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John Wall Buyout thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Plowman, May 17, 2021.

  1. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    You know why I didn’t respond because you’re literally that wrong after literally being told over and over. Do you really think you’re the one person in the world that thinks that’s how $25 mil worth of cap space opens. Newsflash. YOURE WRONG. Quit continuing to spread false and dumb information
  2. HROZ

    HROZ Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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    It's obvious you don't think.
    Here's another link.


    One of the more costly buyout deals reported occurred prior to the start of this season, when Dwyane Wade agreed to leave $8.3 million on the table in order to be released by the Chicago Bulls and sign with the Cleveland Cavaliers.

    Wade had more than $23 million owed to him on his contract this season, meaning his cap hit for the Bulls this season was over $15 million despite playing for another team. It’s one of the many ways a bad contract can have major repercussions on a team and it’s cap situation.
  3. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    You literally posted the same stuff. And think the rockets situation is exactly the same. It doesn’t prove anything when we’re talking about wall besides the fact that you’re just wrong
  4. HROZ

    HROZ Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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    Here's another link.


    Based on those percentages, Wall would be giving back just $2.75 million, if he were to go the route of Drummond, and $22.1 million if he were to be generous, like Aldridge. Both of those examples involve players in the final year of their deals, which is the common scenario for buyouts.

    Note 25 million was what I'm hoping he agrees to leave.
    But I'd agree to any deal where he leaves 15 million plus on the table.

    PS notice how I'm linking Journalists & you're talking about reading random guys on forums.
    People like you is how we end up with Trump as president..
  5. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    I mean people like you who try and spread wrong information is what makes people not understand wtf is going on. Thankfully more people understand you’re not opening cap space in your logic
  6. HROZ

    HROZ Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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    What wrong information.

    The fact remains.
    Atm we owe Wall 90+ million.
    That is taken out of the rockets cap. (Atm we are under the cap for the next 2 years)
    If Wall agrees to a buyout & reduces his contract by X amount, that gives us X extra cap space.

    I'm hoping X is $25 million.
  7. DreamShakeFTW

    DreamShakeFTW Member

    Jun 29, 2009
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    That would be a stupid move by the Rockets.
    It's just the national media trying to make something happen so that Wall ends up on the Lakers or the Nets for free.
  8. DreamShakeFTW

    DreamShakeFTW Member

    Jun 29, 2009
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    Talking to you, OKC.

    I would happily burn two of the late first rounders to move Wall.
    Even with smaller bad contracts coming back.
  9. bmelo

    bmelo Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Imagine they offered extension to Oladipo. We would be stuck with two of the baddest contracts in the nba
    No Worries likes this.
  10. HROZ

    HROZ Member

    Apr 10, 2018
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    No reason to burn 2 First rounders.
    That's 2 possible future Rocket fans.

    We aren't contending in the next 2 years. Unless a star agrees to sign with us cap, there's no reason to blow 2 * 1sts to make that space.
  11. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Lets cut to the chase ..... Stretching Wall is the absolute worst decision you could make for the future and it really doesn't "help the now".

    Paying Wall 16m for 5 years eating up cap space in years you should be competitive is .... absolute ignorance.

    Its a bad team that doesn't need to be kicking the can down the road .... be bad now so you can be better later.

    Paying Wall in the 27/28 season ..... ugh.
    #91 Corrosion, May 25, 2021
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
  12. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    How many pages until? Over Under.
    Plowman likes this.
  13. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I don't think you understand ..... Stretching Wall doesn't "Create any Usable cap space" - the key word here is usable. You will still be "Over the cap" .... Just further from the tax line yet you won't have any way to use that newfound space between you and the tax.

    Basically Tilman saves a few $$$ .... at the expense of team assets.

    Buying him out at even a reduced rate is going to leave you with an $16m+ cap hit in each of the next 5 seasons.

    Do you really think its a good idea to pay John Wall ~$16m in 2026/27? That's still going to be better than 10% of the cap .... just to get rid of a guy who isn't helping a tanking team win,
    D-rock, luckyman76, YOLO and 2 others like this.
  14. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    Rather than do mental gymnastics on a buyout we should just accept that Wall will be Monta Ellis to Cade's Steph for the next couple of years.
  15. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Most likely, the Rockets will operate over the cap next year.

