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Stone is wrong

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ashleyem, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. BasketballMind

    Mar 8, 2010
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    Players have to want to be kept.
    Joe Rocket likes this.
  2. Williamson

    Supporting Member Supporting Member

    Dec 6, 2002
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    After they had an established core of young players that they drafted. And if we deem Jarrett Allen or somebody like him to be the missing piece once we've established that core, then by all means trade for that guy. There are certainly enough of them out there.
  3. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I don't think that these signings were wrong.

    The reality is that Stone had to sign SOMEONE, ownership wasn't going to let him do nothing.

    Theis is a good defender that will play hard off the bench or as a starter. He sets good screens, is known to practice hard and actually can switch some as well. He is undersized height-wise but he does play bigger than his size. He is also not a complete zero as a shooter from the perimeter. His contract is very reasonable, as teams in the future would likely gladly take on 9 million a year for a back up center. He also is considered a hard worker and a good influence. He isn't "so good" that he will cost the Rockets draft positioning.

    Nwaba is considered an exceptional teammate and hard workers as well. He is also a VERY good defensive player and has flirted with being a solid perimeter shooter as well. He will compliment the terrible defense of Porter (who is godawful defensively) and Green (who was bad in the G-League). Last, if he starts to hit outside shots, the Rockets will have no difficulty trading him for an asset if they decide to take that route.

    The Rockets are in part building a culture with these signings and you can see it in the players they have drafted and the signing of Tate last year. The Rockets want players that are gym rats and/or hustle and play physical and hard... especially from their role players.
    yixiixiy, Deuce, CXbby and 3 others like this.
  4. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    Thats flat out just not what the nets did. Idk how else to say this but youre just making **** up lmao

    The nets did not have their picks. The nets took on bad contracts for assets, overpaid for russell because they were rebuilding anyways. They did everything BUT bank on luck and lottery odds
  5. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    Would I sign a player that has identical counting stats and age as the starting center for a finals team? Yes! Actually I would!

    Did you know we are going to be playing daniel theis at center? Yes or no?
  6. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    So we trade for someone who we had in the first place? In allens case hes not even old and fits our timeline
  7. lkrockets

    lkrockets Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    hmmm… maybe I can get an invite to your poker games?
    Joe Rocket likes this.
  8. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    I JUST SAID THEY LOST THEIR PICKS. Are you even reading what Im posting? The Rockets are gaining assets and staying flexible. DO you not get that point? They could make themselves a place where stars want to come in a couple of years. Its not going to be the exact same rebuild. The point is young players and assets. Can I ask you for once and all exactly what you wanted the Rockets to do. Because for the life of me I dont get the point of your posts in this thread. You wanted us to get jarred Allen and beg him to stay for 5 years 100 million? You wanted us to get levert who looked horrible in the Pacers close out game. Are you mad about Brown and Kelly. What exactly do you want?
    lkrockets likes this.
  9. jayfree

    jayfree Member

    Jul 3, 2015
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    I agree with this... I mean where's the Lillard splash or the LeBron bomb. Aren't we ready to compete now in the Finals?

    We need to go after these free agents to keep Harden happy and.... oh wait! He's not here anymore?

    What do you mean Bosh and Aldridge retired and when did Lebron go to the Lakers? We still got Howard though right?
  10. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    LOL you said they started losing and then lost their picks. They lost their picks FIRST and then rebuilt

    Who are you staying "flexible" for? I really want to know. Nets traded Russell for Kevin Durant. You can trade allen if you need to. You can trade levert if you want to. Having a large contract on a good player is NOT a bad thing. Why would you give them up for a half year rental of kelly olynk?
  11. maw7079_2000

    maw7079_2000 Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Why is it the Wizard can trade Russell Westbrook for Kyle Kuzma, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope, Montrezl Harrell and a 1st rd pick… and the Rockets get John Wall?
  12. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    LMAO are you misunderstanding me on purpose? I said they were losing as well as they lost their picks there was no "and then" in their buddy. Your replies just seem like argue just to argue. Im still unsure of what you wanted the Rockets to do. I just dont understand the point of your posts lol The Rockets are rebuilding. They wanted defense and they didnt want to pay Jarrett Allen 100 million dollars so theygot Daniel Theis. Also if the Rockets are still losing and get another high pick whats to say our next star isnt a big and maybe they dont want to have to try to unload his contract which may not be as easy as you think to unload later? You dont know the future
  13. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    Umm because the lakers wanted Westbrook?
  14. eliefor3

    eliefor3 Member

    Mar 8, 2019
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    They also play in Brooklyn so the idea was prob if we develop the right space we can get superstars to sign, which is what happened with durant and kyrie. I don't think that is happening in houston l

    The best and the fastest course of action for us is to draft well and get a top 10 next year. If you can get at least 1 super star and 1 star from the 2 drafts then you can trade some assets to get another superstar.

    I would imagine they can trade wood with a few picks for a superstar if between green, kpj, next year's pick, this year's picks they can find a duper star and a all star
  15. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    Why are you worried about unloading contracts when the only player interested in signing here is Daniel Theis? How about wait until we actually get there and see? You dont know the future either. Who do you think we are going to sign? If we somehow draft a superstar center then see what we can get out of allen. If we draft a superstar point guard see what we can get out of kpj. Thats not a bad problem to have

    Selling low or letting players straight up walk for nothing is not how you rebuild. What is the point of flipping Levert for Oladipo for Kelly Olynk and then letting him walk? You say you want young players so what is the point of 29 year old Daniel Theis? Who cares about his defense on a rebuilding team?
  16. jerryclark

    jerryclark Member

    Nov 24, 2018
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    I agree we need to keep players to trade AND draft well. Right now we are just drafting and we dont have many picks to draft with. Keeping good but not great players like allen is even more important for us because, like it or not, we arent a top destination
  17. Joe Rocket

    Joe Rocket Member

    Dec 11, 2020
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    You are giving me a headache lol. still havent stated what you wanted the rockets to do really. Also Theis is a cheap defensive29 year old vet. Your entire team wont be just young players lol jesus Why do you love Allen so damn much its like an obsession at this point lol OK nevermind dont answer it because its just gonna be another reply that I dont understand. Finally I probably would have kept Allen and Levert myself but honestly after seeing what theyve done and what the Rockets end result is I would have been wrong. I dont want to give Allen 5 years 100 million. We just got Garuba who is defensive minded. We are trying to see what our young guards have and I think the Rockets believe in Wood, Green and Kpj so im happy to see what happens next.
  18. Poonwalker

    Poonwalker Member

    Nov 13, 2019
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    Exactly, people talk about culture, well how do you start building that? It doesn't just come because we get say the most talented shooter or even scorer. I would start with a foundation built on defense. Something that requires effort and teamwork and communication to achieve. Yeah, Brown was a better shooter, and he could handle the ball quite well. But if I was building from scratch I would take Nwaba. He is an excellent defender and he plays physical and tough. He knows how to keep a player in front of him. He has more skills he can actually teach a young player in that regard. Shooting just takes reps, and practice, and time. But you have to teach someone defense, and for that you need a teacher, and a leader. We also have Tate, and now Theis. Both are excellent defensive minded players. Who cares how old Theis is. Some of you are sending mixed signals around here. You don't want to win now, but you want that win now type player not even knowing if they are committed to the extra effort . I bet Stone knows. He's the one asking all the questions. He's also doing a great job so far I might add.
    34to11 and Joe Rocket like this.
  19. Big Uns

    Big Uns Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    So are fans of Rocket quitters.

    TMac....Vernon Maxwell
  20. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Ariza is on the Lakers
    Fake fans can jump on that ship

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