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A question for Dwight fans

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by neruto, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. neruto

    neruto Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    What do you think Dwight's role has been for our mediocre season?

    Is a max player putting up career-low numbers across the board a significant factor at all for our decline? If not, and Howard's impact is that small, then wouldn't we be just better off without him?

    Before Beasley joined this team, when Harden was not on the floor, we tried to use Dwight as our go-to-guy on offense, but failed miserably time after time, as our embarrassing offensive rating without Harden (2nd worst in the league) shows. Should Howard get any blame for this, at all?

    Also, his post-up efficiency is below league average, and there is a glaring lack of effort issue when it comes to defense, where he doesn't even try to contest shots or close out on the shooters anymore, and just idly stands by in the paint to collect his rebounds.

    In your opinion, to what extent Howard should get blamed for all this?
  2. Yager

    Yager Member

    Dec 11, 2015
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    I think he should get the most blame.
  3. neruto

    neruto Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Houston's Offensive Rating w/ Howard on the court


    Houston's Offensive Rating w/ Howard off the court


    Houston's Defensive Rating w/ Howard on the court


    Houston's Defensive Rating w/ Howard off the court


    Howard's Net on/off


    Dwight is a liability on the offensive end, and is barely helping defensively.

    His net rating is 0, meaning his presence is not impacting this team whatsoever.

    He is a max player who is earning $ 22 million this season.

    Maybe a little bit of blame?
  4. Patience

    Patience Member

    Apr 25, 2002
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    I don't blame Dwight 100%, because a lot of his issues have to do with his physical decline. However, I do agree that his poor play this year is one of the major reasons the Rockets have struggled.

    Plus, his unwillingness to fully embrace the role of a Ben Wallace or Deandre Jordan type player makes the situation much worse. For someone as inept at posting up as he is, he has a lot of nerve to complain about not getting enough touches. He needs to focus on pick-and-roll, offensive rebounding, and solid defense.
  5. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    He's clearly the main culprit of this bad season. When your highest paid player and one of the highest paid guys in the league plays like a mediocre run of the mill center, your team won't be successful. Even worse, his attitude is terrible and he's not even a leader in the locker room.
  6. FTW Rockets FTW

    Jun 23, 2011
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    He has checked out
  7. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Simply put...he's bringing no positives to the court on a consistent basis at this point.
  8. TheRealist137

    TheRealist137 Member

    Jan 27, 2009
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    Just take a look at his +/- this game so far. He is -23 by far the worst on the team, meanwhile, Capela is +21
  9. rocketsballin

    rocketsballin Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    im not really a dwight fan but i do defend him. of course he's a huge problem since he makes 20+ mil. he has checked out this season. the blame goes all ways. if he's gonna repeat this season he shouldnt come back. but the problem with that is the only way that happens is if the rockets continue to be r****ded.
  10. kyrie Dwight

    kyrie Dwight Member

    Jul 11, 2014
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    Dwight is Still a very good player and Capela is not yet better than him
  11. Kim

    Kim Member

    Feb 17, 1999
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    I agree that Capela is not yet better than Dwight at most things, but he's actually a better on-ball defender on switches onto smaller players.

    I think McHale said it best that the rule changes have really diminished the center position over the years, and Dwight has become a guy that won't help make a good team great, nor will he make a bad team worse. He's just another guy in the NBA now. He also went on to say that Dwight had a different psychological makeup from himself, but that was less of a criticism and more of just a description. Even if Dwight cared more, that wouldn't make a big difference to me. A lot of players care a lot and still have deficiencies. Caring more will not make Dwight smarter, less turnover prone, have a better shooting touch, or be a better free throw shooter.
  12. neruto

    neruto Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I disagree. I think they are already at a similar level, and next year Capela will be much better player than Dwight, given his decline.
  13. neruto

    neruto Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    This x 100
  14. jVgOwnsYou

    jVgOwnsYou Member

    Oct 30, 2006
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    Never seen a player look frustrated when a team mate grabs a rebound. He puts his head down and trots back. If things aren't going his way early, you can just assume he will end the game with about 6 points and 10 boards. Pretty embarrassing for a guy his caliber, but it doesn't look like he cares. So why should we?
  15. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    there is a lack of effort on this whole team. this isn't just d12 issue. we've failed on so many levels.

    you're talking about d12's def? sure, but have you been watching the rest of the team including hardens?

    this whole problem starts from the coach to the stars and down.
  16. burnshroom

    burnshroom Member

    Jun 26, 2006
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    Then I would say you don't know basketball.

    There are intangibles on the defensive end I still feel Dwight excels in over Clint. And then Clint is still just raw in some aspects and still does not have the NBA body to play Center night in and night out while banging with the Deandre's or Drummond's or hell even the Mahinmi's.

    Now is Dwight still a top 10, 20 or even 50 player? No. Is he that 2nd guy Morey had in mind 3 years ago? No. Would I still want him here for the right (cheaper) price? Yes.

    Hopefully that next coach gets it in to Dwight that if he plays D and rebounds on offense his offensive numbers will perk up... "but we ain't running no post ups for you homey!!!"
  17. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I'm just not seeing these intangibles anymore and maybe that's because he's given up on the season I don't know. But what I do see is that when Capela comes in the pick and roll ally dunk is there atleast 2-3x in a 6 min down for him. He also switchs on guards up high and can stay with them. He's also grabing offensive rebounds at a higher rate and the last thing that is most important he runs the floor and beats his man down court for easy dunks layups. Those 2-4 points extra he brings just from hustle imo more than make up what intangibles dwight brings.

    Imo dwight is living off his reputation the team and a lot of fans can see it he's just not a good player anymore.

    Let me put it this way on GS he would get maybe 15mpg as a backup big. On the Spurs he would be the same because he's to dumb to play in that system.

    And he's supposed to be our 2nd best player and he wounldnt even start on the two best teams in the league which is fine but he wouldn't even be a major rotation piece for them and that's a probelm.
  18. jdhi

    jdhi Member

    Dec 11, 2002
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    howard should not have been on the floor w/3 seconds left and us down by 3. Boneheaded coaching.
  19. Amel

    Amel Member

    Mar 4, 2006
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    Problem with Dwight is that he is a one dimensional center. Its too late for him to expand as a player and even if he tried his body is limited to just certain things. Dwight relies on power and thats probably his biggest weakness in this age of basketball. Dwight isnt a great passer, he doesnt think a lot under the basket,and his feeling for the game isnt where it needs to be. I think he is still a very good player when used correctly. We also know when it counts, like playoffs, Dwight shows up for what its worth.

    All in all, he doesnt fit this team, this system and we just have to move on.
  20. RocketsFido

    RocketsFido Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Dwight doesn't deserve his contract. It was only good for 1 year. He should be paid less than 10mil/year. The league doesn't revolve around big time centers anymore, what we need are superstar wings.

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