thats my favorite episode "Whats up mon frier (spelling?), thats french for brother, I don't even know how i know that, i took four years of spanish"
One of my favorite moments from season 1. Intersting tidbit... did you know that Amy Poehler (wife of GOB) and Will Arnett (GOB) are actually married in real life?!? Also, for those who missed "snoopy" in last week's episode, here's a pic: So subtle... yet so genius. This show IS too witty for the average viewer.
Tonights episode was one of the best yet. The Final Countdown ringtone "We're looking at balls." "im on...TV"
Did you guys notice that when George senior is pretending to be Oscar and Lucile asks why he smells like pine, he answers it's mar1juana and then goes on to say how he'd smoked the mar1juana like a cigarette the exact same way George Michael did in season one during the Pier Pressure episode where Michael thinks he's buying weed for himself and decides to teach him a lesson?
I noticed that as well. I thought it was funny how Barry is the one who noticed what the pictures were. And how he said "from that close they usually look like a landscape". He's always been a strange sexual deviant -- "You're not one of those crazy men who dresses up like a woman are you?" "No baby, I'm the real thing" and he drives off. "I had a very interesting date last night with a woman who actually works two jobs" HAHAHA Very good episode.
Another great episode. "The Final Countdown" ringtone.... priceless. The "smoked it like a cigarette" joke. the maternity clothes the yearbook quotes/pictures - ann's said "not pictured" when she was there, and her nickname was 'egg'.... Steve Holt had three quotes for each year he was a senior... the first two were like "so long suckers... I'm outta here" but the last one was "study guys... trust me." the she-ma-le shirt, and Portia's man voice ("is there a fire?") Buster and GOB on the playground flashback. "Balls!" (the episode was titled 'sad sack' btw... which is both a reference to a old comic strip about a soldier, and of course... the balls) Probably was not as good as an episode as last week, in terms of LOL-funny, but it definitely had interesting plot twists along the way that had me captivated all the way thru. Still the best show out there...
I'm so happy this show exists! Definitely one of the best. Even The Simpsons actually seem funny this year. Nowhere near as funny as they used to, but the writers have gotten smart and have altered it to other sitcoms (like Seinfeld, Arrested Development, etc) to have inside jokes or mini jokes throughout the episode. But yeah, AD is amazing. It's not a show where you can laugh out loud a lot, but it's constant humor. Tonight's episode had one of the best endings to a show as ever. I loved the gay soldier bit.
My girlfriend and her sister love the show....I only watch cause David Cross, other than him it's not that great...
while i've seen very little of it, it does seem pretty funny. however, lets not go doing foolish things like putting it above "Scrubs," hands down the best show on tv right now. it is moving up my all-time shows list so fast it's amazing. 4 or 5 more seasons at this caliber and we're talking about moving into the untouchable simpsons/cheers stratosphere. and everybody loves raymond and two and a half men are also very good right now. arrested development is a lot like family guy was a few years ago to me. a show i hear a lot of good things about and really wanna watch and like a lot when i do watch, but that i never seem to lock down when it's on (apparently right after the simpsons, but since i don't watch them really that hurts the cause) and thus never get around to watching. thanks to cartoon network i can now fully appreciate the amazingness of family guy (possibly the sharpest comedy of all time) and hopefully i'll get around to watching AD. but above scrubs? sheer folly.
Scrubs is a good show and if it's on I'll watch it, but IMO AD is so far ahead of everything else on TV it's not even all that close. If you watch some of the earlier episodes, you'll have a MUCH larger appreciation for the show. There are jokes that get set up 10+ episodes before the current one. They make it all the more hilarious. Like the ringtone, or the "mar1juana Cigarette", or Steve Holt, or last week's Aztec Tomb. Anyone notice that Gob's belts all have a "G" belt buckle? I think perhaps the funniest part of the whole episode was when the F-16s are called back because of "Balls, we're looking at balls".
We were at a bar watching it before the Washington/Philly game came on and we were in stitches by the end. "Dad, the rules say that parents aren't supposed to help!" "Shh honey, that's orphan talk."
Just finished the first 3 seasons. Very good show. Definitely ahead of its time. @bobloblaw you won't believe this but there's a guy in this show with your name.
It was interesting reading this thread from folks watching it as it was on the air; I was one of those that found the series much later after it had been canceled. I think my favorite part was the staunch defense of Scrubs. Arrested Development (the pre-Netflix version) is in the conversation as the cleverest television show ever made.
Definitely in the network television era.... where they demand 18+ episodes a season. In today's time, it would have been on amazon or netflix, limited to 12 quality episodes, and had a much longer run... although part of their humor was making fun of their pending cancellation status throughout the end of the run on network TV.
The fox run is in GOAT conversation. I couldn’t get into the Netflix run at all. Didn’t even finish it.