OK, so the deal is done, and I am most definitely down with it. Now, onto the next order of business: a point guard and a back-up big man. I do like the idea of bringing in Barry or Fisher or, the most recent idea, Eric Snow. However, a player that I have always liked that has not been mentioned is Marco Jaric. The Clips just drafted Livingston which, it would seem, makes Jaric expendable. He's a big point guard (6'7" I think), can shoot the three, and takes care of the ball. The Clips also have a couple of pretty good big men languishing behind Elton Brand. Chris Wilcox is a super athlete and he's young. I'm not sure what it would take to get him along with Jaric, but the Clips are always rebuilding and stockpiling future draft picks. They'd probably love a future #1. That's just a couple of new names to add to the mix. Any opinions?
I agree those two guys would be great addition to this team and Wilcox Could the the Future at the Power Forwad Position. I think the Clips would do it for someone like Nachbar, Trade exception and a 1st rounder not sure if how the number woi=uld work out?
I like Jaric, but I liked the idea of pairing him with Francis more than I do with McGrady. I'd just rather have someone quicker (and hopefully with slightly better defense) to pair with McGrady. As for Wilcox, I don't think the Clippers are ready to give up on him just yet... I only see them trading him if the other team sees him as a future star and gives up great value accordingly, something I don't think we're in a position to give them.