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Jenna's Farewell

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by DREAMer, Apr 29, 2000.

  1. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    You mean my friend Bear?

    I had gone to all that trouble to offer him a rebuttal in his first thread about the T-Mac trade idea. I was irritated that he didn't give me a response and had gone on to open a new thread.

    After reading the second thread, I showed him the compassion that you had mentioned earlier. I just stuck the
    on it and left because it was the merciful thing to do.

    Did you win in your school's spelling bees?


    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood

    [This message has been edited by Mango (edited April 29, 2000).]
  2. BobFinn*

    BobFinn* Contributing Member

    Feb 10, 2000
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    smeg and heypartner females??? LOL....

    I had amnesia once or twice.


    Aug 31, 1999
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    You mean to tell me Smeggy Smeg isn't female?

  4. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Smeg and heypartner have the minds of females? News to me and probably news to them.


    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood
  5. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    As I stated in another post, Smeg is Cuttino Mobley's mother. This just proves that theory. Anyone named "Rocketbooster" can't be wrong. [​IMG]

  6. wong

    wong Member

    May 4, 1999
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    I've been here a while but I haven't posted very much, so I don't want people to get the impression that I'm a newbie that doesn't have a clue about what is going on.

    As far as this whole issue goes, I think Ace and Mango hit the nail on the head as far as reasons why posters may have found reasons to pick on her. She obviously has a lot of connections and has access to things most fans can only dream of having, but unlike some posters, for example: Popeye, she makes sure everyone knows what luxuries she is afforded.

    These are a few things that really stick out in my mind.

    Not only does she hate the WNBA, but she hated it from the beginning/She also hates the All-Star Weekend.

    However, she has had season tickets to the Comets from the beginning and has also been to quite a few All-Star games ("around 10"). Does this make any sense at all? Why in the world would a person go to an event that they HATE? Here's her reason, "As for why I go to games - mostly because I can. I'll go for the Finals, I'll go because my friends will be there (on and off the court). I have every right to. It's not like attendance is so high that I'm "depriving" someone of the experience. Even if it was impossible to get a ticket, I don't really care. She admits it! She goes because she can, just like the "suits" not because she enjoys it, in fact she HATES it. I also like hanging out with my friends, but I sure as hell wouldn't go to a Backstreet Boys concert, and multiple times at that! She also doesn't care whether or not she could potentially be taking a seat away from a true fan while she sits there with a pained expression on her face. Oh, and I thank her for mentioning that she has friends on and off the court. Really, who gives a rat's ass? I can just imagine the conversation at work the next day, "Oh, by they way, I went to the All-Star game last night and it was horrible, I hated every minute, sigh."

    Crying Out For Attention

    Like Ace said, "What? Did she think we would all cry and beg for her to come back? Yeah right." She didn't do this just once, but twice. In situations like this I have to quote the RZA, "...talk about you going to leave, then b**** leave. what the f*** you waiting for? hit the door, I ain't taking this s*** no more." Now THAT was offensive.

    Elitist/Pretentious Attitude

    Like Mango posted, she name-drops, mentions how she gets to go to all these games and all the perks she gets and complains about it half the time. Hey, everyone shows off now and again, but if you do it excessively and then complain about it, you can expect people to call you out on it.

    Some people are not bothered by these things, I am, and many others obviously are too. I just do not like people with that kind of personality. I'm not making judgements on whether or not she's a good person, I just don't like attitude she gives off in her posts.

    With all this being said, I can understand why she doesn't like the WNBA. She obviously wants complete gender equality and organized women's basketball does not give that. In that vane, I hope she appreciates the posters that did not hold back anything because she is a woman.

    If some of you take exception a junior member saying these things, I'm sorry, but I as I stated earlier I've been here a while and I think these things need to be said. I'm not trying to incite more argument, I just think the air needs to be cleared on the reasons why some people reacted the way they did.

  7. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    My guess is she goes to the All-Star games 'cause Karl's there, but I'm not going to speak for her. As for hating the WNBA, but still going, who knows. I haven't been able to explain women yet, and I'm not going to attempt to start now.

