He's a great player no doubt. Unreal some of the shots he hits. Way better than Steph or Klay who benefit from the illegal screen offense of GSW.
Like Tim Duncan . . . no reason to hate the man BUT HATING THE REFS that bless him every game is a different story Rocket River
If you really must find a reason to hate him, all you have to think is that every time he scores there's a ton of idiotic, delusional , rude and probably fat spurstalk posters cheering him on. Just to go against those kind of people there's a reason to "hate" him.
KL is a stud first and foremost. One of the true elite guys. I don't even care about the pivot foot traveling is wack but whatever. What I hate is that he pushes off literally every time he has to put the ball on the floor. I saw him do it atleast 6 times tonight and he only shot 14 shots. The refs give James a lot of leeway also so I can't complain but it would be nice if they called him for that foul atleast once a game. He hasn't been called for the push off one time this series. And he's pushed off atleast 25 times in 4 games.
Sadly for Kawhi, this round is as far as his superstar treatment from the referees will go. Up next are the truly untouchables: Curry and LeBron - the love children of Adam Silver and the NBA referees. You think the pivot foot is dubious, have you seen the LeBron 5 step drop?
What is strange is that on a Rockets board, a lot of people seem to like him more than Harden... or most players in a Rockets uniform.
I'm kinda salty that we don't have him. I like robotic players like him. They are constantly improving their game, doesn't talk shet, doesn't really scream and shout, just goes out there and play. He couldn't even shoot when he came into the league, now his shot is butter, he never shows frustration, always plays hard on both sides. who wouldn't want someone like him on their team.
I think coach nick has been viewing clutchfans. He needs to cite his sources and give credit to Clutch for unearthing this
Some will not remember his name, and the name of his game in 20 years. Star player, MVP candidate but not at all memorable.
Spurs fans think of him as their MJ but he's more like a Scottie Pippen. If you put him on a team as a secondary option, that team would win chips.
Kawhi Leonard is a hard working, no complaints guy and that's nice to see from someone in a Spurs uniform. I say that because, as a unit, they seem to think that they've never actually committed a foul, which was the one thing about Tim Duncan that took away from his greatness. I should remind that we could have drafted KL, but Morey believed that Marcus Morris would be the better player. And all these years later, both are starting forwards in the NBA, but we know who got the better of that draft. KL does get away with using his off-hand to ward off defenders, far more than anyone in the league. He's generally smart about it in that he doesn't "extend" much. Maybe the best example from last night was his clear out of Capela on his attempted dunk. Someone should post the video here. When you slow it down, you'll see that KL gathers with two hands as he goes up for the dunk, but Capela is right there for the block. Then in one motion, Kawhi draws contact with his off-hand as he cocks back to slam with his left. Because Capela went straight up with two hands, KL can’t completely clear him out. I’d like to see that called a foul since Harden is being watched so carefully on all those types of plays now.
You should need no other reason to hate him - he was the immediate pick after Marcus Mook Morris. Imagine a kasha-Harden lineup. We would be on our 2ay to 3 peating.
I do like the Spurs and would be pleased to see them with the championship. I have no problem admitting it. I also happen to be a Rockets fan, and I root for them ahead of all other teams. I guess I'm not so diehard about it that I need to look for reasons to hate the other team or delegitimize their wins against us.
Hmmm, that's probably true for me. If by "like" you mean admiration for how he plays the game and conducts himself. What is strange to me is "disliking" a player out of envy over how he's treated by the media relative to a player on your home team. I don't really understand that tendency, but I see its common among sports fans. I guess there's some evolutionary basis for it.
if they really think it's a problem for travelling, then NBA should add a forth referee to keep a look on the ballhandler's foot, then we can get all these travel out of the game, we like a more cleaner game rather than all these flashy shots and dunks, this is a game, not some random activity, a game is supposed to have its rules and you can't walk with a ball, that's not basketball