Topped out at 21 days with gym finally falling this Sunday night. Not bad getting 10,000 Stardust for taking over one gym.
Interesting. I want to take a road trip. Here in Amarillo, you get lots of Mankey, Geodude, Sandshrew, and Ponyta.(and Paras all over the place) I have caught two Pikachu, but nothing else electric. Virtually no water types unless they hatch from an egg. They didn't program any of them into the local ponds.
You get that much stardust from holding it a full day? I wish I knew that. I've come very close, and only out of dumb luck that nobody was battling it. Now I might focus on trying to hold one for a day.
Mankey, Geodude, Sandshrew, & Ponyta are very rare for me. Looking forward to the beach this weekend to pick up some new Pokemon, plus going to Dallas at the end of the month and Denver a week later.
I live in GA. I know San Antonio had a bunch of Ryhorns when Pokevision was still up, and they are rare here. No idea about Dallas.
500 for each gym you hold when you collect your gym rewards once a day (actually once every 21 hours). After the initial take down, I was able to collect a gym reward 20 more times for it without doing anything. Well, I did help my wife get back into it once. Being three quarters of a mile from nearest place to park and no shade seems to be the key. I should also add that it is the furthest gym from parking of three gyms in a park. The closest to the front changes frequently. The second one lasts 2-3 days.
I think my average is about 21 minutes. Only held a gym for a full day once. Maybe just more people play in Austin.
Just to clarify because the game sucked at explaining it. You don't have to hold the gym for 21 hours to collect on the 500 stardust and 10 pokecoins. You can collect immediately after you take over a gym. However, you can only collect once every 21 hours. So if you go and take over 2 gyms in a span of a few minutes, you can immediately collect 1000 stardust and 20 pokecoins by going to the shop, then hit the shield icon on the upper right. There is no benefit to holding a gym for 21 hour or longer except that you don't have to physically go to the gym again to take it down.
I don't know the Pokemon universe at all. I was reading all the current video game threads. Reading the last couple pages of this is like a different language. Lol. Some guys are going to the gym and getting dusted or something.