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So the Astros 2017 title is tainted

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by rockets13champs, Nov 12, 2019.

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  1. awc713

    awc713 Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    So...I'll say this. First, it's getting even more laughable that NYY isn't being investigated. It's just a joke at this point and it's turning the MLB into one big sharade. I understand the social media attack on the Astros. I'm not trying to deflect blame, but fans need to look at the league with as much skepticism as they are the Astros. I wish the media would do the right thing, but that's way too much to ask for in 2020. I'm not surprised per se...but it's time for The Athletic and other media outlets put pressure on the MLB to legitimately investigate other teams.

    The league lacks any shred of integrity until that happens. I mean, this is not some Jose Canseco, crazy-guy talk whistle-blowing...several players have voiced opinions that the league would find shady stuff in several clubhouses if they investigated. The sad truth is, the league has turned a blind eye to cheating/integrity because it profits them to do so, a la the NBA and China. Ultimately, any baseball fan who actually believes that the technology cheating scandal was limited to *just* the Astros, are suffering from some serious confirmation bias.

    As far as I'm concerned...the 2017 and 2018 titles are not *that* tainted until the league conducts a thorough investigation on all teams. Are both titles tainted? To some degree, clearly. But how much they're tainted requires way more evidence than what we've seen. The league wants to tarnish and centralize this to just a "Houston Astros" issue...that's not only a self-serving stance for the league, but also contrary to what we're seeing as evidence and player quotes continue to come out.

    I'm not saying Luhnow and Hinch didn't deserve the axe. They did. They createdan environment where this could happen. But the key question is what was happening around the league--not just in HOU and BOS lockerrooms. It's a bit analogous to the 2013 Louisville Cardinals NCAAB championship. Did they pay players? Yeah. But isn't that was virtually every major NCAA team has done and skirted since the beginning of time? Duh. Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk. Players are keeping their mouths shut for now, but Manfred needs to dig into the entire league if he really cares about integrity (spoiler: he doesn't).
    #1721 awc713, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
    lw17, The Beard, RayRay10 and 7 others like this.
  2. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    El Jefe really wanted a ring. ;)

    But I ain't even mad at El Jefe.
    The Beard likes this.
  3. donkeypunch

    donkeypunch Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Remember when Correa and Tuve had lunch with Beltran before the season?

    Makes you wonder what was discussed that had him coming out of it saying "this was the year"?
  4. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    @WolvesGuy has finally posted 8 years after joining !!
    RayRay10 likes this.
  5. zeeshan2

    zeeshan2 Member

    Feb 20, 2013
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    Ah so like Weinstein; everyone knew what he was doing yet everyone was posing with him for pictures, having conversations, being jovial and then they all turn around, wear their little MeToo pins and then deny that they were friends with Weinstein in the first place
    RayRay10, BigM and htwnbandit like this.
  6. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Musgrove: "Investigate every team like they did the Astros and the league will find lots of things they wouldn't like."

    Carlos Beltran: "The Astros are doing the same as every club.".... to his employer at the time.... the Yankees.

    McCann: Gave essentially the same statement as Beltran

    Morrison: "The report is fake news. The Astros have cheated since 2014 and the Yankees and Dodgers and Red Sox too."

    MLB states "Red Sox cheating scandal will go into Spring"

    "The Red Sox have been disciplined before for using technology to steal signs, although it occurred one year before Cora was hired. In September of 2017, Boston (along with the Yankees) was fined for electronically pilfering signs from the opposing catcher. In the Red Sox's case, their sign-stealing involved the use of an Apple Watch to steal and relay signs. After the 2017 incidents, Manfred released a memo to all 30 MLB clubs warning of more severe punishments for any future violations of the rule that prevents use of electronic equipment or the inappropriate use of the video replay room."

    The Red Sox’s alleged scheme went like this: when the team was at bat and had a runner on second base—a rare enough situation, yet a vital one—an employee in the video department who was watching the Yankees’ catcher would decode the signals he was using to call pitches then transmit the information to a trainer in the Sox dugout who was wearing an Apple Watch. The trainer would then give that information to a player standing nearby, who would signal to the teammate on second base, letting him know what to look for. The base-runner would then signal in to the batter, giving him the advantage of knowing which pitch was coming before it was thrown—as long as this game of telephone hadn’t garbled the original message.

