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ClutchFans Game Thread: Suns @ Rockets 4/7/2016

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Apr 7, 2016.

  1. True Rocket

    True Rocket Member

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Yeah I can tell you been a Rockets fan for awhile. All Morey does is draft 6'9 Forwards it never fails
  2. GottaHaveHeart

    May 4, 2015
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    The Jet said it clearly early the season "this is not the same team as last year"

    I just don't understand how you could not see it coming....this clearly is on management!
  3. dkoune

    dkoune Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    When Dwight had that turn around airball jump hook down by 5 in the closing minutes I bust into maniac laughter. It was at that moment I knew the fate of the rockets this year, i almost gave up. But three games left so, its not over til its over.
  4. OTMax

    OTMax Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    We shot 56% and still lost, perfect way to lose for this non defense group of guys. Leslie opens eyes and sees defense first, i.e. Thibs. He might go nuts and try to find another Kerr.
  5. dkoune

    dkoune Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Bickerstaff is always half right. You play brewer only 9 minutes which is good, he should not get more than 10 minites a game, but than you play Beasly only 12 minutes lmao. Stupid coach
  6. WhoMikeJames

    WhoMikeJames Member

    Jun 28, 2005
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    hahahaha oh man. didnt watch tonight. guess this is it. what a season boys
  7. BigShasta

    BigShasta Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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    Ummmm so what exactly changed aside from 2 pick ups.

    Jet just talks to talk. He played way too many minutes and it clearly hand an impact this year.
  8. fubanzai

    fubanzai Member

    Sep 6, 2012
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    If Howard every game got 10 touches no matter whether he make it or not, his rythm and percentage should be good; but he was not available early season...then he disappeared in offense

    Just a broken season, thought their talent could beat others easily due to last year's success...

    I thought the responsibility is on Harden and JBB (maybe including the front office)...his 40+ games could easily be discounted by so many turn overs...
  9. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    I'm not saying Morey is perfect, but i say we should not give excuses to the players first, Morey just had too much faith in the same group that went to the wc finals some months ago, but can you really blame him for that?

    I want to say that i'm absolutely against this kind of reasoning, if i think a team is not good enough, i'll make all the changes needed to make it better, no matter what the team did the year before, and in our case i would've made some changes, but you just don't break a team like that if that's what you're suggesting. At the end he traded for Lawson, he traded for Smith...i mean, it's not like he wasn't doing his job to make the team better...

    You want to blame the gm cause Harden came into the season overweight and playing like a diva?

    You blame the gm cause Harden and Howard don't like to play together?

    You blame the gm cause Brewer is playing like a d-leaguer?

    You blame the gm cause Lawson is not playing at his level anymore?

    I don't. Like the Pacers didn't blame Bird at the time. They had similar problems and they made some changes, we're going to do the same, life goes on, sometimes there's no need to find a culprite or to act like a 10 years old crybaby insulting Harden or Howard at any occasion, it is what it is, we're going to make some changes, just chill.
  10. Rocketsnbeyond

    Apr 24, 2014
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    I knew I should have watch the condense game on league pass. I tired of watching us have a 15 point lead then give up 9 straight points then get another big lead then tied game at end of 3rd to lose the whole game. This reminded me of that game we played against Utah awhile back. We were leading by 15+ points and we ended up losing the whole game. Its been the story of our season and it all starts with James Iso Harden. And somebody please tell me why we shoot and miss 3's when we have an easy layup.
  11. for-three

    for-three Member

    Feb 11, 2016
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    That was one of the most disheartening games I've ever watched. What an absolutely stupid foul that was by Beverley with the Rockets up 3. The fact the game was even close in the first place is a huge embarrassment, they let a terrible Suns team with nothing to play for outwork and show more heart than the Rockets. I will say that it's interesting the refs these last remaining games have completely swallowed the whistle on harden drives, I wonder if that was a directive from league officials.

    The Rockets had a chance to end the season with at least a shred of dignity and they pretty much squandered that with this loss. Just a disaster of a season this has been.
  12. HardenHardon

    HardenHardon Member

    Dec 30, 2014
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    Yes. Harden and Howard both demand to be featured. Everyone knew that. If you put both of them on the same team and it doesn't work, it's on you.

    Yes. Brewer is a cog, not a big minutes player. He is being extended beyond his effectiveness. What choice do the Rockets have, though? Morey built the team with Brewer having to take that role.

    Yes. Lawson is damaged goods. How many teams need a PG? How many teams aggressively pursued Lawson? The latter is a good bit smaller than the former. That's on the GM.

    Those players all are who everyone else in the league thinks they are.
  13. Tfor3

    Tfor3 Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    We are such a pathetic franchise. This is NOT a team. It's a bunch of individuals with their own fking agendas.

    We need a real gm, coach and from there - it has to get better.
  14. Rocketsnbeyond

    Apr 24, 2014
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    Howard's talent along with half the teams' talent can't even be used when we have Harden hogging the ball and passing it to players at the wrong time usually resulting in a turnover. The difference between Lebron James and James Harden is that Lebron plays team ball and he makes people accountable and gets them involved. Harden rarely gets his teammates involved and he always has that I don't want a championship look on his face after losing games. I rather see Howard miss 10 shots than have Harden turn the ball over resulting in our opponents getting a fastbreak.

    We are different than last year because we don't run plays.
  15. Rodman23

    Rodman23 .GIF

    Jun 26, 2012
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    glad i didnt watch lol!
  16. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Harden and Howard can be a great combo on paper, that's a fact, you're saying it was wrong to go out and sign Dwight? I've never been a fan of Howard, but in that situation it was the right move, how can you say otherwise? The Warriors were trying to sign him too, are they idiots too?

    Brewer played a great season last year, like the team overall, and that's another fact, he was and still is a McHale/JB guy, that's why they traded and extended him. Anyway if the team doesn't play well, all the players are going to be affected, especially role players, it's not like we're a 48% team because of Brewer shooting 39% form the field.

    Lawson is damaged goods ok, now we know but at the the time it was a good trade, with low risks, we traded a first for a second and a couple of end bench players like Papa and Pepperoni. And for the record, there was basically no team looking for a pg, that's why Rondo signed with the Kings a 9 million contract.
  17. alethios

    alethios Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    God, three more game of this **** and it's going to only get uglier from here on out. JBB should just play the end of the bench for the remainder of the season.
  18. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Rockets are silent like they are going to sell playoffs tickets.

  19. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    JBB thinking:

    1-9 deserves to play 23mins.
    2-3 deserves to play 9 mins.
  20. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"
    Supporting Member

    Jul 26, 2002
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    Those weird lineups make me think this was an intentional loss from the org. Not the players but the staff.

    That said, the players did let the Suns (!) nearly double our rebounding total.

    Disgusting for sure but I still think this will be better than fumbling into the playoffs.

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