If these are legit I love them. They remind me of the early Wade converse shoes which are one of my favorites still. The all black though. Horrible.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/KCKcIYxzkwQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Maybe I romanticized it in my mind, but these really are his shoes: http://www.nicekicks.com/everything-know-far-adidas-harden-1/
I'm likely going to buy the all blacks. Not convinced the leak is legit/final product. I do like that they are thicker shoes. Never enjoyed playing in the super light shoes (see Derrick Rose shoes... probably why he's injured all the time)
i disagree, if the design and not the athlete sells the shoe, then they wouldn't need to give out these multi-millionaire contract to athletes. Jordans are iconic because they are Michael Jordan's, one of, if not the greatest basketball player on this generation (in the masses eyes). It helps that they look nice. Another example, Kanye West. He goes to adidas and all of a sudden everybody loves adidas now. His ugly shoes are unattainable even at those high retail prices. Nobody was talking about adidas until Kanye. Especially not for casual wear.
Why can't adidas produce sleeker, less bulky, more lightweight breathable basketball shoes? They seem to have went in that direction with their boost running shoes and NMD line which are now top sellers. Their basketball design team needs to follow suit.
Geez only Harden can get ripped for an unconfirmed terrible picture of what may be his shoe. The other colorway picture looks nice.
In defense of James Harden's ugly shoes Spoiler Adidas has been working hard on some signature shoes for James Harden. By now, you’re aware those shoes have been thoroughly roasted on the internet, as is custom for unattractive sneaker releases. And these are not attractive shoes. They look dirty, right out of the box. Everybody’s got jokes about James Harden’s shoes, and they’re all very funny, but has anybody considered that these shoes look old and dirty on purpose? Could it be that they are a statement about sneaker culture? My first job after high school was at a service station where I did things like pump gas and fix tires and change alternators. At this job I wore a pair of Doc Martens from high school, because Doc Martens were no longer fashionable. They got dark and greasy and I drilled holes straight through the sides of the soles to see if I could make them cushier (the difference was not noticeable). They had transitioned from fashionable to anti-fashionable, like a Jeep Cherokee covered over with spray-on bedliner and hauled out to the dunes. Harden’s shoes remind me of those greasy Doc Martens. Sneaker culture has gone too far. It has become about glamour and exclusivity. Standing in lines. Chasing down a pair of rare shoes like Turtle and his Fukijamas. It takes itself too seriously. These Harden shoes are a reaction to that. They’re rat rods for your feet. They’re for people who like sneakers, but don’t like to think of them as jewelry. Finally, a sneaker for dirtbags like me.
How abut these-or they are for collectors now? http://www.6pm.com/adidas-crazylight-boost-2-5-low-black-scarlet-white
That's one way of thinking about it, but I think this guy is reading too much into an ugly looking shoe (with a nice profile). However, If Harden is using that much insight into his signature sneaker, that would be pretty cool too. That would emphasize his Adidas slogan too, "Creators never follow." Wait, I think I just convinced myself these shoes are supposed to be ugly!
you gotta admit, this one's pretty damn funny <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">James Harden new signature shoe looks like it was inspired by a Dickens novel. <a href="https://t.co/8ONBkwAq4o">pic.twitter.com/8ONBkwAq4o</a></p>— Jason Jason (@JasonJason333) <a href="https://twitter.com/JasonJason333/status/768242947720708097">August 24, 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>