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I know we have been really dominant but..

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Samiam1234, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. Rockets4lf

    Rockets4lf Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    I rather have Harden control the ball 100% of the time. If harden dont do that, he dont do anything at all. Besides, harden is the best at it, sometimes better than paul because he can literally do everything.
  2. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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  3. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Rocket River
    Deuce, DonKnock, Reeko and 6 others like this.
  4. SirIvyLeague

    SirIvyLeague Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Nope, not Erick Jordon. Only chindler persons.

    D-rock likes this.
  5. brewer's goat

    brewer's goat Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    I think you're right, but there were multiple instances where Harden actively demanded the ball from CP3, and at one time CP3 even waved him off. When Harden has the ball in his hands, CP3 never demands the ball from him and just let him play. And the thing is, CP3 is just a better ball-handler/play-maker from an objective standpoint. Harden is also an objectively better scorer. So when those two are on the court together, Harden needs to look to score first by engaging in a lot of off-the-ball movements. He can still try to set-up his teammates, but that shouldn't be his main duty as long as CP3 is on the floor.
  6. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I definitely agree with what you're saying. I've posted a few times previously that I'd love Harden to just be Harden for 3.5 quarters, and then he gives the ball up to CP3 for the last 6 minutes to handle. That would make us infinitely better.

    Like I said, everything Harden has ever known whilst being a Rocket is 'I need the ball in my hands otherwise we don't have the best chance to win'.

    That mindset is going to take a while to get out of.

    Even though Harden has a high basketball IQ, CP3 has a much higher one. He knows this is Harden's team which is why he doesn't demand the ball off him in a blowout (my opinion at least).

    I think when it's winning time and in the Playoffs when defenses are ramping up you will see that fire within CP3 to get that ball into his hands.

    I didn't see CP3 waive Harden off, but if he did I love it. How many people would Harden actually let that slide with? That's a huge sign that Harden is willing to defer.

    They've only played 4 games together. Give them time. Let Harden learn from a few mistakes in the clutch when he turns it over again. He needs to see that CP3 having the ball in that moment instead of him is better for the team. He'll adjust. Harden always does.
    brewer's goat likes this.
  7. brewer's goat

    brewer's goat Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    CP3 accumulates just as many assists while not turning the ball over like a mad-man as Harden does. How is Harden better as a ball-handler/play-maker? Harden also doesn't have tight handles like CP3, which was evident in the last game.
  8. Rockets4lf

    Rockets4lf Member

    Feb 10, 2016
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    Harden can create open shots alot better than Paul because he can break down the defense alot easier attacking the basket.
    DonKnock likes this.
  9. brewer's goat

    brewer's goat Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    There are definitely things that Harden does better than CP3, but overall a lot of Harden's positives as a play-maker is offset by his tendency to carelessly turn the ball over. Because we are not a good transition defense team, a big chunk of Harden's turnovers end up as easy points for the opponents, and we can't really afford that when we're going against an elite team.
    saleem likes this.
  10. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    I don’t believe I have ever seen CP3 so happy. Chris is performing tricks like behind the back dribbling
    and spinning the ball in all sorts of manners near the free throw line at each game.

    I’m almost sure it was in this last telecasted game vs the Nuggets, where it was mentioned by a reporter
    of a short exchange (between the reporter and CP3):

    The reporter asked Chris Paul, “how he was getting along in Houston?

    Chris replied, “I haven’t had this much fun on the court since his college days.”

    I believe Bullard then said, “D’Antoni system has a way of doing that.”

    I don’t have a link; but im sure others heard that same story.
  11. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    this is perfectly OK both Harden demanding the ball and cp3 waving him off
    DonKnock, BigMaloe, vlaurelio and 2 others like this.
  12. Obito

    Obito Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    People are upset because you have an agenda when you post your trash. I’m sure if a respected poster would’ve given a more rational opinion concerning the same subject nobody would’ve said ****. But then again a rational respected poster wouldn’t of posted that opinion when we were winning by 35(?) at half. Do you think you’re real because you post the truth? You’re not, you’re incredibly misinformed and you formulate your arguments based off hate and assumptions.

