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Tony buzbee filing lawsuit against Deshaun Watson? Hints at mistreating women

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Nimo, Mar 16, 2021.

  1. sammy

    sammy Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    We know a few of the cases were blackmailing attempts because he likes emasculating fetishes (butt-play). Once those are proven to be BS, they will delegitimize any possible real claims.

    We know what's going on here. This has basically turned into a class action lawsuit and all of the consensual encounters that he paid for (let's be real, these women took the money) have just piled on imo.
    UTSA2step and REEKO_HTOWN like this.
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    Kid, I can guarantee I've rejected more women for not being up to my standards than you've been with.

    It's obvious the place where your rhetoric comes from and I feel bad for you.
  3. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    Good response since you admitted women aren't infallible creatures. You NEVER acknowledged that FACT in your previous 100 responses in this thread.

    You claim the ability to attract more women than me. Cool, props to you..But you prob do not. You seem too much of a simp and don't understand women.
  4. Hank McDowell

    Hank McDowell Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    I don’t understand women either.
    txtodd likes this.
  5. Pistol Pete

    Pistol Pete Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 30, 2002
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    I wonder why Buzbee is going for quantity over quality with the plaintiffs. Taking on unlicensed rub and tuggers seems like a credibility risk. Why not stick with clients who you can at least make the case that are not operating illegally or at least shady as hell?
    jiggyfly likes this.
  6. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    My thoughts exactly at some point it loses its effect.

    I see him trying to show a pattern but there is no way he is vetting all of these people.
  7. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
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    Jan 23, 2013
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    This is a pretty stupid statement, I never suggested women were infallible in any post I've ever made in any thread. In fact, in this thread alone I've acknowledged the possibility that some of the women could be exaggerating their claims or that some could be outright fabrications numerous times.

    What you won't find is the kind of pathetic incel rhetoric you've been running wild with for days.

    I'll explain it to you as I would a child. Some men view women as preying on men or always out to get their money.... usually the people who think this way do so because they have next to nothing to offer women so the only kinds of women attracted to them are those who are looking to take from them.

    There's a female equivalent, women who think that all men are interested in is sex usually are the types of women who have nothing else of value to offer a man....so the only men they attract are those just out to get laid.

    Work on bettering yourself and you will attract a higher caliber of woman and once that happens you'll see things in a completely different light.

    Good luck!
    txtodd likes this.
  8. Mr.Scarface

    Mr.Scarface Member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    All Buzbee is trying to do is force Watson into settlements. Buzbee does not want to go to court.
  9. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    I don't how this helps, what does he gain by settling its not like anyone is gonna forget this.
  10. Air Langhi

    Air Langhi Contributing Member

    Aug 26, 2000
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    Keeps stuff in the news. Hardin is not cheap+ he might lose. If he could go back in time Watson should have paid the 100k.
  11. theDude

    theDude Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    People settle out of court all the time when it seems facts may be on their side. This can happen for multiple reasons. You aren’t supposed to be able to hold that against people. There is no admission of guilt and it should not be assumed. I’m not real astute on the legalities, but I don’t believe the Texans would have any recourse in that. Where it may hurt is in the Texans’ ability to trade him or teams in the future signing him.

    You can be convicted in a civil case, and it is much easier than in a criminal case. In civil cases, it only needs to be more likely than not (51/49) that the crime occurred. In a criminal case it has to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. OJ Simpson is the greatest lesson on this.

    And I can see his career continuing if he settles the same way we saw Roethlisberger’s career continue. They aren’t exactly the same, but very similar. Roethlisberger was charged with sexual assault criminally. He didn’t have the option to settle out of court in a legal sense, but that’s basically what he did. At one point the victim simply stopped cooperating and they were forced to drop the case. We all know she had to receive some benefit to just stop cooperating. It’s the same principle. And Roethlisberger’s career continued. He still gets called Rapelisberger and doesn’t do much in the way of endorsements that I recall, but he plays football.

    I don’t want this to feel like an argument. I was just answering the question of I thought it would play out. I think he settles, deals with his suspension, then carries on his career with a lot of baggage. The question probably deserves its own thread, because it’s interesting hearing what people think he should do and what happens afterward.
    B-Bob likes this.
  12. zeeshan2

    zeeshan2 Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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  13. Redfish81

    Redfish81 Member

    Dec 17, 2016
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    If Deshaun goes to trial he loses millions to Hardin before he even has to start cutting checks to plaintiffs if he loses.

    I was involved in one case where the only reason we didn't settle early is because insurance covered the lawyers fees which were several million dollars. In the end, the insurance company paid a settlement on the company's behalf because the case was going to drag out for more than a decade since it was likely headed to at least a state supreme court on a particular issue with no clear case precedents. The insurance company would have been paying millions more in legal fees and settled for significantly less than that.
    UTSA2step and theDude like this.
  14. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I'm not clear what the "you" in that sentence means, or "people". The Texans can't hold that against contracted employees? Maybe not, but it seems like they can act based on the affidavits that are filed, interviews, etc. Settling is choosing not to litigate, right? If Watson wants his day in court, he's 100% entitled to it.
    jiggyfly likes this.
  15. theDude

    theDude Member

    Jun 26, 2003
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    As I said, I’m not sure what the legalities with an employer are if someone settles a lawsuit out of court. Without a judgement against them, there doesn’t seem to be much ground to stand on. For all I know, settling out of court could mean that there were issues with the affidavits. You are correct that if he wants his day in court, he is absolutely entitled to it. I was just explaining why I don’t think that’s the route he will take.
  16. SamCassell

    SamCassell Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I would imagine they can take action against him if they deem a violation of his morality clause, and he and the union can challenge the team's action through arbitration or whatever method the contract provides. I don't think the team's going to ignore the conduct just because the plaintiff settled. Not at this point.
    MadMax likes this.
  17. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    He has already lost his reputation, there is no way he would have just gotten over this with a 100k payout, it's no way Buzzbee would even taken the case if that's what he wanted.
  18. jiggyfly

    jiggyfly Member

    Jul 2, 2015
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    People are not Marquee NFL QB's who have contracts that can be voided by stuff like this. Those type of people don't settle everyday.

    Nfl contracts have Moral clauses so now he settles one cas and then has to go to court to fight to keep his contract and you know the settlement does not help him.

    Roethlisberger could not service that in the me too era and he did not have a high power attorney going up against him.

    This is after Weinstein and Cosby nobody is just forgetting this.
  19. Hank McDowell

    Hank McDowell Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    Yeah, there will be "oil my *******" jokes about Deshaun Watson from now until forever. It's his legacy!
  20. Pringles

    Pringles Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    How long has Watson been with his current girlfriend? For a minute right?

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