We can't do anything about it, but the situation is a bit of a nightmare for Amen. He's an underdeveloped PG who's now being asked to be off ball in a slow as hell offense. Why would you put the worst shooter in the NBA off ball only with no transition or lob opportunities? That's a recipe for killing confidence. He would look a lot better in a high pace rebuilding team like San Antonio or Washington. It is what it is, we're just going to go the normal development route of taking 1-2 years to polish his game. We will slowly get faster at executing the offense/defense and hopefully that brings our pace up. Cam, Jalen, Amen, Tari and Jabari (5 of our core 6) would all benefit from playing at a higher pace. Jalen Suggs shot 21% and 32% from 3 his first two seasons, look at him now (40%). With this coaching staff and Amen's obsession with basketball, I can see him at 36%+ for his 3rd season. I just hope he's aware there's not much wrong with his game except his 3PT shot is detrimentally bad. He should dedicate most of his time to shooting because his handle can be hidden but his 3PT shot can't.
He's getting comfortable with the euro-step over hand layup. Needs to work on a softer touch by doing them under-hand.
For such a hard worker who is obsessed with basketball, why has he played his entire basketballing life with such a broken jump shot? 36% is extremely unlikely unless they completely rebuild his form. 30% is more a realistic goal.
One of the worst form i've seen from a point guard. He opens up his leg up in the air doesn't jump straight up. You can tell it won't go in moment it leaves his hands.
Same could be said about Suggs, Banchero, and Scottie Barnes. They played basketball their entire life with a broken jump shot too. Unlikely doesn't mean it's impossible. Those three young player I've listed above all improved their 3pt shot tremendously. People thought they all had broken shots and they fixed it during the off season. There's plenty of young players that came into the NBA with a broken shot who then fixed it. It's possible .. you just have to have trust in your coaching staff and the player's drive. An off season does wonders for young players.
Difference is, their actual shot didn't have to be rebuilt. Amen's form/release is just disgusting. The thing he does with his legs as he goes up and they both spread makes no sense For someone who is about to be 21, he's pretty far behind
He can work on his shot during his day offs. He needs to be playing NBA minutes to work on his PG skills. You guys were crying about how Cam needs to be playing NBA minutes before he even played a single Gleague game, but that only applies to Cam and not Amen? Doesn't make sense to me
Scottie Barnes had to rebuild his shot too. Anyways for people who are complaining about Amen, they need to realize the twins were the biggest boom or bust player in the draft. For a team that was lacking a true star player, it's a good gamble. Still way too early to write him off.
To the level of completely new form and release, I don't think so. Amen's is on the same level as Lonzo when it comes to a complete rebuild of his jumpshot
This is why I wasn't keen on having him on the Rockets before the draft. I do support him. He has a long way to go. Cam Whitmore was my choice at 4, despite his poor passing. He is ahead of Amen Thompson right now because he can shoot the ball to a fair extent.
Early Returns on Gambling using Dunks and Threes data for estimate of wins (only using positive values) and age cutoffs for <25 YO talent. FVV and Brooks have been a crutch, but overall the Rockets are really young and the early returns on the gambling are great. SAS got lucky. ORL and OKC are ahead of the Rockets, but their guys are a little older. Caveat: EPM isn't perfect, but I think this is a good estimate of where young talent is among the teams. Rookies aren't contributing much yet except for SAS (and OKC depending on whether one goes by the text book definition of a rookie or not).
It is the NBA with their reward the worst teams strategy.......the Rockets were never in danger to be bad for very long....unless everyone they draft is Josh Christopher.... I get that it helps every team but I am not comfortable with continuing with this model of rewarding the worst.....the farthest thing from sportsmanship.
They knew he couldn't shoot which is surprising he went so high. Supposedly a great passer, ball handler, and defender. Starting to wonder.
I think Utah is pretty underrated, they just lack a clear direction, they have too many veterans that are average...... It only takes them to trade for a legit fringe All Star and Fonteccio to break out to be among the Top 8 again.
I hate to say I was thinking about this got-damn show this morning. Maybe because I'm a little achy* today and Steve Austin would NEVER be achy! * - No, not "achy breaky heart."