  8. Surfguy

    Surfguy Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Several forum members are gathering at the Compaq center to protest Jenna and her attitude. Ball Park hot dogs will be provided. Bring your own beer. I know several friends both on and off the court who will be there. I will go although I hate these things [​IMG].


  9. CriscoKidd

    CriscoKidd Member

    Oct 18, 1999
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    Slice in the life of the postings of Jenna. I feel I know a lot more of what happened leading up to that last post. You are quickly becoming one of my favorite posters Mango one.

    But you dont have a file on me too, do you? I don want to be given the Jenna treatment!

    And HEB, r u serious about misspelled words getting to you? If so, then my posts must drive you up the wall.


    Big Brother is watching.
  10. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Nothing on you.

    If you think about it, most everybody else has their own buddy groups and alliances that they have fun and playfully feud with on this BBS. Popeye is the only person that I can recall that had that type of relationship with Jenna on this BBS. Is that our fault that she failed to blend in or was that something that she didn't try to do. There are no picture or any other outside factors to decide whom our friends are. Just our thoughts and the manner in which we express them.


    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood
  11. Achebe

    Achebe Contributing Member

    Oct 26, 1999
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    im jus tring 2 keepe my speling up by reedin othar peeples posters. i'm a programer so i alredy misspel wordz alday (natur ov wariablez & codin convensionz).

    I'm just mad b/c I haven't read a real (non-technical) book in a year. I'll never joke about it again.

  12. DREAMer

    DREAMer Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    I've read many valid points and arguments against the hated devil woman, Jenna. And that's .... okay.

    The original point of my post was not to discuss how horrible Jenna is/was. There's been enough of that floating around the BBS for long enough.

    The original point of my post was to point out that in her farewell post, certain people felt it necessary to give her one final parting shot. Hey, that's fine too.

    I thought it showed a lack of class, but that's my opinion.

    I think Jenna is/was a good poster and a great source for inside information. But, she was not perfect. (No one who is a Jazz fan could be. [​IMG] j/k) Again, my opinion.

    There are a few things that I'd like to address, though.

    1.) Some people seemed to get upset when Jenna mentioned her experiences with the NBA. Whether she went to an All-Star game, or knew NBA players, or hated the WNBA (while owning season-tickets). SO WHAT?

    Only an insecure or jealous person would get as upset over those things as some posters here have. So, fine some insecure people got upset with someone who bragged. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    You know, I've only been to about 4 or 5 Rocket games in my life (including one pre-season), so I'm not as fortunate as Jenna to have the kind of access to that side of the NBA. But, when she did mention how she went to games, talked to players, etc. I didn't get upset. I'm not saying everyone should be like me. Differences are what makes life interesting.

    2.) The other thing is the hypocrisy abundant in discussing Jenna. I find it hypocritical (again, my opinion) that people are saying that Jenna was overreacting, but many of those same people overreacted to her, more than likely, on more than one occasion.

    So, there it is. The three main themes of my original post. HYPOCRISY, OVERREACTION, and JEALOUSY

    For those who feel they were not "hypocritical", "overreacting" nor "jealous", then don't get all riled up over my posts.... I don't even remember all the names of the members who I feel committed any or all of these "crimes against Jenna". [​IMG]

    For those of you who feel I am speaking of or to you, don't get all upset either. I'm not saying you are all evil horrible people. I'm just saying that I felt some of you were in poor taste in doing some of the things you did. That doesn't make you a bad person. Hell, I've done plenty of stupid, dumb, assinine, in poor taste things to realize that it doesn't automatically make you a bad person, because I'm actually a very good person.


    On a seperate note. Some have questioned my statement that Jenna doesn't have testosterone. Let me 'splain. I was, at the time, trying to make the distinction between a man and a woman. Testosterone is one of the chemicals in the body responsible for aggression. (It's not the ONLY one. Adreneline would be another, and I'm sure there are more.)

    Tell me what happens to a male human and/or cat or dog when they are castrated/neutered? (Testosterone is produced in the testicles.)

    1.) They lose their sex drive.
    2.) They lose much of their aggressive nature.

