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2022/2023 mock Trade/Draft/Free agency thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by sydmill, May 31, 2022.


    CHAMPBOY Member

    Nov 23, 2020
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    Monte Morris is a bench player and I know Amen is better than him right now….seriously. Are you guys part of the Monte Morris’s fan club?
  2. Rockets34Legend

    Jun 12, 2002
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    #2802 Rockets34Legend, Jun 29, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2023
  3. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    This plan doesn’t work unless we get Lopez. FVV and Brooks aren’t enough to make the pivot we want towards winning. Lopez gets us at least 5 more wins.
    ArtV and theDude like this.
  4. Rockets34Legend

    Jun 12, 2002
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  5. Rudyc281

    Rudyc281 Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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  6. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    If so Amen will win the starting job in preseason and Monte can be his backup.
    jch1911 and Mathloom like this.
  7. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    So in essence you prefer Wiggins (with picks/assets out) or Cam Johnson (would that be a 4 year contract?) and Morris > over FVV and Brooks??
  8. Little Bit

    Little Bit Member

    Nov 11, 2008
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    The Rockets blowing most of their cap space on VanVleet is a terrible idea.
    RasaqBoi, Hui and Caesar like this.
  9. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    If we don't get brook and throw all our money at fvv and brooks. How in the world do we get any better than like 5 games? You may as well let the kids develop and go through mistakes with actual coaching this time around. The only way signing these dudes makes sense if if brook is our anchor and stretch 5. Then I could see it coming together and being a scrappy defensive team that can overachieve and fight for a play in but even that may be improbable and we still end up a late lottery team.
    Aruba77 likes this.
  10. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Poeltl is not a bad plan B

    • The Raptors are hoping to re-sign Fred VanVleet on a three-year deal in the range of $90-100MM, says Scotto. The team is also looking to bring back center Jakob Poeltl, but may face serious competition from the Rocketson both players. Although Brook Lopez has been considered Houston’s primary target at center, there’s a belief that Lopez would prefer to return to the Bucks as long as their offer is in the same ballpark as Houston’s, Scotto explains. That could prompt Houston to pivot to Poeltl, who is also expected to receive from the Spurs, as previously reported.
    ArtV, Rudyc281, saleem and 3 others like this.
  11. sirjesse

    sirjesse The Udoker has spoken!
    Supporting Member

    Sep 29, 2002
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    He needs to pick up his 50 loose pieces of small change.
    DeBeards likes this.
  12. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    If they get VanVleet, Lopez and Brooks that means 3 of last seasons starters( KPJ, Sengun and Tate)will no longer be starters. Because those 3 being added are starters.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    The basic concept is that the sophomores and juniors have grown enough that they could win 30 wins.......and that Ime can close out winnable games.
  14. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I would bench Dillon and make Lopez a part time starter, see how Alperen reacts on the court.

    You have to play bad cop here no matter how much you pay them.

    Vleet is probably a starter unless he screws up.
  15. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I rather try with Tyus Jones and say Grant Will........cheaper options....

    Grant Will has been to the Finals, there is no clause that says the vet has to win the the whole thing .....

    Someone like Ricky Rubio and still Mike Conley would make a lot of sense.

    You do not have to splash out 60 million.....just for the sake of spending.

    I really hate Dillon.
    Landry's Tooth, Caesar and ilias like this.
  16. Hard Rock

    Hard Rock Member

    Feb 16, 2001
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    my guess of the $60-64mil. cap goes to:

    $38mil.(1st yr.) x 3yr./$120mil.: VanVleet
    $19mil.(1st yr.) x 3yr./$60mil.: B.Lopez
    $5mil.(1st yr.) x 3yr./18mil.: T.Bryant
    Room Exp.: $7.72mil.(1st yr.) x 2yr./$15.83mil.: C.Joseph
    Min.Contract: Boban, Kaminsky
    2-way: Hudgins, Days

    after the FA signings, trade KJM jr. + Tate + TyTy to Spurs for Z.Collins + C.Bassey

    B.Lopez(28), C.Bassey(12), T.Bryant, Boban
    Sengun(28), Z.Collins(28), Garuba, Kaminsky
    J.Smith(28), T.Eason(20), Whitmore (start the season in g-league for playing time, call-up after maybe 2~3 months after)
    J.Green(28), K.P.jr.(28), Jaygup, Hudgins
    VanVleet(28), C.Joseph(12), Amen (start the season in g-league for playing time, call-up after maybe 2~3 months after)

