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Last Activity:
Jul 3, 2024 at 10:46 AM
Feb 22, 2002
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Jul 2, 1958 (Age: 66)
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Member, 66

NewRoxFan was last seen:
Jul 3, 2024
    1. IBTL
      been meaning to thank you for your posts. I often come to cf and look for your posts as a way to stay informed and update. Sure i like you because I agree with you haha but keep it coming! Cheers stay safe
    2. mdrowe00
      ...from the beginning, Donald Trump was only interested in how much money he could get from posing as a presidential candidate. He got marked in his own con there (major no-no for a conman), but again: better be careful when you go around digging holes to bury people in (like Barack Obama)...because you're likely to end up in that hole yourself. --mdrowe00
    3. mdrowe00
      ...becoming more and more obvious why Robert Mueller sent so much of this part of his investigation down to the SDNY. The Federal Law is too tangled a knot to identify anything that constitutes "criminal enterprise"...despite how scurrilous the behaviors between Trump and Russia have been. --mdrowe00
    4. mdrowe00
      ...probably have heard this from more than a few people here...but I wanted to personally thank you for your diligence and persistence in posting these reports. The difference between "propaganda" and journalism is not narrative, but corroborative, sequential presentation of fact. Well done. --mdrowe00
    5. mdrowe00
      Exactly right. Worthwhile people tend to gravitate toward worthwhile causes. --mdrowe00
    6. mdrowe00
      ...remind me to tell everybody about how Nazi Germany got started...keep tilting at those windmills, friend.... --mdrowe00
    7. mdrowe00
      You, know, I gotta say...I admire your dedication to debating with so many of these vapid, nonsensical posters here. I don't do it nearly as much myself as I probably should (especially with Herr Capitan growing bananas for the republic)...but nice to know some of us just have to call a spade a spade (inside Negro humor there)... --mdrowe00
      1. NewRoxFan
        Thanks for the kind recognition. I occasionally get frustrated and think I am tilting at windmills but most of the time I don't let it get to me. There are a few on ignore though, more a result of their style than their positions. Hopefully you post more; always enjoy reading your posts.
        May 16, 2017
        IBTL likes this.
    8. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Welcome to the Clutch Community!
    9. dandorotik
      I feel for you. I would continue to look for opportunities. I work in the careers industry and am a Nationally Certified Resume Writer and published author. Send me your existing resume and I will provide recommendations for improvement, if any are needed, free of charge. Business email is dan@100percentresumes.com; personal email is dandorotik@gmail.com- you can use either one.
      1. IBTL likes this.
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    Jul 2, 1958 (Age: 66)
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