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[Marvel TV] X-Men '97 (Animated)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by DreamShook, Nov 12, 2021.

  1. cwebbster

    cwebbster Member

    Jun 29, 2003
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    That episode was a direct acknowledgement of all the **** our generation has been through since the original series run ended (COVID, 9/11, etc). The show grew with us now. Best thing Marvel has put out in a long time.
    Ziggy and Invisible Fan like this.
  2. Beezy

    Beezy Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    The action doesn't have impact without all the relationship drama. X-Men is like 80% soap opera.

    DreamShook and Ziggy like this.
  3. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    I take this back now btw. Lulz on me!
  4. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Due to lack of action? That's what I hate about the MCU stuff. Too much meaningless action. A random car chase doesn't do anything for me. I need meat on the bones.

    I guess to fully enjoy the first half of the show you needed to be invested a bit long-term.

    As a cartoon watcher - you always got the boyscout Cyclops. As a comic reader, you saw that boyscout slowly turn militant. To see the cartoon Cyclops go that way is... I don't know. Almost emotional. Like an innocence lost.

    The complexity of the Jean grey clone + giving up a baby - it's almost done better in this cartoon vs the comics. All 3 characters are now going through some serious emotional issues. In the comics, that og relationship is basically never the same again as far as I know. Another innocence lost.

    Jean Grey - Wolverine --- as a cartoon watcher you never though anything would come of that dynamic but it looks like it's heading somewhere more serious fast.

    The scene where Madelyne Pryor's son travels through time to see his mom basically 1 last time. The brown eyes Scott mentioned. Nice touch.

    Gambit burning the queen of hearts. Nice touch.

    **** was dope. The action was the icing on the cake instead of the primary driver. Same concept that made me love the Nolan Batman movies.
    DreamShook likes this.
  5. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Some nostalgia shows are cash out schemes with nods and callbacks for the sake of callbacks to the classic material.

    Xmen 95 has so far been a labor of love where they take existing stories and add onto it rather than some artsy farty director trying to hog the spotlight with their own stamp.

    I havent rewatched the original series. Those saturday reruns burned all the good bits into my adhd-addled mind. Besides the animation change (minor nitpick), it really feels like they pressed unpause on the series after 25 years with a bit of aging with the audience.

    I don't see it as a futurama or family guy that returns after years. It feels like a different series by itself made for original fans.
    #125 Invisible Fan, Apr 13, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    Ziggy likes this.
  6. DreamShook

    DreamShook Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Marvel needs to learn form Beau DeMayo: No hand holding just drop people in and let them figure it out later. This dude did not care about the casual fans at all. the hardcore fans going crazy about what's on the horizon and the casuals still going crazy.

    Marvel is so worried about things being too bat **** crazy instead of just following what has already worked.
    Beezy likes this.
  7. Beezy

    Beezy Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    I believe Beau was fired as a writer from The Witcher series. He later called out the other staff on the show by saying they weren't fans of the source material, which caused them to clap back. The rumor is he was fired from Marvel for being difficult to work with (I still wonder if his social media presence played a role). I need this man to be rehired or they need to reveal that he **** in Bog Iger's cheerios. He clearly understands what makes X-Men work. Apparently he completed his work on season 2 already, so I hope they don't try to redo his contributions since he's not around anymore. I would be worried about a drop off in quality with season 3.

    I really like how they're making so much stuff from the original series payoff now. To me Cable was always just a bad ass future fighter in the original, but them fleshing out his origin and his parents dealing with their loss made the end of episode 5 hit a lot harder. Magneto's flashback was also nicely done.

    Marvel released a mid season sizzle reel for the show. There's a big spoiler for an upcoming cameo at the very end of it.
    #127 Beezy, Apr 13, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
    Ziggy likes this.
  8. Beezy

    Beezy Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    I think they're allowed a lot more freedom to take risks on a cheaper animated show. I still can't believe how much money they wasted on Secret Invasion. I'm starting to feel like the live action X-Men stuff will be underwhelming in comparison if they play it too safe, but you know they're going to try to appeal to the widest audience possible. I think Deadpool/Wolverine is gonna be a lot of fun though.
  9. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Seems like COVID changed a lot of ways of working and zoomers were given a greater voice though remote and digital/social media work.

    Most haven't understood creatives who are toxic or not "work friendly" were given a bigger leash because they produced results. They only see the creepy Weinstein aspect of the past and leverage that image to oust people.

