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Chapter 6: Green & Redemption

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Mathloom, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I think having Ime as the coach will help Green the most. Dead beat Silas was just so ****ing worthless.
  2. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    With his talent he needs a little bit of focus, effort and intensity to have a good year and get his money. I worry what happens afterwards.
    Keep grinding for greatness and championships? Or off to Milano Fashion Week?

    I don’t trust this kid’s mental constitution one bit. He’s a Nancy, it was clear to me from his first media session, talking about fashion and BS…

    As long as Fertita doesn’t cheapen out on other deals, I don’t mind the kid getting his money. But if he pulls out a Clay Bennet/Harden scenario where we’re stuck with Green and have to ship out some better competitors (Jabari, Sengun, Amen, Tari, etc.) for savings…. That would be really bad.
    BallSoHarden likes this.
  3. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Sad. Pathetic. A Nancy? Dude I bet you have low T issues and a gut
  4. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    I’m looking forward to the Green redemption in year 3. While he got better last year at finishing at the rim through contact, overall I was disappointed in what I saw. The shooting, defense and ball handing was pretty bad. I always thought it would take 3 yrs to know what we have in Jalen cause he was pretty young and raw when we drafted him. So year 3 is where the rubber meets the road for me with Jalen. If Jalen doesn’t pan out, I honestly think KPJ is a starting caliber 2 guard. So while it would be really bad (on many levels) if Jalen doesn’t take that next step, but we actually have a decent insurance policy.

    I do think Jalen will pop this year with FVV running the show. Putting KPJ out of position at the point in the backcourt with Jalen for 2 yrs was truly a stupid thing and I believe hurt Jalen’s development.
    beardsanity713 and Little Bit like this.
  5. O-dawg

    O-dawg Member
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    Aug 4, 1999
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    LMAO... funny (and probably true).

    Go watch the movie "Air" and tell me Jordan (and his family for that matter) weren't concerned with his brand and other things beside basketball. With social media and other forms of access we just know more about these players today.

    Or could it be that it's not really about his off court business or social interactions for you. Maybe you're just one of those people who judges a book by it's cover and can't seem to get out of your own small minded thought processes.
    FLAGRANT1 likes this.
  6. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Jalen Green has hobbies outside of basketball.... therefore he's a Nancy. It's such "boomer logic". Sorry boomers, plenty of you guys aren't like that. Just the most vocal.
  7. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Lots of heated rhetorics again, but it is perfectly OK to use correlations to inform your heuristics in life. As long as you’re aware of the limitations, and keep an open mind.

    Does Green look weird and feminine? Yes.
    Does this indicate that he’ll play soft and wimpy? Maybe.
    Does Green play soft and wimpy? Getting splattered on screen? Getting pushed out? Unable to box out? Not getting into his man on D? YES!

    So the correlation holds and maybe had some predictive value.
    Is it 100% scientifically solid? No it’s not. But most of things in life cannot be determined with perfect accuracy. It’s a messy world and we use correlations as imperfect heuristic tools, that’s not a crime. You have to keep an open mind and not be dogmatic about it, though.

    I had some concerns about Green’s style of play and on-court intensity based on his off-court persona. These concerns have proven correct. Doesn’t mean that this method will be correct 100% of the time. But I was able to get some insight.

    BTW, your use of numbers and all the Kobe/Booker etc. predictions are totally bogus. Just because you use numbers in a tendentious and skewed manner doesn’t give you any valid insight, no more than my judgements of personality and competitiveness.
  8. Tenchi

    Tenchi Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    This guy up here knows how to use a thesaurus.
    cmlmel77 likes this.
  9. lkrockets

    lkrockets Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    longtime lurker, but just popping in to say that this is the dumbest thing i read on the internet today.
  10. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    If you can do more pull ups than Green or squat more weight than you have the right to call him more femmine(actually you still don't because the entire concept of this is just old school misogyny). If you are an overweight dude who struggles to see his penis when you look down and pee, you don't have that right.
    #430 fchowd0311, Jul 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  11. Believe It!

    Believe It! Member

    Jun 25, 2015
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  12. Ancient Moabite

    Oct 10, 2022
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    I get the opposite vibe, but I over stand how players today view their off court brand important as it being another source of income outside of the NBA paycheck

    Just going off his comments where he mentioned they needed better coach structure and PG leadership and him mentioning that he needs to get stronger and more efficient etc

    That to me is a strong mental sign of awareness and knowing what weaknesses he needs to sharpen up on the court, being aware is a major strength to have in any facet of life

    Talking about or showcasing fashion is nothing new, that's been going on since at least the Namath/Frazier era and carried over to the AI hip hop to the Harden/Kuzma/Westbrook outlandish costumes to now current new crop

    I would rather liken Green to Harden than to Bennett(quite a reach), because at least Harden was like a 4x MVP finalist in his 8 yrs and it seemed like Morey was giving him a annual extension and it just ran its course as it usually does with all players, but Harden reportedly was a gym rat and I see Green more in that cloth

    If you base people on their first media session than maybe you need to change your fast food microwave thinking, but I get it since we are in a ''what have you done for me today'' society
    #432 Ancient Moabite, Jul 16, 2023
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2023
  13. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    This confirms my theory that out of the group of score first star shooting guards (Booker and Ant primarily) Green might have the best handles(relative to their age) and pnr playmaking talent.

    Green is more efficient per possesion than the other two while doing it with a lot more volume of possessions per game.

    Mitchel joined the league quite a bit older than everyone else on this list.
    kpdark likes this.
  14. MystikArkitect

    Supporting Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    So did Rodman. But he's the extreme exception to the rule. As George Costanza famously quipped: it doesn't help.

    Issue with Green is that he's doing all the things you do *after* you win in the playoffs and get a few All Star Games under your belt. Not before. Maybe he's learning that. Maybe he's not. It's not for us to decide. Ime and his staff have the keys. They also have the ability to tell if Jalen is serious or not. And frankly, his replacement just got drafted at #20 should he not take his job seriously enough. The things he does that are "out there" are used against him when he performs poorly. He's eligible for an extension after this year. Will he get it? Probably not a max unless he shows he's a two way player. Even then I'm not sure I'd give it to him. Let him go to RFA. But the reality is that Jabari is going to need to get extended the year after and then Amen/Cam after that. Of the 6 young players we have, Jalen is by far the worst defensively. If you throw KPj in there then our two SGs are probably the worst defenders on the team.

    I'll trust in the staff to make the right call but I'm almost certain they likely already know what they're going to do unless something drastic changes.
  15. Yinka Dare

    Yinka Dare Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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  16. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    I've learned one thing.
    The people with the radical opinions are the ones who will be the loudest. Because we got good ol clutch fans polling Data baby
  17. MystikArkitect

    Supporting Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Is that what you took from a reasoned and logical take?
  18. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    It doesn't help what? What has he done that you are supposed to do after being an all-star? What is well reasoned?
  19. Yinka Dare

    Yinka Dare Member

    Jan 15, 2023
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    All your reasoning comes because Green has a different lifestyle out of the court. Just that.
  20. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Too me it's an indication of narcissism when an individual cannot fathom someone being a good person or hard worker if they don't follow the exact same lifestyle they do.

    "The only way someone can be a hard worker is through the way I carry myself "

    That's essentially it.

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