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Texans Release Derrick Newton

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by deb4rockets, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Lord willing I will be following the team long after the old man is dead and gone. BTW, is it true his cancer isn't in remission anymore?

    The old man is actually starting to become an embarrassment to this city.

    Nice of you to tell me how I should live my life though.

    Maybe you should worry more about you and less about me. This includes keeping your stupid opinions to yourself.
    FTW Rockets FTW likes this.
  2. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    He's literally done nothing wrong. When he actually does something wrong then I'll worry about that narrative.
  3. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Yet he's still turned into an embarrassment.

    I would say you're in the minority on this subject.
    FTW Rockets FTW likes this.
  4. Bobbythegreat

    Bobbythegreat Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 23, 2013
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    LOL well I know that's the opinion of some....I just have a hard time seeing it as a credible opinion.
  5. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Lol... you avoided stating your political affiliation (though we already know) and refused to define them because you know thats a slippery slope for you. There is no line in the sand, and interpretation is open. You CAN be a SJW race baiting victim. Saying otherwise is funny to me especially how important it is to you to try and fight this unwinnable battle... though quite frankly it has been a huge waste of my time. You are clearly not as smart as you think you are.
    #125 Champs, Apr 15, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  6. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    And yet they made a HUGE offer for Solder. How does that factor into your OL jab? Was that just a ploy to try and cover up their true goal to go cheap on OL?

    Now its McNair doesnt even care what he puts on the field? JFC. Honestly, the hardest part of being a fan of the NFL is the level of stupidity among its fan base.
  7. raining threes

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Not enough to get him here and they had the cap space to do it.

    15 yrs of the SOS and fans like you buying what McNair sells every year. Now that's a stupid fan IMHO.
  8. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Texans have been division champions 4 out of last 6 years. And if it weren’t for injuries last year it would hace been 5 out of 6. Better than most teams in the league in the last almost decade. The football roster has been pretty damn good for years now. Just without a franchise QB, which do not grow on trees but the most crucial and impactful position to fill. Maybe 12-13 at most exist in a country of 330 million people. Now we have one, and you guys still can’t STFU. Watson is the real deal. We have now filled the most difficult position in all of sports. He gets hurt and the fan base implodes. You nancys would be singing a much different tune without the injuries, thats no way on McNair for fvks sake.
  9. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    The offense has been bottom ten every year OBrien has been here
  10. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I thought we were talking about McNair. Ok fine, I will bite and disregard the defense. And who are the teams that are most often in the top 10 in Offense. The ones with the franchise QB’s correct? Texans offense would have been top 10 last year, disagree?
  11. csj

    csj Member

    May 20, 2002
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    No, just refused to allow you to make things about me. Not my first rodeo. Oh, and I have no "political affiliation".
    A weak mind need to change the terms, the "interpretation", when he get's called out. Don't know what this "victim" thing is either, that's new. Still waiting for proof.
    Funny thing is that you can't produce a single example of the "many" you claim exist and you can't even the define the basic terms of the conversation. Arguing with you isn't a waste of time since it takes no time at all, you have nothing to say.
    Right back at you. At least I'm smart enough not to watch propaganda channels. What's your excuse?

    One thing's clear, when Champs is challenged, all he has is insult.
  12. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Lol @ you have no political affiliation. Ok fine, do you not vote? If you do vote which party do you vote most often for? If you don’t vote which party do you most relate to? Let me guess another non answer coming. Even know the amswer is obvious. Your job here is to dristract from the truth. Social Justice Warriors (those with progressive views) and race baiting “victims” (those playing the race card) can indeed be and are quite often cut from the same cloth. Dont be obtuse you know exactly what the hello both of these mean and in the context I was using them. Of course I am belittling them and you have a problem with that, obviously.

    Again its funny I have told you multiple times I do not watch fox news. I gave many examples of the lefts biased and engineered narrative that far out weighs anything the right can muster when considering all conduits of information/influence. Yet, you ignore as if its all made up. You did not dispute any of them. Lets start with ESPN, owned by Disney. Do you dispute that ESPN is left leaning? Will you actually answer a question for once? Another question, do you watch CNN or MSNBC?

    Learner's definition of RACE–BAITING
    [noncount] US, disapproving

    : the unfair use of statements about race to try to influence the actions or attitudes of a particular group of people
    • a politician who is being accused of race-baiting
    #132 Champs, Apr 16, 2018
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2018
  13. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    Derek Newton

    I just wanted to type his name one time since this thread is supposed to be about him and I don' see his name mentioned anymore.
    joshuaao and raining threes like this.
  14. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    And thats fair. I just saw there is indeed a political board here and will engage there. Hopefully we can keep the McNair is a racist BS out of the Texans sports forum as well.
  15. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    So if you need a franchise QB, why do you let the new coach mess around with Fitzpatrick, Hoyer/Mallet and Osweiler for 3 years?

    And why do you let him destroy the OL?

    Say what you will about Derek Newton, but he reflected the ability of Kubiak to find cheap and productive talent. Before his injuries, he was excellent value at the 7th round. But McNair fired Kubiak and hired an "offensive genius" who can't build an offensive roster.
  16. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I addressed your first part already. Franchise QBs dont grow on trees. They kicked the tires as best they could until the stars aligned. And thats exactly what it takes to find one. The stars aligning. See link below. Give credit where credit is due. Once you find a franchise QB, which is extremely hard to do... you are set for YEARS. We are there.


    Is the Oline anywhere near where I would like it to be? Absolutely not. Newtons injury was horrible and the timing could not have been worse. Also, we still have a draft, this offseason is not over. Same for Nick Martin. Same for Quessenberry. We could have went OL first round last year but that would have cost us Watson. I would have loved to have signed Solder, but we battled and lost. His wife wanted to stay near home. Thats the breaks sometimes. Lets see the rest of the offseason play out.
  17. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    You need to surround yourself QB with talent. See: Philip Rivers career. They didn't have a grand plan to wait for Watson, they were fumbling around like fools.

    Thems the breaks? No, it wasn't bad luck. It was bad roster building like replacing Brooks with Allen and not investing properly in offensive assets. Something that is still continuing. They would never find another Derek Newton.

    Interesting that we don't need to provide these excuses for Crennel. Except for last year, the defense looks excellent and is poised to bounce back.
  18. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Of course they need to surround Watson with talent and like I said, the offseason is not over. “Fumbling around” like just about every single team without a franchise QB does, because thats exactly how it looks until one is aquired. Which AGAIN, finding a franchise QB is the most difficult position to fill in all of sports.

    Yes, Solders wife being from NE to help the Giants case to close the deal and Oline inuries are absolutely the breaks sometimes.

    You mentioned O’Briens offense not been in the top 10 since he has been here. A lot of the teams that are constantly in top 10 typically have franchise QB’s or is an anomaly. Yet, he has only been in the bottom 10 once without a starting franchise QB. Texans offense last year was indeed going to be a top 10 offense but bad luck with practice injury to Watson. I suspect they go heavy O in the draft.
  19. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    Let's see what they do the rest of the off-season.

    So far it's been very underwhelming on offense while the defensive moves have been exciting
    Champs likes this.
  20. Champs

    Champs Member

    Mar 13, 2018
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    I hope as probably you do the rest of the moves will be mainly O. I would love to see Texans sign Dez and CJ Anderson (a lot of teams to fight off) and then would be happy to see every single pick OL and TE. But I also understand the board will dictate some.
    raining threes likes this.

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