more than $100,000 on unexplained wire transfers and checks, his reports show. The campaign spent thousands of dollars at a Best Buy in Texas and more than $3,000 at local Guitar Center stores, among dozens of other transactions in several states at restaurants, retailers and hotels.

    White's past is facing more scrutiny since he unexpectedly won the Republican Party of Minnesota's endorsement to run for the U.S. Senate against Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar this fall. It's unclear if the party or the delegates who backed White knew of his previous campaign's expenditures, which three campaign finance experts interviewed by the Star Tribune described as possibly criminal. It's illegal to use campaign funds for personal use.

    In an interview Friday, White defended his previous campaign and its transactions, saying they were "very modest."

    "Which charges are considered extravagant? Was it extravagant for Black Lives Matter to buy mansions? Was that extravagant? Is it extravagant for Ilhan Omar to have paid her own spouse $500,000 out of her campaign? Is that extravagant?" White said. "My campaign only raised $500,000 total, and I guarantee you, we didn't spend it all at Bed Bath and Beyond."

    Campaign finance experts say that White's 2022 campaign transactions are highly unusual.

    "This is one of the wildest ones I've ever reviewed," said Jordan Libowitz, spokesperson for the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington. Libowitz said his group is looking into the spending now, first reported by the Daily Beast, and others likely are, too.

    "There's a hard and fast rule that campaign spending has to be directly for the campaign," Libowitz said. "When you see people get in real trouble — I don't mean a $2,000 fine from the FEC, I mean, go to jail trouble, get arrested, get prosecuted by the DOJ trouble, have the FBI looking through everything you've done trouble — it's for personal use of campaign funds."

    Libowitz said campaign accounts sometimes remain open after the campaign has ended. If a candidate has remaining cash, they can use it to pay for general expenses, including paying staff, rent and cable bills. They can also keep raising money to pay off debt.

    "We don't see just continued spending and spending in lots of places," he said. "That raises a pretty big issue even if it weren't things that would be very hard to justify on their own, like, say, a Florida strip club."

    Any personal use of campaign money gives authorities the ability to make a "clear case" against a candidate, he said. Libowitz says White's spending may have flown under the radar because he was a "long shot candidate in a long shot primary" and "too small to be on the FEC's radar at the time."

    White was once a professional basketball player and Black Lives Matter protester. During an April 2021 protest outside the Brooklyn Center Police Department after the death of Daunte Wright, White urged the crowd to storm a fence barricading the department.

    He's since gained popularity in conservative circles, becoming a regular guest on ex-Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon's online shows. At last week's GOP state convention, Bannon delivered a video address introducing White to delegates.

    Brett Kappel, a Washington-based attorney and national expert on campaign finance law, said it's "hard to imagine any of those post-election expenditures being campaign-related, although it's possible that some of these events were fundraising events to pay off debts."

    Kappel said he hadn't seen a strip club appear on a campaign finance report since the 1980s, and that he "would be astonished if both Federal Election Commission and criminal complaints aren't filed against [White] personally."

    "It's equal to or exceeds George Santos levels of abusing campaign finance rules," Kappel said, referring to the GOP representative who was expelled from Congress this year.

    Minnesota GOP Party Chair David Hann did not respond to a request for comment, nor did Anna Mathews, the party's spokeswoman and executive director.

    Spending the FEC deems "automatic personal use" includes clothing and entertainment. However, there are some exceptions if the clothing and entertainment are for official campaign use. A candidate can spend on travel as long as it's "directly connected to the office holder's bona fide official responsibilities."

    A spokesperson for the FEC said it cannot comment on specific candidates or committees.

    White said people involved with his past race and current run for Senate will "lend their accounting services to reconcile that campaign."

    "We're very confident that there's nothing nefarious or scandalous that is going on there. Hotels? Campaign expenditure. Ground transportation? Campaign expenditure," White said. "We wire-transferred videographers and people who did content for the campaign, and we wrote checks to people who did services for the campaign."

    White added that he wasn't responsible for the campaign finance filing, but "those are things we feel comfortable going back and figuring out."

    Asked about the money spent at the Gold Rush Cabaret strip club in Miami, White said, "I don't necessarily recall that ... but I'm sure it's probably somebody just using the wrong card in their wallet."

    White claimed he may have paid a fine to the FEC for the expense. He was hit with an FEC fine totaling nearly $8,000, which records show he paid last year.

    White provided a different explanation to the Daily Beast, claiming the strip club was a legitimate expense because he had done what he described as a campaign-related podcast in Florida. "I like the food there," he said of the club.

  20. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
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    Jul 24, 2007
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    The actual primary election in MN isn't until August and even though Frazier who came in second behind White at the convention has said he will not oppose the endorsed candidate still has his name on the ballot. It is still possible that if Frazier does win the primary he rather than Royce White might go on to the general.

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