    Paul will never be a better play maker than Harden.. he is a better ball handler. You act like you’re in Harden’s head & you’re assuming he won’t adapt like he hasn’t ****ing done that his whole career. Like the majority of rational posters have said, if there is a situation concerning this theory, give it more time, they’ve played four regular season games together.

    This are simple things.
  13. SirIvyLeague

    SirIvyLeague Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    That's great. But the real test is when adversity hits.

  14. brewer's goat

    brewer's goat Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    How many times are people gonna use this stupid argument? The fact that we were winning doesn't change the fact that there were some troubling signs from Harden in terms of his willingness to defer. Any team can win games big based on pure talent or with hot shooting. It doesn't mean every single aspect of that game went perfect.

    Ask any basketball experts around the league as to who is better play-maker. I dare you.
  15. ApacheWarrior

    ApacheWarrior Member

    Aug 3, 2017
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    It normally takes new starter(s) about 3 weeks to get incorporated into a new team and it’s system

    Cavs have started clicking with new parts just recently (month into the season)

    OKC have failed; but are starting to get it this week (over a month into the season)

    Butler with Minny is kinda just there

    Warriors incorporating Casspi and Nick Young may or may not be clicking now

    The really promising ones are how quickly Boston and Houston developed with new players:
    Luc Mbah a Moute, TJ Tucker, T Black, and a CP3 who has missed most of the season.
    He has been back for 3 games (Suns, Grizz and Nuggets)......still room for growth.
    Helps if EGo and Ryan are there to help timing and allowing CP3 to learn exactly where they
    like the ball on the court.

    Clippers are an example how it is not working......Rockets have had injuries as well
    DonKnock and D-rock like this.
  16. RiceRockets

    RiceRockets Member

    Oct 22, 2010
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    You are a goat.
  17. Obito

    Obito Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    The irony is that I can't count the times that someone ask this question about one of your arguments.

    Winning and success are relative, the fact that we were not only winning, but by a large amount should turn on a little light bulb above your head with a thought stating "hey there was one or two plays that there was some confusion on the primary ball handling duties but the large incredibly vast majority of things are going well so let me know worry about it until a larger situation arises, it's only been 4 games".


    649 posts in the game thread and not one person brought it up during the game, except you, but we're the stupid ones?

    I'm not going to sit here and argue about two players that I love & who is better at what. The same way that you can factor the turnovers as a means to improve your argument about who's a better play-maker, one can also bring up the argument of durability and that an actual requirement when it comes to play-making, is actually playing. I'm not even going to talk about minutes.

    We have two great play-makers that have varieties and varieties and varieties of ways of finding a basket, the only constant with posters like you is that you seem to be the only ones that can't understand that these two guys, who have been the primary ball handlers for most of their careers, need to both adapt to also playing off the ball, that will simply not happen in four games.

    Read the italicized text over and over again your head until something pop ups, then we can have a conversation.
    DonKnock, Rocket River and BigMaloe like this.
  18. brewer's goat

    brewer's goat Member

    Mar 29, 2016
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    In order for this team to go to where they want to go, it is crucial for Harden to trust CP3 as the main ball-handler/play-maker. Harden should be the secondary, not primary, PG on this team, as any common sense basketball analyst will point out. What I saw from Harden from last night was that he wanted to play an even role as the primary play-maker on this team, and it just didn't work out well as he committed 7 turnovers in just 3Qs. That means he could've had 10 by the 4th, and you're telling me that's not a problem going forward?

    This is the same **** that people were saying last year that Harden TOVs are not an issue because we were winning these meaningless games during RS, and what happened in the playoffs?
    #58 brewer's goat, Nov 23, 2017
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  19. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    lol @ the people drawing conclusions like "CP3 is clearly the superior distributor" after basically one subpar game from Harden where we blew out the other team.

    TOs are terrible way to evaluate Harden. While he obviously has more than CP3, he also generates more FTs and finishes more around the basket. Both tend to pick and prod at the defense, but Harden forces the action more.
    DonKnock, BigMaloe and Obito like this.
  20. apollo33

    apollo33 Member

    Feb 27, 2009
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    nice one game sample size by the way, what about the other games he played this year where he was the main ball handler, it's not like he averages 7 TO's a game this season.
    Obito likes this.

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