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So glad I lived through 93-95

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by legacygt777, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    seriously, if we're going to see this garbage i'd rather they also draft and build around this team.
  2. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    see that's the problem they did go farther than those jvg and adelman teams. but this current team with the talent from last year just fell off the earth. that's why this is the most disappointing rockets team ever.
  3. RocketsFido

    RocketsFido Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Everything starts from the top to bottom. Morey doesn't think coaching is a big factor in winning teams. Followed by star players not respecting coaches with no pedigree. Leading into stars slacking and causing the rest of the team to follow in his steps.

    I honestly think the current James Harden parties more than he works on his game. He definitely worked hard to get to where he is in the league but he has not worked to improve since last off-season.
  4. Williamson


    Dec 6, 2002
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    You need to adjust this plan. You'll need a MINIMUM of 2 billion. Because the Rockets will probably sell for around a billion. Your plan would leave you flat broke once acquiring the Rockets (because ain't nobody giving you a line of credit on a billion). Then you'd be the one like "GET UNDER THE LUXURY TAX!".
    So I'm going to need you to aim for like 3 billion dollars.
  5. CCity Zero

    CCity Zero Member

    Nov 28, 2014
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    Lol, I know, man. Maybe this could be the new mascot, a can.lol
  6. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    "HOW SWEET IT <STRIKE>IS</STRIKE> WAS" ... :) Glad I lived through it as well!!!
    I wish RudyT would come home...:(


    We should never of traded Sam I Am & Big Shot Bob (Cassell/Horry)!!!! :mad:
  7. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    Dang, greatest times! Thanks for sharing.
  8. rocketman12

    rocketman12 Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    93-95. Freshman and sophomore year of high school for me. Baggy JNCO jeans. Chain wallet. Nine inch nails shirt. Long hair parted to the side. My backpack tagged up. Mortal Kombat on Super Nintendo. Shannon Tweed movies on Cinemax.

    And 2 rockets championships. Life was good.
  9. Kwame

    Kwame Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    What an unbelievable group of guys! Daryl Maury would have never assembled a team with all those amazing role players or brought in a coach like Rudy T. Le$ was fortunate enough to inherit a championship team built under a previous regime. That was a great time and I cherish those fond memories. I am glad I was old enough to enjoy it. That might be the only championships Houston sports teams win in this lifetime. What a time...to be alive!
  10. bloodwings19

    bloodwings19 Member

    Jul 12, 2006
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    What I remembered most was there was a lot of cars putting shoe polish on car windows with messages like "In ya Dream, Shaq" or "In Dream House, not a Shaq" and a lot more. Going to SRO to watch games outside the bar around Willowbrook area was a total blast. It was a total Rockets fever in Htown. I don't think I'll ever see that again since internet created other favorite teams. Uniform changed killed our mojo.
  11. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    le$ changed the uniforms cause he's a new yorker and he thought it would make more money
  12. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    I remember when 104 kept saying, "krbe, home of the nba world champions." rox didn't even win it yet. lol
  13. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    The Summit

    That name means the top, greatness

    Toyota Center

    that means Corrollas
  14. cjstukenholtz

    cjstukenholtz Member

    Jul 22, 2007
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    The Rockets' two championship seasons were actually part of the longest stretch of success the team had as far as getting past the first round of the playoffs is concerned, which were 1992-93 through 1996-97. I still feel that it was fun seeing the team win those two championships during that stretch, though.

    Speaking of disappointments, there were a couple of other seasons that I really would label disappointing, which were the 1977-78 and the 1986-87 seasons. I'm not sure that this season would top either of those, but it's got to remind me of those seasons none the less.

    The 1977-78 season was one the Rockets finished with a 28-54 record (Good for a last place finish in the Central Division) after going 49-33 the season before (Good for a Central Division Title), and taking the Philadelphia 76ers to six games in that ECF. It was marred by Rudy Tomjanovich being punched in the face by Kermit Washington in a game early on that season. That incident forced the Rockets to play through that season without his leadership.

