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2023 NFL Draft Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by gucci888, Sep 26, 2022.

  1. Hawkeye84

    Hawkeye84 Member

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Key word is “potential”
    Fantasma Negro likes this.
  2. panamamyers

    panamamyers Member
    Supporting Member

    Jun 17, 2000
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    Anyone with vision and a YouTube link can see Richardson has superstar potential.
    jch1911 and Fantasma Negro like this.
  3. zeeshan2

    zeeshan2 Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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  4. TexasRedd

    TexasRedd Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    If it’s misdemeanors then it won’t be an issue

    kid was probably scared
    raining threes and cbass like this.
  5. Qan

    Qan Member

    Jul 20, 2012
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    Looks like Texans won't be drafting Carter. More reason to get Anderson
    raining threes and Rudyc281 like this.
  6. Fantasma Negro

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Edit: just read the actual report, it's bad. He's going to fall, might fall out of the first round. Just dumb decision making on his part. Who the **** races suvs? Just dumb
    #3406 Fantasma Negro, Mar 1, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2023
    Rudyc281 and houston19519 like this.
  7. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Anderson at 2 and Carter at 12.
  8. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Police: Toxicology report shows UGA recruiting staffer LeCroy was drunk, traveling 104 mph before crash

    Georgia football star Jalen Carter was charged on Wednesday by Athens-Clarke County police for street racing and reckless driving in connection with the fatal Jan. 15 crash, the department said in a release.

    In the release, the department said Carter and Georgia recruiting staffer Chandler LeCroy were “operating their vehicles in a manner consistent with racing”. LeCroy and lineman Devin Willock were killed in the crash.

    LeCroy was traveling at 104 miles per hour, and her blood alcohol concentration was .197 at the time, and investigators have determined that “alcohol impairment, racing, reckless driving, and speed” were significant factors in the crash, the police said.


    At first, Jalen Carter told the police he was nearly a mile away when a University of Georgia teammate and a football staff member died in a car crash.

    Later, Carter said he had been following the car when it wrecked, close enough to see its taillights.

    And, at one point, he acknowledged he was alongside the other car, whose speedometer stuck on impact at 83 mph — double the speed limit.

    Carter, a defensive star for Georgia who is projected as a top pick in this year’s NFL draft, left the crash scene, apparently before the police or emergency medical workers arrived. When he returned an hour and a half later, he gave shifting accounts of the wreck as an Athens police officer questioned him about whether he had been racing the car that crashed, according to documents reviewed by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

    Carter denied he was racing before the Jan. 15 crash, which killed recruiting analyst Chandler LeCroy, 24, and offensive lineman Devin Willock, 20. Another recruiting staff member, Tory Bowles, 26, and offensive lineman Warren McClendon, 21, were injured.

    Seeking evidence of possible racing, officers have obtained surveillance video from city-owned cameras along the route the players took out of downtown Athens. They also obtained footage from at least one business owner. The police have declined to release these videos, saying they are evidence in an open case.

    A police spokesman did not respond to requests for comment on Monday or Tuesday.

    [… He has endorsed an Ohio luxury car dealer, appearing in a video in which he roars away in a 2021 black Jeep Cherokee Trackhawk. With a 707-horsepower engine known as a Hellcat V-8, the vehicle has a top speed of 180 mph and can accelerate from zero to 60 in about three seconds. Used models retail around $100,000.

    Carter drove the same model the night of the fatal crash, as well as on a Thursday evening last fall, when the Athens police ticketed him for driving 89 in a 45 mph zone. A judge fined him $1,013 for the Sept. 22 speeding ticket. …]

    A chaotic scene

    The crash occurred on Athens’ Barnett Shoals Road at 2:45 a.m. Jan. 15, following a long day and night of celebrating the football team’s second consecutive national championship.

    Several players, including Carter, capped the evening at Toppers International Showbar, a strip club in downtown Athens, accompanied by members of the football team’s recruiting staff. The group left the club about 2:30 a.m., surveillance video obtained by the Journal-Constitution shows, many of them planning to meet at a Waffle House about three miles away.

    The surveillance footage shows three cars leaving the downtown nightlife district about the same time. One was a 2021 Ford Expedition, rented by the university and driven by LeCroy. University officials have said LeCroy was not authorized to drive the Expedition at the time of the crash. Neither the university nor its athletic department have responded to questions about protocols for using the SUVs that it rents to transport prospective football recruits during their official visits to the Georgia campus.

    Another car appeared to be linebacker Jamon Dumas-Johnson’s 2019 Dodge Charger. Dumas-Johnson was charged last week with street racing and reckless driving in an unrelated incident that occurred five days before the fatal crash. The police also questioned him at the Jan. 15 crash scene, records show.

    And the third vehicle matched the description of Carter’s black Cherokee Trackhawk. The surveillance footage shows the car stopped at an intersection near the strip club, immediately in front of the Expedition. When the light turned green, the Jeep rapidly accelerated, turning the heads of nearby pedestrians. LeCroy, driving the Expedition, passed one car on the left and another on the right to catch up before the next stoplight.