    I think the team determined on signing FVV and they have the most money to make it happen. the rest of the cap is around $24mil., it's more than enough to pry away Lopez. and it should be enough for Cam Johnson too but he's a restricted FA and there's the risk all good FA's gone after the 48hr. and the market left with the like of Dillon Brooks who will be bad to the youngsters. i really hope the 2nd signing after FVV would be Lopez, if not then i hope Stone can use the cap space to work out a trade for Myles Turner, maybe a 4-teams trade with Wizards/Suns/Pacers works
    Hou. receive: M.Turner, D.Wright
    Was. receives: K.P.jr. (They trying to trade Morris & Wright; KPJ is a young talent on team-friendly contract that worth some picks)
    Pho. receives: M.Morris + KJM jr. + D.Theis (They trying to trade Ayton for multiple rotation players, also saves $20mil. in Lux.Tax after this trade)
    Ind. receives: D.Ayton, FRP from Houston (they have alot shooters on the team, Ayton is a better rebounder and post-up player down low, he could be a 24/12 player on the Pacers and $5mil. cheaper than Turner. Pacers also get rid of Theis and saves total $15mil./yr. after this trade)

    i'll still trade Tate for Z.Collins. Collins is an expiring contract, with the addition of Wemby Pop might want to trade one of his bigs, and Tate is exactly the kind of player that Pop likes. since KJMjr. was gone in the 4-teams trade Jaygup needed to be included here:

    Tate + Jaygup + TyTy = Z.Collins + C.Bassey

    after this 2 trades they might want to sign a vet. wing on the min. contract, someone like Danny Green, if available

    Sengun(28), C.Bassey(20), Boban
    M.Turner(28), Z.Collins(20), Garuba, Kaminsky
    J.Smith(28), T.Eason(20), Whitmore (start the season in g-league for playing time, call-up after maybe 2~3 months after)
    J.Green(30), D.Wright(18), D.Green, Hudgins
    VanVleet(30), C.Joseph(18), Amen (start the season in g-league for playing time, call-up maybe 2~3 months after)

    i think either way the Rockets has a chance at the 7~10 spot for a play-in

    this year's signing is suppose to help the core (Green/Sengun/Amen/Bari/Tari/Whitmore) grow, how far this team can go is depends on the development of the youngsters in the next 3 years. If they disappointed, all veterans contracts expired in 2026 so they can rebuild again ;)
    ArtV likes this.
  17. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    They have to spend money somewhere to hit the salary cap floor which is 90% of the cap. Who would you spend it on?
    saleem likes this.
  18. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Happy Free Agency Day to all who celebrate!

    robbie380, Dubious, sirjesse and 5 others like this.
  19. DrNuegebauer

    DrNuegebauer Member

    Mar 29, 2000
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    You can pay Boban 25mill non-guaranteed (or so) to make the floor. Then waive him halfway through the season to take on salary (and picks) elsewhere.

    I wouldn't do it. But nobody HAS to be signed

    I like the idea of getting vets. Cap may well increase another 10% next year, and possibly contracts signed now don't look so massive later
  20. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    I'm not necessarily a big fan of targeting FVV. I definitely see the potential pros. I don't have much heartburn in regards to what they pay him since ultimately we need to spend money to meet the minimum floor. Next year's free agent crop sucks, our team is not good enough to be considered by a disgruntled superstar if a trade is requested in the next couple of years, so as long as we are focusing on short term deals, I can't be mad at the approach.

    Someone like Cam Johnson is likely to require a 4 year deal. I'm sure we will talk to him, but considering the reported front office current plan, he wouldn't exactly fit that short term deal window. I don't want Kyrie, Harden is off the table now, and Brook Lopez likely wants to stay in Milwaukee since he's made so much money already (I'm sure as long as the numbers are not that far off, he would stay). We really don't have a ton of options. If we can look into absorbing some salary from another team, I think that would be fine as well as long as it was a short term deal.

    Ultimately, we need a couple of good veterans to get us moving in a forward direction. Coaching alone can't be expected to move that needle all that much when we've seen the young guys be terrible the past couple of years. It also doesn't help that we've relied on KPJ to be a PG which he's clearly shown he is not a PG and us trying to continue to force him to be one will likely lead to another disappointing season.

    FVV, not fancy, not a huge splash, but certainly does bring veteran leadership, work ethic, etc. I know some have mentioned bringing an old Lowry or Conley, but personally I don't think that's worth it (not sure how we can pry Conley from Minni anyways). As long as we give FVV a 2 year deal (or even a 3 year deal with a TO on the 3rd year), I won't be upset.

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