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Eric Gordon: Extend? Trade? Stay the course?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Deuce, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. RocketsFido

    RocketsFido Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    This question should be asking Tilman if he wants to pay EG 30mil a year.

    EG ain't going to take an extension that is team-friendly. He's been in too much trade rumors to take a paycut.

    We can't trade him since we're going "all-in" (unless the trade lands us an all-star) and I doubt Tilman will extend or pay him after this season's up.
    Gray_Jay likes this.
  2. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Extend him, I would like him to retire a Rox and I think he wants the same. I've heard him mention he wants to stay and would rather not move to another team again in his career. With that said, it sounds like he would take less to ensure he retires a Rox.
  3. Le$$

    Le$$ Member

    May 28, 2016
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    thing is has he peaked? you look at the stats, he could have a down year now that russel is here. he really wont be that real goto scorer. So your looking at 14 ppg, and he might not be worth it. See how much he likes houston and see if he take a 3 year 45 or something. If he wants more than pass.
  4. Severe Rockets Fan

    Severe Rockets Fan Takin it one stage at a time...

    Mar 5, 2001
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    Unless we change the way we play it would be tough to find anyone that fits this system better than him. Gotta keep him I’d imagine...for how much thou ?
  5. skroodup25

    skroodup25 Member

    Jul 1, 2012
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    I might be bias or just not thinking but I feel like eric is THE best non star player in the league.... but that's the problem tho.... if you trade him it could only be for a fairly decent pick, lateral move for more years or a legit lengthy star player..... no other trade would make sense.... almost like the Brooks for Dragic +1st.....

    extending him sux too cause lesser players are making more but can we really afford to pay market value????

    I believe if the team catches early then he'll stay and you pay since you're expecting to be in the LT anyway.....

    I hope we keep him tho....
  6. dharocks

    dharocks Member

    Jun 24, 2003
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    EG has a long history of injuries (and has continued to suffer nagging ailments since getting here), he's entering his thirties, and the marginal utility of his scoring and driving ability is almost certainly going to be reduced with the addition of Westbrook. I appreciate what Eric brings to the team and I'd be cautious about trading him, but I think a contract extension would be pushing our luck.
    da_juice likes this.
  7. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    Go into the season....

    1) If his numbers/stats at the trading deadline are equal or less than last season: Trade Eric Gordon for upgrade(s).
    2) if his stats are good/great at the trading deadline: “run it” through fruition.
  8. Gray_Jay

    Gray_Jay Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Projected 2020/21 salaries, not counting the very likely sweetheart deal that Rivers will end up signing: 121.578 M. Projected 2020/21 luxury tax threshold: 142M. https://www.spotrac.com/nba/houston-rockets/cap/2020/

    Room: 20.4 M. Rivers is listed at 2.39M on the cited link. Bump that to 8M, and 5.6M of that room just went away. 20.4-5.6 is 14.8 M. Do we think Gordon will want to play for that? I don't either. Give him 60/3----assuming he even takes it---and the Rockets are 5.2 over. Paying something like 7.8M extra in tax on top of that. Does that sound like anything Rockets management has been willing to do so far?

    This also assumes Shumpert is allowed to walk, with no replacement contract.
  9. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    extending gordon means committing to paying tax for the next 3 years. I don't see tilman doing that.

    trading gordon most likely means paying tax this year since there's no equal value on the market in his price range. Morey isn't going to make the team worse by trading gordon for lesser value, nor will he package gordon with tucker or capela unless a star is available and it doesn't appear any are. that leaves only the possibility or gordon and NG guys but that results in tilman paying tax this year which he won't do.

    so I leave you with this dark thought... it is very likely that the rockets will let him play out his contract and let him walk next summer. his money will be split between rivers and maybe an MLE player.
    Gray_Jay likes this.
  10. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Poor Eric Gordon staying on the trade block is also staying the course
  11. Gray_Jay

    Gray_Jay Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Covington is locked up for the next three years at 12.1 per year. Which is cheaper than Gordon costs now. I'd think the Rockets would rather have Covington than Gordon.

    Of course, the Rockets aren't going to able to get him for just Gordon...or at all, really.
  12. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    that's my point. they won't be able to get anyone as good as gordon at that price or less. they'll have to add NG contracts to. raise the price of incoming salaries which means paying the tax, which tilman won't do. or package gordon with tucker or capela but that would require a star being available which there isn't right now.

    we aren't selling him for a pick because we're trying to win now.

    and I doubt they reach an extension agreement because that would mean tilman is committing to paying tax for the next 3 years. he won't do that.

    so I'm starting to worry that gordon will be handled like ariza. play out your contract and then we will replace you with minimum signings.
    Gray_Jay likes this.
  13. BigBum

    BigBum Member

    Jun 19, 2018
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    I have a poll, over 50% posters have Championship expectation,
    9 minimum salaries are not a championship team,
  14. bilaal14

    bilaal14 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
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    He is our Xfactor....he will very, very good for us..or he will get us someone good.


    I think the reason he isn't traded right now is because the Rockets know how important he is for this team.
  15. TilmanFinancialWindfall

    Jul 15, 2019
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    I only pay Luxury Tax for Superstar- Signed Tilman in Financial Trouble. I don't even know how we got under the LTS, that was an error.
  16. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    Thanks for posting those salaries. Helps to get an idea of where Gordon's market is. I am looking at Brogdon & Bledsoe. So somewhere between those two. Gary Harris is another good example but he is younger.

    @BimaThug what are the *rules* of contract extensions? Is it only 120% of the current value? Or can it be more?

  17. rammo

    rammo Member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Man I love this guy. Always the first name to be offered up to the chopping block, then routinely hits 7 threes in your eye next game.

    Extend him, he’s more than earned it. Beast.
  18. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    rozier, barnes, hardaway, bazemore, and fournier were overpaid by bad teams who can't sign any FAs unless they pay above market. brogdon and oladipo are a tier above gordon and would be a reach for his agent to reference their salaries. lavine is a combination of being paid based on his potential being a tier above gordon and also the bulls having to overpay to keep him.

    the closest on this list is bogdanovic, bledsoe, and harris. gordon should get a starting salary between $15-$17M. considering his age i don't think he'd get a 4 year deal. 3 makes the most sense due to age and matching his contract length with harden and russ.

    the big question is will tilman commit to paying the tax for the next 3 years or just let gordon walk? i'm afraid they let him walk, give rivers half that money, and spend whatever is remaining under the tax on a partial MLE guy like house.
  19. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    He's making $14M this year.
    You go to him & offer a $1M raise, I'd consider that a slap-in-the-face offer.
    I think $17M is the floor and $18M-$20M/$21M isn't far fetched.
    YOLO likes this.
  20. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    maybe. but if you look at what similar players got this summer its 15-17 starting. he may WANT and DESERVE $21M but the market has to offer it. all depends on who's got money and what other FAs are available next summer. not everyone gets what they deserve.

    this is all assuming tilman will commit to paying taxes for 3 years. my hunch is he doesn't extend gordon and part of that money goes to rivers' wink-wink deal from this summer.
    J.R. likes this.

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