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the futants
Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2017 at 8:02 AM
Jul 26, 2002
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Oct 15, 1970 (Age: 54)
Home Page:
Austin, TX
Operations Manager--wine importing industry.

the futants

Member, 54, from Austin, TX

the futants was last seen:
Oct 10, 2017
    1. leroy
      ****. Sorry about that. I knew that, too. Definitely a bummer about the Texans but it's nice knowing they'll likely be back and stronger.
    2. leroy
      Saw Cannon was moving up. You guys will like Mrs. Lisa. She was my oldest's favorite teacher there.
    3. leroy
      Good to meet you, too. Yeah, my 5-yr old gets bored quick so I was keeping him busy. Did ya'll get the email that Ms. Laura is gone? She was a nice teacher and seemed to really enjoy the kids. Never sure exactly what happens there. It's been like that for the last 5+ years.

      I'm sure we'll see each other again soon...
    4. leroy
      Are you going to ACL? Should be hooking up with Groogrux out there again...
    5. leroy
      SO IS MY SON. He turned 2 in June and moved in there shortly thereafter. 2nd time thought with Ms. Stacy. What is your son's name? Our's is Josef. Send me an email through the board. I'm sure we'll be at some birthday parties together at some point.
    6. leroy
      My youngest is in TASB day care, too...in the 2-yr old room. My oldest just finished in May and is now in Kinder. Do you guys have a connection to TASB or just in as a community member?
    7. the futants
      the futants
      Ha! Well...I'm so far out of the loop at this stage of my life (married, 40, with kid, etc) that I would not be the person to ask.
      That said, I do still have a few fingers in the scene via friends who own bars/venues around town and whatnot. I don't know of any real "scene" involving anything that would approximate "industrial" at all. There are some electro things happening everywhere, though.
    8. mikol13
      Was wanting to ask you if there is any kind of electro/industrial scene at all in Austin. Whatever happened to Auschwitz/Terminal 46?
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  • About

    Oct 15, 1970 (Age: 54)
    Home Page:
    Austin, TX
    Operations Manager--wine importing industry.
    born: Brownwood, TX. lived in Houston: 1977-1991. lived in Austin: 1991-present. UT grad. class of '94.

    skate/snowboarding, music (listening and playing drums.)


    pound sauce.
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