    It was poorly explained the first time I used the statement, and it might be poorly explained again here. But, I think most people get my drift.

    Well what do you know? I was wrong. Jenna does have testosterone:

    Normal values

    male: 437 to 707 ng/dl
    female: 24 to 47 ng/dl

    Note: ng/dl = nanograms per deciliter

    I guess I'll have to go back and say, "Jenna only has 5.5% of the testosterone as a man."

    Live and learn

    [This message has been edited by DREAMer (edited April 30, 2000).]
  13. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Many of my valid points were not addressed.
    Care to address them?
    I doubt you will.

    The ability to deal with the commoners on this BBS is what she never got a handle on.
    It was also something that she never made a noticeable effort at trying to achieve.

    We will never agree about Jenna.
    I am glad to see the other members posted in support of your position.

    If you can keep your head when all about
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men
    doubt you
    But make allowance for their doubting
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don't deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don't give way to hating,
    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too

    If you can dream--and not make dreams
    your master,
    If you can think--and not make thoughts
    your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and
    And treat those two impostors just the
    If you can bear to hear the truth you've
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for
    Or watch the things you gave your life to,
    And stoop and build 'em up with
    worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your
    And risk it all on one turn of
    And lose, and start again at your
    And never breath a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and
    To serve your turn long after they are
    And so hold on when there is nothing in
    Except the Will which says to them:
    "Hold on!"

    If you can talk with crowds and keep
    your virtue,
    Or walk with kings--nor lose the common
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt
    If all men count with you, but none too
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in
    And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my

    --Rudyard Kipling


    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood

    [This message has been edited by Mango (edited April 30, 2000).]
  14. DREAMer

    DREAMer Member

    Feb 15, 1999
    Likes Received:

    No I don't care to address them


    Why should I address issues that I was not denying in the first place? Should I also start to address the global warming issues? or racism? or rising oil prices? oooh, how about Elian?

    You claim that the heated replies to Jenna's final thread were related to her past transgressions. I can see that, but does that make them okay? Tu quoque

    Why can't those of you who are in here disagreeing with me now, see the similarities between you arguing with Jenna because of her classless posts, and I arguing with you for your classless post? How is that so hard to see?

    I would think the originator of the "Serious Police" would also look down upon pointless attacks against another poster. I hereby, throw my name in the hat when the next Serious Police Chief election comes around.

    "We will never agree about Jenna."

    I think, to an extent, we already do. But, will we ever agree that those who attacked her were in the wrong also? I doubt it.

    "I am glad to see the other members posted in support of your position."

    Is that why I posted this thread? To gain acceptance from the members here at CC.NET?



    Maybe some posters feel the need to have an opinion that everyone will agree with, and if they ever do have a differing opinion they make sure to keep it to themself and not ruffle any feathers. Well, I'm obviously not one of those people. I don't give a rat's ass if no one ever agrees with another one of my posts ever again. If that happened, it would probably lead to fewer and fewer posts over time, just because it wouldn't be as interesting or fun as it is now. But, that wouldn't stop me from coming here to get informed on the Rockets.

    There are relatively few members here that I would consider "friends", if I knew them outside ClutchCity. I have found that we have very similar ideas on a variety of subjects, not just basketball. To name a few (and possibly mark them with the 'scarlett letter' for associating with the outcast, DREAMer)


    But, then again, not all my friends agree with me all the time either.

    And to other members like: Clutch, BrianKagy, Will, etc. I probably ruined any chance of a friendship with my actions, not theirs. (HINT: I can be a real ass sometimes, and first impressions go a long way.)

    NOTE: To those of you (who are most likely few and far between) that feel they were unjustly left of my list o' friends. I am just typing this off the top of my head, and can't remember every member user name at this time. It is probably for the best, though seeing as how association with me could be the death knell for acheiving any high status as a quality poster.

    Carry on

    I have a dream.........his name's Hakeem.
  15. BobFinn*

    BobFinn* Contributing Member

    Feb 10, 2000
    Likes Received:
    I think a Cato for Sean Bradley trade would help the Rockets immensely. [​IMG]

    I had amnesia once or twice.
  16. Achebe

    Achebe Contributing Member

    Oct 26, 1999
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    She asked and she recieved.

