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jump shooter
Last Activity:
Jul 1, 2022 at 4:21 PM
Mar 14, 2000
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Home Page:
brownsville tx

jump shooter

Member, from brownsville tx

jump shooter was last seen:
Jul 1, 2022
    1. 959sz
      Sorry for disturbing you.I 'm a Moses Malone&Barkley fan from China.I love 1981 rockets&1997-1999 rockets too much.I know you watch Rockets game for long years.
      I have a question about Moses and Olajuwon.In your opinion,who is the better player?

      I think Moses is better offencer&rebounder,but Hakeem is better defender.
      And Moses is better a little on drawing foul&FT.
      I had watched 5 or 6 games copy between Moses&Hakeem during 1985-1990,I believe you watch a ton of game for this matchup.So can you talking about something about this?
      Thanks very much.
    2. DaDakota
      Just email me through the board: eric.peterson@feverpitchstudios.com
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    brownsville tx
    still play basketball, played in college, big rocket fan cause Del Harris testified for me in court over a basketball case

    big basketball fan and golfer
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