    That same behavior of weaponizing HR or public opinion through leaks (like stories of Henry Cavill being a toxic presence in Witcher only for Netflix to milk his departure in ads) ended up making it possible to shitcan the widely regarded Guardians of the Galaxy director midway out of corporate fear from social media backlash

    I mean yeah, fire creeps or even Louie CK types, but just because someone calls your ideas garbage or fighting writers who sneak in **** 90% of the core audience never wanted like dog medicine doesn't mean they're creating a genuine hostile work environment
    #129 Invisible Fan, Apr 13, 2024
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2024
  10. Manny Ramirez

    Manny Ramirez The Music Man

    Jul 31, 2001
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    My 15 year old son was here for the weekend and we watched the first 3 episodes of X-Men ‘97. He knows from talking to me how I loved the original cartoon and it’s what got me into collecting the X-Men comics (I had a lot of the old issues even a copy of the first issue!) which sadly I do not have anymore.

    The animation was ok but some of the characters looked harsh like Storm and Jubilee. The voice actors were pretty good as it was pretty much the same people with a few exceptions. Wolverine’s voice actor hasn’t changed in 27 years but Rogue’s voice actress, despite being the same person, sounds different?!

    I like most of the storylines and they seemed faithful to the comics (Goblin Queen’s costume wasn’t as skimpy in the show as it was in the comics for obvious reasons). I don’t know if I am crazy about the Rogue - Magneto romance and I although I like Morph- his ability to actually take on the physical powers of whoever he morphs into makes him a ridiculously super powerful X-Man. But all in all, this is a great job so far and I have enjoyed what I have seen so far. X-Men is unusual in that, imo, it has never translated well into live action movies but is better and more effective in animation. I hope that they plan on doing the Mutant Massacre storyline soon.
    Ottomaton and Beezy like this.
  11. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    This series so far is pretty good, but it is probably a good wake up call for the Disney and Marvel hire ups that you gotta be careful about putting live action X-Men on the big screen.

    X-Men at its core is meant to be very weird and colorful and kind of messed up at times. It’s probably best suited in this space where the story can be as crazy as it can be. The Bryan Singer X-Men movies were a pretty decent adaptation in a realistic context and knew that you kinda needed that grounded nature in a live action film or it could go off the rails pretty quick if you follow the main storylines of the comics.

    I’m really glad that we didn’t get that Channing Tatum Gambit film because the character in the animated series is so iconic that I don’t know that he can be done in live action. But they did figure out Wolverine with Hugh Jackman so it’s possible I just don’t think Tatum is the guy. He only plays one character in every role he’s in so it would have likely been painful to watch.

    Regardless I’m glad this is back and wouldn’t mind if this is the only true X men we get for sometime at least until the MCU reboots after Secret Wars in 5 to 10 years whenever all that happens. Use the Fox X Men for now and leave this adaptation to be developed way out in the future when you can put all your focus on it.
  12. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    That concept killed anything Snyder touched at DC though.
  13. Poloshirtbandit

    May 30, 2003
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    I guess? I just want good old fashioned "good guy fights bad guy." It ain't that deep for me. I don't care about whatever Wolverine and Jean have going on.
  14. DreamShook

    DreamShook Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    naw the thing that killed snyder's DC is that he had no concept of the most important heroes. Drop us in, but be faithful to the core of who the super heroes are. superman AND batman can't both be brooding.
  15. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Because Snyder is a wannabe arteest stuck on adding his own moteefs like garnish on a pile of poo.

    Black and white in 4:3 tv format directors cuts...FOH

    He calls himself a diehard fan like all those zoomer hipster writers/showrunners. The difference may be that he genuinely believes it to the point where it isn't a gaslight.
    cwebbster likes this.
  16. tehG l i d e

    tehG l i d e Member

    Feb 17, 2009
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    Epispde 5 was insanely good and this show is probably the best thing Marvel's done since the first Enter the Spiderverse
    robbie380 and cwebbster like this.
  17. Ziggy

    Ziggy QUEEN ANON

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Watched ep 5 again. I don't fully remember what Cable used to sound like, but he definitely sounds like Josh Brolin now, in X97.
    Buck Turgidson likes this.
  18. Beezy

    Beezy Member

    Jan 30, 2013
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    Time stamped for a good laugh.

    I noticed that they played a subtle version of Cable's theme when Bishop was taking Nathan through the time portal in episode 3.
    Ziggy likes this.
  19. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Episode 5 was bad ass. The series so far is really good. Do more of this Marvel.
  20. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Needs more Bishop, needs more Cable.

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