    If they renounce the rights to all free agents ( Olynyk, Exum, WIlson, Brown, Nwaba, Brooks and Lamb) then they are still sitting at $99.58M in committed salary.

    If they were to win the lottery then their 3 pics will count $14.33M against the cap.

    Exceptions count against the cap so they'd also have to renounce their exceptions.

    Even with all of those actions we'd still be sitting at just under $114M which is likely above next years cap.

    At that point it's likely better to operate above the cap and retain the Bird rights on your FAs (assuming you wish to bring any back or sign an trade them). Also you'd be able to retain the $10M trade exception that they created in the Harden trade.

    Regardless, lets say that they did go that route and their salary is $114M against a projected cap of $112.4M (Spotrac projected cap amount).
    They'd be about $1.6M over the cap.

    Now say that they do a buyout with Wall and reduce they amount that they owe him by $25M as you've suggested. He has two years remaining so that would reduce his cap hit by $12.5M in each of the next two years.

    That would mean that our cap would go from $114M to $101.5M.

    So in this scenario, reducing the amount owed Wall by $25M only creates $10.9M in cap space rather that $25M. This is also likely a best case as that 112.4M cap projection may be high due to the financial losses from Covid.

    BTW if the worst case happens and we end up picking 18, 22, 24 then the rookie cap hit is $7.4M instead of $14.33M.

    Rather than doing that, you're better off operating over the cap and retaining bird rights on your FAs and retaining your exceptions.
    jch1911, lakersuck2 and Corrosion like this.
  16. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I don't know man .... I'm looking at what you can do with that $45million expiring contract and a handful of draft picks at the deadline of 22/23.

    You could bring back literally any salary in the league with that ... Hell you could use it in a S&T at the beginning of that season and bring back one of these young up and comers to add to what you've built up to that point.

    As much as we complain about Wall's contract .... Contracts are assets , without them you can't move salary in or out.
  17. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Twice I've already said that I don't think that the Rockets want to take a $16M+ cap hit for Wall for the next 5 years.

    I'd expect him to be here next season and then they'll see if he has any value as an expiring deal the following year.

    Getting rid of Wall probably would help now in the sense that he wouldn't be taking PT away from younger guys. Sure you could simply retain him and bench him but that could get ugly and reduce any value he may have.

    If I had to guess, I think he's here next season in a similar role to this year. If he can pump up his value, then maybe he's tradeable the following year or you can simply buy him out.

    Even if Wall were to play well next year, trading him will be tough. Doubtful a team would have cap space for that monster contract so they'd have to send back lots of salary to Houston. Will the Rockets get anything worthwhile amongst that salary? At that point it would be better to just buy him out rather than taking on more salary for players that you don't really want.
    Hank McDowell likes this.
  18. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    Right. Wall will be the best backup point guard in the league. Don’t buy out and don’t give up assets to move him. If somebody takes a flyer on him in the last year of his contract, great! Starting lineup next year should be:

    KPJ, KMJ, Wood, rookie 1, rookie2 (or Tate or Olynk if resigned). Bench: Wall, Gordon, Kyrie, Tate or Olynk, rookie 3, House.

    Would be another tank year with rookies getting the experience and Rockets getting a lottery pick next year. Depending on how the youth performs would certainly be a playoff contender in 2023. Move everybody else for second round picks or drop those that can be (Exum). Of course Wall, Gordon etc. could be such a good bench unit that you compete next year.
    D-rock, sydmill, Corrosion and 2 others like this.
  19. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    Just to clear things up .... my last post wasn't questioning your position at all , just making a general statement , after re-reading it , it may have come off snarky which was not the intent.
    D-rock, hakeem94 and aelliott like this.
  20. Plowman

    Plowman Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 26, 1999
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    My preference is to move him as an expiring....as that contract is a key piece in a pivotal deal. In the meantime, I don't want him eating into KPjr's minutes out top. I'm not sure how that would be handled.. At the same time, he'll likely miss quite a bit of time due to health/injury issues. I wish him the best, but have my doubts whether he'll ever play more than half a year again.
    I'm certainly not down with giving up first rounders to unload him early.
    #100 Plowman, May 25, 2021
    Last edited: May 25, 2021
    luckyman76 and sydmill like this.

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