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The Jalen Green Experience is Coming

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Mathloom, Nov 9, 2021.

  1. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    I noticed that your response is always mirroring or similar to my comments I’d already made on you. At least be original in your small retorts or comebacks lol
  2. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Cade and Mobley’s roles are well defined by their coaching staff. They filled a void and their roles are pretty simple. Cade the starting PG primary play maker ball handler facilitator and mobley big man rebound defend and post where garland feeds him the ball and offense runs through him. Very simple. Green is in no man’s land and plays behind so many vets and options that i think his role is less defined. The way he plays limits him a bit but his comfort level, patience and freedom on the court will come with time. Like i said he is a north south guy. Needs to start and stop and change directions better and find pockets to pass to. doesn’t have a post game. He doesn’t attack at the elbows or short corner. He isn’t involved in a lot of pick and rolls. Most of his scoring is one on one, three point or driving when there’s an opening at the wing or corner. He gets free sometimes off down screens. But he isn’t really featured in this offense. I think its a combination of personnel, inexperience, and his skill set right now. Im sure he will thrive at some point. Too talented.
  3. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    You really should read @foggy94 write up on Green.

    It was very well done.

    xaos, foggy94 and burlesk like this.
  4. chenjy9

    chenjy9 Numbers Don't Lie
    Supporting Member

    Nov 1, 2008
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    Can't say I agree with this either. Cade joined the Pistons as their de facto future franchise superstar. No one expects Grant to be the Piston's franchise player. This was not a role he earned; it was handed to him from Day 1. Now, I am not saying he hasn't done his part to embrace it, but let's not kid ourselves about whether or not he earned or defined it coming into the league. Mobley is in a similar situation as well. Mobley I feel has a better argument in that he technically competes with Allen (Love is on his way out). At the same time, he is joining a much BETTER team with established playmakers.

    Returning to Green, he is joining an unstable roster with 3 players all looking to define themselves as that franchise player. We have KPJ trying to be that guy, but now as our PG. We have Wood who thinks he is that guy and on some nights arguably is. Green is in the same boat but as a rookie with a body that is clearly not NBA ready yet. As such, we have an offense with no focus or real identity outside of ISO and very little set plays to help get Green going. I am not saying he hasn't had his struggles as he definitely has, but let's not pretend Green even remotely started out on the terms as Cade and Mobley.
  5. kingkingston

    kingkingston Member

    Jul 1, 2013
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    funny how people rate coaches hey.............."oh they are winning, the coach must be amazing"............."they are losing, coach must be bad"......fans have no idea what goes on behind the scenes, what they work on at training. re-drafts are stupid only half a season in. I'd still take Green at two because his upside is much better than those that went after him. Guys like Barnes might be at their peak now and not get to superstar status
    hakeem94 and BallaDoc like this.
  6. foggy94

    foggy94 Member

    May 6, 2013
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    Thanks man..what's your @ on Twitter btw
    D-rock likes this.
  7. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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  8. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I can understand their confusion.

    They were promised a franchise altering player. Someone they can build around.

    They've seen someone who warrants a 2nd or 3rd off the bench type of player.

    I'd be confused as all hell too and have that goofy clueless look on my face like Silas always has when the camera pans to him on the sidelines, with his mouth wide open not moving.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  9. robbie380

    robbie380 ლ(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿ლ)
    Supporting Member

    Aug 16, 2002
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    Jalen looks horrible on offense when they iso him out on the 3 pt line. I know he isn’t amazing but the coaching doesn’t make sense
  10. CXbby

    CXbby Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    I mean how can we blame the coaching when creating a shot is supposed to be something Jalen could do, like, one of the only things. But yeah, -35 in 23 minutes is not ideal…
    GotGame15 and Plowman like this.
  11. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    -35 tonight...that is atrocious.

    D-rock and GotGame15 like this.
  12. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I said it jokingly after only a few games, could we make the experience stop.

    The jokes over now. I'm just begging at this point.
    CXbby, hakeem94 and GotGame15 like this.
  13. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Only thing that was a joke was when I completely humiliated you a few days ago. Now that was funny.
    i3artow i3aller likes this.
  14. Rockets4Life13

    Dec 9, 2016
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    Out of interest i took the time to look at your recent activity on CF. The first page of your recent posts was exclusively ******** on JG. You don't have anything else to say.

    You're obsessed. Log off the internet and seek professional help.
    BigMaloe, Dobbizzle, xaos and 2 others like this.
  15. Roomba

    Roomba Member
    Supporting Member

    Mar 29, 2017
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    I was prepared to defend Green by saying how he didn’t actually play that poorly and most of those -35 points came because of a last Christian Wood and poor rotations. But then I thought about it, and the fact of the matter is, if Green was able to impact the game a little bit more then he wouldn’t have to be reliant on good rotations to be effective.

    That said, I’m pleased at his hustle on defense recently, and his shot looks a bit better. Still has a looooooong way to go but I can see some improvements than are more than just a hot streak
    BigMaloe, NewAge and D-rock like this.
  16. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Would kill for a hot streak, he has had one decent game the rest are terrible......he has a long long way to go...for sure.....honestly, he should not be starting, he should be benched and have to earn his way back.

  17. dawesome

    dawesome Member

    Dec 28, 2014
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    On paper, Green shouldn't be this 'bad'. I slightly preferred Green over Mobley during draft because it seemed Green had more 'killer instict'. Not much on Cade. But obviously, Green hasnt been performing. He has the talent and great speed but can't understand why he can't even put decent numbers on a bad team. Looks like he is frustrated by his own performance too.
    GotGame15, BigMaloe, Slim and 4 others like this.
  18. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Honestly if it was just about instant stats, we could start him with 4 shooters including a vet PG, rim protector, high tempo, he would be fine and numbers would look much better. Star scorers are rhythm guys, he's not getting regular shots and he's doing a lot of catch and shoot. I haven't been worried because it just makes sense that it would be rough.

    But that's not what we're trying to achieve, hiding his game from the start. We need him to put in the work to catch up and build a few key skills first and then his talent, experience and work ethic should carry him the rest of the way. He needs a 3pt shot, a Euro step and experience on defense.

    We are practically installing his skills one at a time from scratch, it makes total sense why his talents are not translating. He can't shoot. He can't finish at the rim efficiently enough. He sucks from mid range. His passing is nothing noteworthy. This is a full project, the reason we do this is because the source material (the player) is incredible. Seth and Steph Curry learned the exact same skills, but those two are not made of the same thing.

    Everyone wants a switch to flip and he suddenly changes but the truth is his first season is going to unfortunately require a lot of boring development work, gradual improvement, two steps back sometimes, etc. Jalen Green started playing in High School, then decided to fast track his development in the G League over college only for covid to turn his entire basketball education into 20 games in a bubble with Brian Shaw. Almost 0 players from Ignite were ready for this NBA season.

    I know we can scream and yell about how much it sucks, but you have to see him as a HS prospect who picked up basketball late. Give him this season to rectify that missing college/gleague experience, he needs it. I would say he's almost done getting to the readiness that he should've arrived in this season.
    #3358 Mathloom, Feb 5, 2022
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2022
    BigMaloe, dawesome and Slim like this.
  19. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    How about Jalen Green gets off the court and seeks professional help to become a semi-competent basketball player?

    Maybe then I will.

    But, I didn't think this was too hard to grasp. There's not much else to talk about except how bad the 'franchise altering player' is.

    GotGame15 likes this.
  20. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    GotGame15, daywalker02 and D-rock like this.

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