Yes, and presumably because it creates terror. Attacking people when they are most relaxed and vulnerable, thus worrying theater-goers across the nation that they might be next.
I don't understand why they're suppressing his name. They didn't suppress the TN shooter's name. I guarantee that if this guy was Muslim, his name and picture would be plastered all over the media and internet.
Even though I'm a Democrat I'm starting to really believe in the death penalty. That Dylan Roof guy and the guy from the other theater shooting should both already be dead. It would send a clear message. Instead they are superstars all over the media. From now on we shouldn't say their names and just put them to death regardless of race.
Your rant is false. There is very little reluctance to send whites or blacks to jail for murder; we've been doing so long before Muslims were ever a meaningful portion of the general or criminal population.
What a piece of ****. Just walk in and shoot random innocent people. And he took the coward's way out. Just sad and pathetic.
James Holmes went to jail and is on trial for his life. Dylann Roof is in prison and will face the same. McVeigh was put to death. History doesn't really support your take.
I guess it's time to maybe start sitting in the back where you have a better viewpoint and are near the exit. You can't even sit in a theater without worrying about some idiot who will shoot you for no good reason from behind while you are watching a movie. He seems like a copycat because it's like 3 years and a week since the Holmes shooting?
Terrible and this type of things happens all too often. As far as suppressing his name I understand not wanting to give a killer publicity but his name is an important part of the story.
Not a thug I suppose. Let's see what mental problem this white guy has to have. Let's try to understand the murderer since he looks like such a normal guy.
To those bringing up mental illness because he is white, or if he was Muslim, he'd get the death penalty and etc...are actually and unintentionally further fueling the narrative from the media that you are decrying against.
So we have republicans talking about how we need to pass Kate's Law because a white lady got murdered by an illegal alien but when 50 people get shot in a movie theater by white guys NOTHING happens!
Sad to hear that two victims died from this. Don't know what else to say other than it's just sad. Always a bad sign.
So he's a terrorist right? If the recruitment center shooting was considered terrorism how can this not be?