    The 1986-87 season was the other one I'll remember as a disappointment that was marred by starting guards Lewis Lloyd and Mitchell Wiggins being suspended for drug abuse, and also injuries holding that team down as well. At that time, I can remember many people thinking that the Rockets would start to dominate the league like the Lakers were during the first half of that decade (the 1980's), but never materialized because of the Rockets losing those two starting guards to drugs and Ralph Sampson's knee problems. Also, at that time, teams were trying to be like the Rockets, as far as having a twin towers tandem is concerned.​
  15. Know Your Role

    Jun 7, 2011
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    Before the 1995 Finals, 104 KRBE kept calling the Orlando Mayor's office because their mayor had said something or another about beating the Rockets. They played the phone calls on air. I can't tell you exactly what 104 was saying but it was just fun prank calls and trash talk. I just remember thinking how there was no way the Magic were going to win, like the Magic fans have no idea whats about to hit them upside the head. Every fan had confidence. Nothing was going to stop the Rockets on the court. You could feel it was our year.

    Only one time comes close since 1995. Same attitude in 2009. We knew something was brewing going into the series with the Lakers. I believe they energy actually carried the Rockets into game 7. It wasn't just the players, the fans forced a win or two. Had Yao played in the last 4...no one really knows what would of happened. But Rockets fans know.

    This city gets an energy when the Rockets are on top. Saw it in 86, 93, 95, maybe 97 (don't remember much of that season), and 09.

    It's been a tough year this year, but don't give up. We went through 1986-1987-1988 and put the pieces back together. It takes time. Lastly, miracles happen on our basketball court. There is no rhyme or reason why except....CLUTCH CITY. I've seen it happen enough times to know it will return soon.
  16. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    i like your attitude and admire your loyalty. And I too have seen those miracles too. But those championship rockets put a fight. i remember wondering how they came back during some of the regular season games. not sure which season, but the rox came back against shaq's orl team by 20. there were so many games they wanted it bad and willed their way to a win.

    i don't see it in this team, even they could, if they wanted to. that's the frustration and why i consider this team the biggest disappointment. when we get slaughtered in the first round by GS or SA you're going to see a lot of threads again of blowing up this team.

    I look forward to eating crow but I highly doubt it. You just don't play mediocrity and then become elite in the playoffs. it doesn't work that way. And I still do enjoy the wins but my expectations have lowered to stay in the playoffs.
  17. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    i still enjoyed the 93 and 96 teams. This team still sucks. There aren't injuries just excuses. Somehow, some way, I hope Dmo and Beasley find a way to help this team.
  18. Caesar

    Caesar Member

    Jun 7, 2014
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    2017/2018 season. It will be the year NIKE takes over and the Houston Rockets get a rebrand much like the championship era brand. Our team will be rebuilt this summer and by 2018, we will be in the finals in our new yet familiar look.

    I'm no insider. I just believe. I know people don't think it is a big deal, but todays Rockets have no resemblance to our title teams or players other than the same name. They don't have the same look. LES sold out for jersey sales at first and then Chinese $$$. They don't have the same fight. They believe they are entitled to contender status instead of fighting for it. They lack the same chemistry. They would rather look out for themselves and think ahead to their contracts. They lack the same dedication. They'd rather go to strip clubs or make childrens tv shows. Nothing on the outside or inside that resembles our true Houston Rockets.

    Put on that uniform. You dress like a champion, you feel like a champion. You start to see videos and images of Hakeem and Clyde and Horry and Vernon and Kenny and Sam and Otis, etc fighting and earning the title of Clutch City. You see that they look like you and you look in the mirror and realize that is the level that you need to reach. It changes the mentality and culture of the team. We all don't realize that we stopped being the Houston Rockets after 1995. We've just simply been the Rockets ever since then. That was Leslie Alexander's business plan all along. He's a man with no ties or loyalty to any city other than maybe New York, who inherited a championship roster and then he decides to remove Houston from all uniforms ever since then. It's time to proudly wear Houston across our chest again because a lot of those qualities that the championship Rockets possessed were qualities found in our city.
  19. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    Another very disappointing season was 1991-1992. They failed to make the playoffs, and rumors swirled that Hakeem was faking an injury and was going to be traded. That was pretty bad. I was there at the Summit the night that the Rockets got killed by the T-Wolves and Chaney got fired....it really started that night at the bottom.
  20. legacygt777

    legacygt777 Member

    Sep 4, 2008
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    yes that season was bad. but Rudy T was hired near the end of the season. Had he been the coach in the beginning of the year, they would have made the playoffs.

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