mother****er... <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Only thing that might have made that better was if while he was pounding on the ice at the end if it broke and he fell through it.
fwiw: the dude is Mike Wieder -- a stuntman. So, this is somewhat like a Johnny Knoxville stunt. Don't try this at home.
Couldn't stop laughing at this part. Dude could have hurt his tail bone... dangerous. But nonetheless, good way to promote his new band.
Yea, SJC and me are currently workin out the details for a ClutchFan's Ice Jump Championship. It will probably be called "Aua mein Arsch tut weh" or "Brech das Eis mit deinem Arsch". Right now we are tryin to find sponsors and a place where the tournament will take place, input appreciated.
As much as this is a daring stunt, I don't think we will be in Red Bull's league on this one Houston doesn't have much ice. but dude...i have an idea...wait...this is so cool. uh. can't remember what I was going to say oh right...wait ...let me go to the "I'm high thread" first to get more feedback.