She might be funnier than Kristen Wiig but I can't remember her doing any real acting. Kristen Wiig obviously has and is good at it.
Yeah Wiig is much better in this movie than her. I guess McKinnon is either love it or hate it with her in the movie.
I have not read through this thread but the previews made it look terrible enough that I will not see it.
just read the review in the austin chronicle. they gave it three stars seemingly only b/c it was a movie with women in the lead roles. reviewer spent more time talking about backlash to female casting than the movie itself. that tells me a lot about how bad it must be. here is the end of the review... there are indeed some trolls out there bashing this movie only b/c its women, but then you have this broad who gave it 3 stars only b/c it was women. i dont care who is in it, the movie just looks boring.
Took my 11 year old niece to see it. She thought it was the greatest thing ever, but I think she might be a lesbian. :grin: I, on the other hand, found it to be okay, it did have some genuinely funny moments. Kristen Wiig I thought was good, Kate Mckinnon was okay (she may have been a little over the top), but I thought Melissa McCarthy was underwhelming and Leslie Jones, while less offensive then the trailer was still too much the black woman stereotype. I think it was about as good as Ghostbusters II (which I admit I haven't seen in like 20 years). But pales in comparison to the original which I showed my niece a couple of weeks ago. My niece thought the new one was better, I told her it was a long walk home.
New eyes versus old eyes I guess We've seens alot but to those who haven't . . . it might be great I mean . . youngsters probably cannot get beyond the poor (relatively speaking) CGI/Special Effects of the old one While we see the new one and only see update effects and shi**y story Rocket River
Promised my boys i'd take them, so I did. They loved it, mostly because the effects are much better today than in the previous movies. There were some decent parts, but most of the comedy felt forced. I appreciate the cameos for sure and was somewhat surprised by them since I hadn't read anything regarding them. Overall I'd say 4/10 at best.
Stupid final battle; all the men are portrayed as idiots or jerks in the whole movie. Hemsworth, some of the other cameos, and Wigg were the only bright spot in the movie
How well do you speak english though? The original ghostbusters is quick, witty and smart. It goes a little deeper than queef jokes.
I went in with a clear mind and I like the cast and director. The movie is ok but not good enough to justify the reboot. It's got a weak script and I never really got a good feel with the characters since they were just types. There are some genuinely funny moments but it all feels kind of neutered....I left wishing they would have done it as an R rated comedy to the actresses really let loose. Hemsworth was hilarious and I'm part of the group that thinks that Mckinnon's character was just a bad miss..... I gave it a C+
Had to go see it because my wife wanted to see it and I am not an *******. First the cast is terrible. The acting is mediocre and the "jokes" are overall not funny and the storyline is off a Bazooka Joe Bubble Gum wrapper. The special effects were impressive. The cast choice and crappy writing sank this movie. 2 out 10.... Better than Cave Dwellers but not quite as good as White Chicks.
Assuming they were going to do this movie with female leads, who would you have picked? That's literally the only reason I want to see this because they are probably four of the funniest women in comedy today.
Jennifer Anniston, Amy Schumer, Mila Kunis, and Lake Bell I don't particularly care for going mostly SNL cast members on this. Granted, I haven't seen the film but that cast doesn't really sell it for me. I know what the SNL cast brings and it's probably overkill-like SNL parodies of themselves. And, Melissa would get my first boot out of the cast.