    About a mile from the Waffle House, the Expedition’s right front tire struck a curb, and the car flew off the roadway. It sheared two utility poles and slammed into at least two trees before crashing into an apartment building. Willock, who was not wearing a seatbelt, flew out of the car from the driver’s side second-row seat. He was pronounced dead at the scene. LeCroy was unresponsive and had no pulse when emergency crews arrived. She was pronounced dead at an Athens hospital.

    Calls to Athens-Clarke County’s 911 system reflected the chaos that followed the crash. In the background of one call, what seems to be McClendon’s voice can be heard repeatedly calling out the names of the other occupants of the Expedition. Then he yells to apparent acquaintances who were standing near the wreckage. Another voice, louder and angry-sounding, asks, “What ... y’all driving that fast for?”

    A siren can be heard as the first emergency vehicle reaches the scene, about six minutes after the crash.

    Players questioned

    One minute after the crash, a caller to 911 reported that another car was at the scene — “some large SUV down there, and there’s one guy out there looking.”

    “The SUV is over in the ditch, too?” the operator asked.

    “Nah, nah,” the caller answered, “that one is in the middle of the road.”

    This and other calls suggest the police knew the crash was more complicated than a single-car wreck. Less than 10 minutes after the first officers arrived, one asked a dispatcher to check a police database for information on Dumas-Johnson’s Dodge Charger. Officers also checked for alerts on Dumas-Johnson himself, as well as for his apparent passenger, linebacker Smael Mondon.

    Several football players gathered at the scene, but they initially declined to tell the police how they had learned of the crash, according to the documents the Journal-Constitution reviewed. Finally, at least one said they heard about it from a teammate: Jalen Carter.

    Also on the scene was Bryant Gantt, the football team’s director of player support and operations. The Journal-Constitution reported in February that Gantt often intervenes when players run afoul of the law.

    On this night, an Athens police officer asked Gantt to have Carter return to the scene. He arrived about 4:15 a.m., an hour and a half after the crash.

    In a videotaped interview, Carter gave the officer an inconsistent account of what he knew about the crash, the documents reviewed by the Journal-Constitution show. Carter first said he heard the wreck from an apartment complex nearly a mile away. Later, he said he witnessed it from a shorter distance, telling the officer both that he had been behind and beside the car that crashed.

    Carter denied racing and said he had not been driving fast. But he told the officer that occupants of the car that crashed were intoxicated, the documents say. Carter said he had seen the group downtown. The officer saw no sign that Carter had been drinking, however, the records say.

    LeCroy was tested for alcohol. Sonny Wilson, the Athens-Clarke County coroner, declined on Tuesday to release toxicology test results until the investigation is finished.

    An officer who examined Carter’s car found scuff marks on its roof that appeared to come from the power lines that fell when the Expedition ran off the road. The officer concluded the marks indicated Carter was driving much closer to the Expedition than he initially claimed, the documents reviewed by the Journal-Constitution say.

    It is not clear whether the police questioned Carter about why he left the scene or where he went.

    When Carter was stopped for speeding last September, an Athens police officer asked him few questions, police body-camera footage shows. But the officer, who criticized Carter for being “reckless,” said he had also recently ticketed other Georgia football players for speeding.

    “When you’re around your teammates,” the officer told Carter, “just tell them to slow down.”
    raining threes and Rudyc281 like this.
  9. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  10. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  11. whag00

    whag00 Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Damn...meanwhile Todd McShay was getting called a racist for pointing out character concerns with Carter.
  12. Hawkeye84

    Hawkeye84 Member

    Jan 8, 2023
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    Rudyc281 likes this.
  13. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Houston football can never have nice things. Each year they have a top pick its never for the best player(s). I'd expect involuntary manslaughter charges to come up also. SMH what a bad decision the kid made and to try and circumvent and lie during the investigation is just too much for me to overlook. Im out on Carter.
    whag00 likes this.
  14. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    If you went on a job interview, and the person interviewing you asked if your mother was a prostitute, how would you respond?

    If the person interviewing you, asked if your father beat your mother, how would you respond?

    I know how I would respond.
    jch1911 likes this.
  15. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Great freshman year - but that was it.

    I don't like taking guys that trail off after a great start - not at the top of the draft.
    raining threes and jch1911 like this.
  16. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Well said my Mexican friend.
  17. El_Conquistador

    El_Conquistador King of the D&D, The Legend, #1 Ranking
    Supporting Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    I'm hoping for Will Anderson at #2, although Carter is attractive as well. Now he's moved way down the board, if not off the board. If we scooped him in round 2 that would be amazing (if his legal issues are mild).
    Rudyc281 likes this.
  18. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Then you hire a private investigator - you don't ask questions like the NFL teams have asked in the past - these players are people and not chattel.
    jch1911 likes this.
  19. gucci888

    gucci888 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I’ve always thought teams are actually more interested in seeing how you respond vs the actual answer.
  20. Sooty

    Sooty Member

    Oct 23, 2007
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    With the Jalen news, what are the chances of the Bears trading down to a #4 now? Before they were expecting to have their pick of the two best defensive prospects (sans known issues). Now it looks like they may have a “chance” at one elite defensive prospect if they trade to #4.
    raining threes and cmoak1982 like this.

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