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Doc Rocket
Last Activity:
Jul 1, 2023 at 2:10 PM
May 16, 2000
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Doc Rocket

Member, from HTOWN

Doc Rocket was last seen:
Jul 1, 2023
    1. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy Holidaze, Doc! Cheers to the best in the business!
    2. i3artow i3aller
    3. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller
    4. i3artow i3aller
    5. Tonaaayyyy

      I have to ask you out of curiosity.... Are you Keith Jones? If so, your secret is good with me. I'm just a huge fan and I actually met Keith Jones today at the grocery store and thought it was very cool.

      Thanks.. BTW, even if you're not Keith Jones... It would be great to hear from you again on the board. The true members here value your insights and sporadic words of mystery and facts of inside sources.

      Thanks again.
    6. jocar
      If you stop posting, the terrorists have won! If you can't stay for yourself, at least stay for your country *cue star spangled banner*
    7. megastahr
    8. megastahr
      Hey do you think it is possible get both dh12 and cp3

      I know your predicting we go hard for dh12 from what I could get from your posts.

      Loyal doc supporter!
    9. mario_v
      Doc, please give us another clue! What have you heard from the rockets?
    10. Louka
      Doc! Where are you?! It's almost time for your show!
    11. DaneB
      Have you been seeing or hearing anything behind the scenes that you can share?
    12. megastahr
      Hey ...I dont know if you can look through the threads but I have been defending you and actually said "in your defence" exactly what you said...about if morey himself was doc rocket he could have posted what you did and been wrong...First no one though Thomas Robinson was going to drop...messed up everything..
      Lowry was suppose to go to toronto...he did...were still giving those 2 or 3 draft picks(we just drafted players)

      Follow me on twitter! lol @megastahr
    13. Curly
      Enjoyed trying to figure out your posts...keep 'em coming. You might not be a '99er, but close enough! Ha!
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