    She will be a better person for everything she read, don't worry about it. If she weren't a girl, you'd see her for her arrogance. When I read Ace's post, I realized that she truly acts the part of the elitist. Did you not see her that way?

    Do you think it was of poor taste for all of the spirits to remind Scrooge to be thankful in 'the Christmas Carol'? That worked out well in the end and I'm sure that with the proper lambasting, and us making this a 30 reply post, everything will be okay.

    I thought there was nothing classless about Jenna's post (in this forum, not Rockets2K). If anyone is concerned about the shape of things, they should certainly raise their opinions. I thought that she was overreacting in her final post, but not without class.

  17. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    DREAMer - first, thanks for calling me a "friend" - very kind and I reciprocate.

    One note, however. You must not have cats. As many of you know, I have PLENTY and I can tell you that only about half of my male cats lost their sex drive and/or their agressiveness after they were neutered. This is certainly not to debate the substance of you issues with other posters regarding Jenna, just a point I thought I might make.

    Additionally, there may be posters here who are NOT male despite their names. I don't know who, but this is the internet after all.

    BTW: for those of you posting about Jenna and complaining...isn't the constant posting about her really just playing into what she wanted to begin with: attention? If you don't like what she said or how she behaved, wouldn't it be more productive just to ignore the post altogether? Just a thought.

    "No one gets out ALIVE!"
  18. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    You, the outcast?
    This is the only thread that I can recall with you in such a back and forth debate.

    Update, there was a thread about the decline in Dream's game and you had it going pretty strong in there also.

    I didn't orginate "Serious Police", someone else (Smeg?) did and I realized immediately they were talking about me.

    I have been in numerous skirmishes on this BBS and keep coming back for more.
    My IQ, reading ability, lack of humor and other parts of my being have been questioned several times on this fine BBS.

    Will I start a farewell thread because of the shots that have been directed at me so my "friends " can come out of the woodwork and give a hearty sendoff?
    Not my style to quit when the going gets rough.

    Just as there must be valleys so we can recognize the peaks, we can't have adoration all of the time.

    Have a nice day.



    Fiona Apple is a goddess. [​IMG]


    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood
  19. Ace

    Ace Contributing Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    DREAMer, if we go by your means you yourself should not have posted what you did in the first place? Why? Because it lacks class.
    According to you, how is what you're doing any different from what we did to Jenna before?
    I do not understand why it is wrong for us to point out what is clearly something that was not right on Jenna's part. How does that "lack class"?

    "If you don't like what she said or how she behaved, wouldn't it be more productive just to ignore the post altogether? Just a thought."

    Jeff, why do you even bother to post, then? If I was trying to catch anyone's attention, I would start my own thread labeled:
    "Please stop asking for attention, damn it!"

    In all seriousness, though, I think this "we should just ignore it" thing is getting out of hand.
    We should all stop posting, then. In fact, the whole BBS should be shut down. See where I am going?

    Fact is, whenever someone posts such a thing, someone else will come out and say "hey, you're just doing the same thing."
    Then, somebody else points out, "you realize what you just did, don't you? The same thing, also."
    This would then go on forever.

    DREAMer, you said this was not about Jenna. Well, you know what? It is. We cannot generalize here. You should have read the Comets post. Why? Because it is directly related to that which we are speaking of now. You cannot disagree with any of us unless you know about our reasons behind our complaints.

    You said that we shouldn't be bothered by her comments on the fact that she spoke to Leon, goes to Comets games, and has been to 10 All-Star games while hating it? This while all of us were at the time speaking of such things as if they were to be our dreams come true?
    Well, I guess that's you then. I certainly don't like it when people try to stick their luck in my face in such a manner. Surely, had she taken a different tone about it all I would not have reacted in such a way.

    Nederland 2000
    NBA+stupidity=Brand ROY
    NBA+common sense=Franchise MVP

    Houston Rockets Space Center- Not just another ClutchCity.NET clone. We're that and more!
  20. Mango

    Mango Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    Ace and Achebe,



    The Serious Police are watching

    Donate Blood

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