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Rockets still showing interest..

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Bezzle, Jul 28, 2015.

  1. Verbal Christ

    Verbal Christ Member

    Feb 20, 2009
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    Boozer gets punked in the paint, not that defense was ever his strength, but dude don't even try anymore. Offense isn't the Rockets problem, keeping teams under 110 points is.
  2. Scolalist

    Scolalist Member

    Jul 18, 2010
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    Would rather have any three of DMo, Jones or Harrell than Boozer. Let Dallas blow more money
  3. mockster

    mockster Member

    May 4, 2013
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    Boozer would be awesome as our third PF and at times back up C. He's a reliable rebounder, has a mid range shot and a decent post game. He's not great on defense but yeah better then chuck wagon
  4. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    If it was 2012 I would agree. However Morey should have proved to us last year that this philosophy is outdated given the Rockets current circumstances.

    As I stated above, Morey gave up 4 picks for a Brewer/Prigioni rental because they had value to the team on the court which seemed to outweigh what Morey believed the value of those picks would be.

    People need to stop worrying about 2016 free agency, and just look in a vacuum of what player is better.

    A. Jones on a 1 year deal, or Boozer on a 1 year deal?


    B. Jones for one year, or a top 15 protected first round pick and Boozer for a 1 year deal?

    -and lastly... (and most likely)....

    C. Jones on a 1 year deal, or a future 2nd round pick & Boozer on a 1 year deal?

    You can't worry about free agency with your players at this stage of the game as Morey has shown to a certain extent. Look at the value Jones and D-mo as well give you on a 1 year 2.5 mil contract respectively with THE OPTION to also match an offer next Summer in free agency.

    Even if you let Jones or D-Mo walk for nothing next Summer, you probably still got better value for them on 1 year contracts than you are with whatever that pick turns out to be unless its flipped for a star player which is doubtful given their probably value. Keep in mind that Boston just tried to offer FOUR late first round picks just to move up in the draft to #9, and even that was rejected.
  5. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Yeah. I just was wondering if that scares anyone. It kind of does, but I trust Morey to do what he always does in removing those comfort foods if he feels the team will take a bigger step forward with the younger guys getting PT.
  6. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Agreed. That's why a trade is most likely coming. And it MIGHT even involve Harrell. But it most likely will involve Terrence.

    The other consideration here is the fact that if they sign Harrell to a 3-year deal using part of the MLE, then we are locked in with the hard cap at $88.74 million.

    The Celts just gave Jordan Mickey a 4-year deal with a starting salary at $1.17 million. Harrell was drafted a spot above Mickey. So, if we give Harrell the same deal that Mickey got and then sign Hayes and Jet to minimum salary deals, we're at $88.3 million with the hard cap at $88.74 million. What that essentially means is any trades we make after that we have no salary variance. We have to send out as much or more salary than what we receive back. That limits our trade flexibility significantly. If for instance Durant does become available mid-season we've got to convince OKC to take on more salary than they send out. And they're already in the luxury tax and would be looking to escape the luxury tax or at the very least lower their luxury tax significantly in any trade of Durant.

    Now you say, "That won't happen. They aren't trading Durant." Yack yack yack. That's meaningless. You don't know what they're going to do if their back is against the wall with KD informing them to trade them because he's leaving. And I'm just using the obvious case to illustrate how limiting the apron hard cap can be on us with trades during the season.

    The fact of the matter is most midseason trades occur between a good team looking to get better and a bad team looking to DUMP salary. If we're hard-capped, we can't take on salary dumps to get a player we want.

    There's no way you can say you'd take Jones over Boozer every day if we're playing the Clippers or Grizzlies (or any number of other playoff teams) in a 7-game series. Terrence was the absolute WORST rebounding big man in last year's playoffs. And he couldn't defend effectively nor could he shoot efficiently. If you have to go to war in a 7-game playoff series against a playoff team you take Boozer every day over Terrence. Not even close.
  7. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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  8. photojoe

    photojoe Member

    Jul 2, 2013
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    A TJ one year rental is definitely, absolutely, positively better than a one-year Boozer rental.
  9. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Do you think a one year TJ rental better than a one-year Boozer rental plus a decent 2nd round pick?
  10. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    I think Jones can net a 1st IMO.

    If a Prigioni rental nets you two 2nd's, there's no reason why Jones won't net you at least 1st, if not at least 2 decent 2nd's him self.
  11. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    Yes, but you are forgetting one major thing.... Need.

    At the time, the Rockets, a contender, were in desperate NEED of PG help especially due to their starter going down in a season ending injury. There is also reason to crackpot theorize that there were other intentions as well in targeting Prigioni.... like his relationship & connection with Sergio Llull.

    Find me a team with that sort of desperate need at PF, and then let's look at what kind of picks they have to offer.
  12. baller4life315

    Sep 2, 2003
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    Let's not kid ourselves here. If Boozer spent his entire career playing in somewhere like Toronto, just about every single one of you here would be like, "Yeah, he can still play. For the vet minimum, why not?".

    Trade or no trade, I'm interested. He's not a bad option to have off of your bench. Plus, we have plenty of "intangibles" type role players; guys that make contributions that don't show up in box scores (Bev, Ariza, D-Mo, etc). Why can't there be room for a "tangibles" type role player like Boozer too, that's going to score and rebound the hell out of the ball?
  13. Ns575

    Ns575 Member

    Feb 16, 2015
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    Y'all would love to have Terry back but he's 5 years older than Boozer. Y'all b**** about FT shooting and he can hover around 70%. 12 points and 7 RB per game last year. If we don't give up anything for him I'll welcome him.
  14. Jontro

    Jontro Member

    Feb 3, 2010
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  15. Nimo

    Nimo Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    HayesFan faints
  16. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    Truth. The same master prognosticator that swore he'd leave the board forever if Romney didn't beat Obama, so sure he was that every poll was wrong. Being right about things is not homeboy's strong suit.
  17. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Just say no to Boozer, Daryl. Pretty please?
  18. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    if we were to salary dump tjones and then replace him with boozer, that would be a stain on this franchise.
  19. Batman Jones

    Batman Jones Member

    Sep 9, 1999
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    I think it might behoove us to keep both guys in the season they're both playing for contracts. The D-Mo/Jones debate is unsettled and I anticipate one if not both will have a breakout year. D-Mo made a breakthrough last year and I'm sure he's eager to build on it and will be driven by the frustration of coming so far only to miss the playoffs. Jones had what had to be one of the most frustrating seasons in the league last year, having worked so hard to improve in the offseason and going down almost immediately to one freak injury only to work his way back into the starting lineup and average a double double over 7 games or so before going down to another freak injury. He also made a breakthrough last year but the freak injury gods kept slapping him down.

    How good of a problem would it be to have both of these guys, fighting it out to be the guy that gets the big contract? No player is ever so motivated to excel than he is in a contract year and we have two very young guys that are both primed for a real leap forward.
  20. dram1

    dram1 Member

    Oct 15, 2002
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    Id let the bulls top 20 protect a 1st rounder for 3 years then make it unprotected on the 4th year. T Jones is still putting up decent numbers. Yes he did a little David Blane act in the playoffs making himself disappear.But his overall production was at least worth a 20's 1st rounder. At least with TJones you know what he can do.

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