    David Dombrowski, the Sox president of operations, said at a press conference that teams have been stealing signs for each of the forty years that he’d worked in baseball, and said, “I’ve never thought it’s wrong. Everyone in the game has been involved in it throughout the years.”

    Bill Veeck was a full-throated advocate for the stealing of signs, but he was careful to note that the practice wasn’t without its dangers. “If the sign-stealing is effective, the opposition is going to suspect what is happening,” he wrote in his memoir. “They are going to be sure of it as soon as a hitter steps into a pitch he has no right to expect and belts it halfway into the stands.” You can’t, in other words, do it too often, and you can’t be too obvious about it either—both rules that the Red Sox seem to have forgotten. In Veeck’s time, a team’s recourse when they suspected an opponent of stealing signals was to use new ones on the fly. “Now the opposition has a mission in life,” he wrote. “They are going to do their best to cross you up and make it hurt.” Batters expecting a curve ball would get blitzed by a heater. Problem solved. These days, in the more litigious environment of contemporary sports, a team has another option—catch a snoop in the act and turn them in to the commissioner while shaming them in the press. The technology may have changed, but gamesmanship is as valuable as ever.

    In a 2018 interview Alex Cora stated that Carlos Beltran on the Yankees "Has helped them alot, with devices and stuff"......

    Alex Bregman also alluded to Beltran "helping" the Yankees after joining them and leaving the Astros...

    But I am sure all of this is unique to the Astros........ I am sure that Beltran never did it before the Astros or after he left for the Yankees.

    I am sure Cora did nothing wrong with the Red Sox or before he joined the Astros........

    I am sure Musgrove is just confused...... and Logan Morrison is a liar.
  7. HookemHorns1250

    Nov 1, 2007
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    What the heck is going on lol, just saw Beltran was trending.
  8. Htown Legend

    Htown Legend Member

    Jul 31, 2018
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    I really hope this isn’t anything bad..... please let it be over

  9. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    Red Sox method sounds like it sucks. Astros are better at cheating too.
    donkeypunch likes this.
  10. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    Who is that?
  11. The Real Shady

    Jun 8, 2000
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    Guessing he's glad to be out of there because of the hell the Astros players are going to catch this season, but I also wonder if some of the other pitchers may request out as well. What if Verlander tries to play dumb and say he didn't know everything that was going on and now wants out?
  12. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
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    May 31, 2009
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    #1732 mikol13, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
  13. awc713

    awc713 Member

    Apr 23, 2012
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    Any guesses/ideas on what news could be broke about Altuve? I can’t take any more heartbreak, esp. concerning Jose

    #1733 awc713, Feb 11, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2020
  14. punkoholic

    punkoholic Member

    Jul 21, 2016
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    Isn't this guy pro Houston Astros? If so, then why break a story that would make Altuve look bad? Hopefully he's trolling and his breaking news is him joking that his sources confirmed him that Altuve's wife was really going to be upset with him and his teammates if they ripped his jersey off.
  15. Redfish81

    Redfish81 Member

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Attention w****... he's been that guy for a long time
    lw17 likes this.
  16. Senator

    Senator Member

    Jun 14, 2018
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    You cowards need to stop wetting yourself to every rumor out there on the internet.

    Its very simple - every Astro and Astro fan should say - we'll apologize after the MLB launches a thorough and unbiased (though this can never be confirmed) investigation into every MLB team, with particular scrutiny on the large markets they defend (NY, Boston, Chicago, LA). Until then this charade of picking on a small market team is hypocritical and laughable.

    Nothing else needs to be said. A backbone needs to be grown amongst all of you.
  17. rpr52121

    rpr52121 Sober Fan

    Mar 28, 2006
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    If the MLB really wants to get rid of all this stupid sign stealing nonsense, just transition to some system with earpieces for the catcher/pitcher/coach for a few seconds before the next pitch, a la in the NFL for QB's and defensive captains.

    It's not that hard. Instead of having to figure out what technology who is doing what to see some sign, technology makes it a non issue.
  18. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    You know nothing about anyone here. This. Is. A. GAME.

    Accusing strangers of cowardice based on an internet conversation over a game. Back away from the keyboard, chief. Get some perspective.
    lw17 and Rodman23 like this.
  19. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
    Supporting Member

    May 31, 2009
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  20. texans1095

    texans1095 Member

    May 15, 2013
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    This is all very strange. Anybody have any idea what this could possibly be referring to? Or if it’s just total attention-seeking BS?
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