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Cost of moving Anderson ?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by snowconeman22, Jun 21, 2017.

  1. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    You're all over the place. It doesn't matter how Ryno is moved if he even is. DM has always been after stars. if Ryno is needed to be given up for said star then so be it. Same goes for anyone else not named harden likely. My whole point from the beginning was again plenty of teams want him. But you're going all around as if I'm saying clev, Boston, bklyn, la this and that. Things are about to unfold real soon. All your skepticism is much to do with basic narrative
  2. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    Dude , I can't argue with you more .

    I don't even know how your first 5 sentences relate to anything we've talked about so far.

    Let me simplify things for you . I want to move Anderson . I'd be thrilled if we could move him to open up salary. I think that is easier said than done , and if we manage to do it that it will cost us a significant price.
    Newlin likes this.
  3. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Take a team like Sacramento, for example.

    Afflalo is basically an expiring contract given that he's due to make $12.5M with only $1.5M guaranteed. For obvious reasons, this is the type of deal we are going to seek. That $12.5M gets you within striking distance for salary matching purposes. The problem is everyone knows what we're trying to do and nobody is going to do us any favors. There's no way Sacramento isn't going to ask for draft picks or sweeteners (Dekker, Harrell or one of our value contract guys).
  4. bilaal14

    bilaal14 Member

    Oct 14, 2008
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    I have said this for over a year now.... someone please back me..... I have said that Ryan Anderson's contract will be among the most toxic contracts in the NBA come 2017-2018.
    Newlin likes this.
  5. mightybosstone

    Feb 19, 2014
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    This would be a great point... except Anderson got way more attempts the season prior with an inferior Pelicans squad and averaged 17 and 6 a night. Granted, his 3-point percentage and overall scoring efficiency was higher in Houston, but in terms of volume, he was more productive in New Orleans.
    Brown Lost It likes this.
  6. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    Kings have 57M in cap room and Vivek.
    craguin likes this.
  7. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Zach Lowe (while talking about the Bulter/Wolves trade):

    The Wolves may go the other way, and prioritize finding a point guard who can shoot. Rubio has improved his jumper, and went through a stretch of wondrous smiley confidence in it during the second half of last season. But it's hard to see it becoming a strength, and the Wolves need plus shooters around the Wiggins/Butler/Towns Big Three.

    Patrick Beverley would be perfect if Houston ends up dumping salary to snag a star. (Their path to max cap space still looks pretty murky from here; no one should take Ryan Anderson's deal.)

    JoeBarelyCares, calurker and Caesar like this.
  8. Ming The King

    Ming The King Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Zach Lowe " no one should take Ryan Anderson's deal"
    Thats the true.
    Read it, spacing lovers.
    Maybe Morey's biggest mistake.
    saleem likes this.
  9. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Apparently the cost is too much because les is broke AF

    DMO (DJ remix) and Caesar like this.
  10. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    We probably have to attach Capela to Ryno in order to move it just for cap relief. Is Bogut healthy and is Larry Sanders training and will they both play for vet minimum? :p
  11. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    To the Kings for absolutely nothing.

    Anderson is from Sacramento and we know they tried to sign him last summer. They only have $50 million committed for next year and are basically devoid of veterans. He adds a great tool to allow their young guys to expand their offensive roles and skills.

    It's not going to cost a thing.
    JoeBarelyCares and Pen15clubber like this.
  12. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Mannix said:

    "Not a high market for Love right now."

    I wonder what's the market for Ryan...and their salary is the same basically.

    Also, he's from SacTown, but tbh, after they decided to unload Cousins they actually did a couple of good trades so, i'm not so sure anymore it's going to be easy to screw them like in the past.

    And yeah, they went after Anderson last summer, but at the time they had Cousins and they were desperate to make the team better, they were all in, right now they're rebuilding and Cousins is gone, not sure they need Anderson with his contract at this point. Yeah, he's from Sacramento, but it's not like they see him like a hometown here to get at any cost...i guess. If i would be in their place i'd stay away, certainly i wouldn't take his contract without asset/s next.
    #52 Vivi, Jun 23, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  13. Soneca

    Soneca Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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  14. Ming The King

    Ming The King Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Agree. Sacramento is not an option. They are rebuilding. Why twill they take that stupid 62M 3 years left.
    The only team where I see a chance are the sixers. Maybe with beverly atach. They need a core for his youngs players and they have cap space.
  15. Sanity2disChaos

    Nov 10, 2010
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    Brother preach. Always thought he was your 4th best player on a championship team. STill Stands.
  16. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Seems like the Sixers are going after Reddick, also, Saric, Simmons, Holmes (although they see him as a 5)...i just don't see a spot for Ryan there...

    The teams i can see having interest in Ryan are:

    - Clippers if they keep Paul but lose Griffin
    - Detroit if they trade Harris
    - OKC if they lose Gibson
    - Utah if they trade Favors
    - Minnie if they think he's that much better than Bjelica to justify the difference in their contract

    Problem is some of these teams have to make another move or wait to see what's going to happen with their players before they would be in the mix to take Ryan.

    There are other teams like Portland, Denver (maybe if they lose Gallo and/or they trade Faried...eh)...but i'm not sure.
  17. Brown Lost It

    Brown Lost It Member

    Jul 28, 2016
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    2017 harden with an elite stretch big - mvp season
    2016 harden with the slowest think twice stretch big terrence jones and brick smith - the worst cancer player according to some. No one wants to play with him.
    2015 harden with healthy d-mo, j smoove, and ariza at the 4 - mvp season

    Before that we had delfino, parsons, yound dmo, casspi all chipping in at the 4, but giving up defense and rebounds.

    Anderson struggles in the playoffs and harden does to. Defenses keep getting smarter, having a stretch big to keep one of the other teams big guys out of the paint really helps everyone, especially Harden.

    The nba changed. Big guys like asik and howard used to be the thing but it literally changed before they knew it.
  18. DMO (DJ remix)

    Jan 14, 2015
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    Except, in playoffs teams know Anderson is shaky AF, so they would rather gamble double teaming and sending help onto Harden and leaving Anderson wide open, because this scrub will miss enough to justify the means, and if they play us at Toyota, they might as well not defend him altogether.
  19. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    oh is that what happened? so in game 5 vs the spurs when harden coughed up all those costly turnovers that was RA's fault. or when RA put houston up with 40 seconds left and harden gave up a driving and 1 layup to danny green, that was also RA's fault. or how about in game 6 when harden just quit from the start of the game. oh RA fault. got it. gtfoh with all that garbage
  20. arjun

    arjun Member

    May 2, 2006
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    Market for Ryno may be better than Love, because the Cavs want something in return....we probably are trying to get rid of Ryno for chips.

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